The design space in which a designer seeks to solve a problem is the set of decisions to be made about the designed artifact together with the alternative choices for these decisions. A representation of a design space is one of the static textual or graphical forms in which a particular design space – or a subset of that space – may be rendered. Activation | ## reader pull | ## sender push Privacy | ## private | ## public Authorship | ## solo | ## shared Design Spaces Mary Shaw, October 2010
A Design Space for Adaptation • Can we identify the design decisions we make (implicitly or explicitly) when creating the actual adaptation code? • What decisions must be made, what are the choices for each? • These decisions often create a feedback loop • How can we be sure the feedback loop is complete? • What other alternatives are there for adaptation? • Homeostasis, equilibrium, …?
Space for Adaptive Techniques(strawman for discussion) How is target (desired) system state represented? [fixed, formula, bounds, objective fcn, implicit in code, etc] What information is used to determine current state? [external data, internal data, both, implicit, etc] How does system determine state from that info? [direct measurement, inference from proxy, etc] How does system cause adaptation to happen? [modify data, call procedure, start new process, etc] How does system decide what change to make? [constant, proportional, PID, ad hoc, utility function, etc]