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E-Infraestructure shared between Europe and Latin America. Reunión Red Ibérica MM5 26-27 Abril 2007 Aveiro, Portugal. GRID distributed computation of nested climate simulations. The project. www.eu- EELA .org.
E-Infraestructure shared between Europe and Latin America Reunión Red Ibérica MM5 26-27 Abril 2007 Aveiro, Portugal GRID distributed computation of nested climate simulations. The project www.eu-EELA.org EELA is a project funded by the European Union under contract 026409 Grupo de Meteorología Aplicada Universidad de Cantabria/Instituto de Física de Cantabria http://www.meteo.unican.es Antonio S. Cofiño antonio.cofino@unican.es
GRID Computing Applications draw computing power from a Computational Grid in the same way electrical devices draw power from an electrical grid
GRID Computing • Developed in the mid-90 • Use of distributed, heterogeneous, dynamic and, usually, parallel computational resources. • Middleware and standard software to build applications (Globus Toolkit, OGSA, …) • Several research projects (and comercial products) developing this technology. Applications draw computing power from a Computational Grid in the same way electrical devices draw power from an electrical grid
EELA Goals E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America • Goal: To build a bridge between consolidated e-Infrastructure initiatives in Europe and emerging ones in Latin America. • Objectives: • Establish a human collaboration network between Europe and Latin America • Setting a pilot e-infrastructure in Latin America • Identifying and promoting a sustainable framework for e-Science in Latin America
EELA structure EELA is structured in four Working Packages: • WP1. Project administrative and technical management • WP2. Pilot testbed operation and support • WP3. Identification and support of Grid-enhanced applications • Task 3.1. Biomed Applications • Task 3.2. High Energy Physics Applications • Task 3.3. Additional Applications: • E-Learning • Climate • WP4. Dissemination activities
EU Spain: CIEMAT, CSIC, UPV, RED.ES, UC Italy: INFN Portugal: LIP Latin America Venezuela: ULA Cuba: CUBAENERGIA Chile: UTFSM, REUNA, UDEC Peru: SENAMHI Mexico: UNAM Argentina: UNLP Brazil: UFRJ, CNEN, CECIERJ/CEDERJ, RNP, UFF International CLARA CERN Partners
WP 3.3b. Climate We deal with a climate challenge with huge socio-economical impact in Latin America: El Niño phenomenon. The Grid helps to access the infrastructure and know-how in a user-friendly way. Three different applications have been identified: • Global atmospheric circulation model (CAM) deployed! • Regional weather model (WRF) deployed! • Datamining clustering tools (SOM) Scientific challenge: High resolution regional simulations over Latin American regions for El Niño 1982-1983 and 1997-98 strong events. Comparison with historical local data, including sensitivity studies to SST and parameterizations. The problem is well suited for its execution on the Grid since many independent simulations will be needed.
Computational challenge Challenging computational problem with nontrivial dependent relationships among the applications. A cascade of dynamic dependent jobs is adopted. The cascade of applications interacts with the middleware to: • Prepare and submit dependent jobs. • Store and retrieve the generated data sets (data sharing). • Manage metadata (for the data sets and application status). • Restarting broken experiments SOM WRF (par 1) CAM SOM WRF (par 2) … … SOM WRF (par n) SST + other forcings SE SE SE SE SE SE SE
CAM & WRF The Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) and the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) models are state-of-the-art atmosphere (global and regional) models developed at NCAR. Output format: NetCDF CAM: FORTRAN90 system() calls were introduced into the model to make it move data and status info to the Grid catalogs (LFC and AMGA) WRF: The model does not yet interact with the middleware. Although it runs in the Grid testbed, it is not yet coupled to CAM.
Current status Using GENIUS to interact with the applications (CAM+WRF). In the future a climate specific portal will be developed (JSR168) to run and track scientific experiments.
The CAM namelist needs to be prepared and provided here by the user. (not very user-friendly, yet)
&camexp absems_data = ‘lfn:/grid/eela/.../abs_ems_factors.nc‘ aeroptics = ‘lfn:/grid/eela/.../AerosolOptics.nc‘ bnd_topo = ‘lfn:/grid/eela/.../topo-from-cami.nc‘ bndtvaer = ‘lfn:/grid/eela/.../AerosolMass.nc' bndtvo = 'lfn:/grid/eela/.../pcmdio3.nc‘ bndtvs = 'lfn:/grid/eela/.../sst_HadOIBl.nc' caseid = 'nino82d' iyear_ad = 1982 start_ymd = 19820101 ncdata = 'lfn:/grid/eela/.../cami.nc‘ mfilt = 1,4,1 ...
Currently, the regions are prepared off-line and uploaded to the LFC.
All CAM simulations are available for regionalization with WRF, but the coupler CAM -> WRF is NOT yet implemented
However, we have other input data sets for WRF available in the catalog.
The output file can be downloaded in NetCDF format or accessed via a THREDDS or OpenDAP aware application.
For instance, the toolsUI java application from Unidata can load the OpenDAP (DODS) address and access only the requested portions of the data
NOAA provides user-friendly access to setup regional domains for WRF
This Java Web Start application could in the future be launched from our web portal as starting point to design a regional simulation