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Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD

Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD. I. ADHD No Comorbidity. Medication alone proved effective 1.

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Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD

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  1. Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD I. ADHD No Comorbidity Medication alone proved effective1 Summary of data on MTA study from: Forness, S.R., Kavale, K.A. (2001) Ignoring the odds: Hazards of not adding the new medical model to special education decisions. Behavior Disorders 26(4) 269-281. 1Outcomes of a full standard deviation improvement, .8 or greater Diana Browning Wright, Behavior/Discipline Trainings, 2002

  2. MTA STUDY II. ADHD + Anxiety or Depressive Disorder either Effective Medication Management Behavioral Treatment Responded Well1 Summary of data on MTA study from: Forness, S.R., Kavale, K.A. (2001) Ignoring the odds: Hazards of not adding the new medical model to special education decisions. Behavior Disorders 26(4) 269-281. 1Outcomes of a full standard deviation improvement, .8 or greater Diana Browning Wright, Behavior/Discipline Trainings, 2002

  3. MTA STUDY III. ADHD + ODD/CD Combined therapies only proved effective (Medication/Behavioral) responded “relatively well”2 Summary of data on MTA study from: Forness, S.R., Kavale, K.A. (2001) Ignoring the odds: Hazards of not adding the new medical model to special education decisions. Behavior Disorders 26(4) 269-281. 2Outcomes of .4 improvement Diana Browning Wright, Behavior/Discipline Trainings, 2002

  4. MTA STUDY IV. ADHD + Anxiety or Depression + ODD/CD Responded only partially to combined treatment3 Summary of data on MTA study from: Forness, S.R., Kavale, K.A. (2001) Ignoring the odds: Hazards of not adding the new medical model to special education decisions. Behavior Disorders 26(4) 269-281. 3Statistically significant, but not clinically significant change Diana Browning Wright, Behavior/Discipline Trainings, 2002

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