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Gentrification. Gentrification. Used by the first time from Ruth Glass in 1964 to define the entry of the middle class in working class neighbourhood in London. Because gentrification happens 4 factors are requested to happen simultaneously :

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  1. Gentrification

  2. Gentrification Used by the first time from Ruth Glass in 1964 to define the entry of the middle class in workingclassneighbourhood in London.

  3. Becausegentrificationhappens 4 factors are requested to happensimultaneously: Morphologicalreorganization or the city with the substitution of a social group with another in the city center or close to; A spatialgrouping of individuals with similarlifestyles and cultural features or with similarconsumptionbiasatleast; A trasformation of the builtenvironment, with the arising of new services and a residentialrequalification A changement in the estate assetthatdetermines a rise of the landprice and an increasing of homeownership.

  4. How gentrificationstarts? • Specificcharacteristics of a neighbourhood (position, householdcomposition, connections, lowrents…) • Gentrifiersstart to move in theseneighbourhoodalongside with theirlifestyle (consumptionhabits, needs, practices, activities…) • Commercial activitiespromotingdifferentproducts, differentstyles and addressingdifferentcustomerscompared the formerones • Rise of the landvalue, housingvalue and commercial shop values attraction for investiment • Second phase of gentrification: real estate investors, policies….

  5. Theories/Debate SUPPLY SIDE DEMAND SIDE


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