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An introduction to professional learning networks. www.joedale.typepad.com. joedale@talk21.com. Links survey 1 in 4 find CPD hard to access. Language Trends Survey. The networked teacher. Personal Learning Networks?. Coming to terms with Twitter.
An introduction to professional learning networks www.joedale.typepad.com joedale@talk21.com
Coming to terms with Twitter ‘What started as a few language teachers 'tweeting' about what they were doing has become well over 100 from around the world. It's quite hard to comprehend having a virtual staffroom of that many people with good ideas and opinions. It has led to teachers publicising articles on their blogs which ordinarily I wouldn't have seen, I find out about events for professional development that I wouldn't have known about, and it has, without doubt put me into contact with some very influential educationalists who have taken time to give me guidance and advice. Coming to terms with Twitter - Alex Blagona April 2010
Making lists http://twitter.com/joedale/mfl-twitterers http://twitter.com//joedale/wl-twitterers
A few top tips • Be positive and supportive • Think before you tweet • Don't try to read everyone's tweets • Filter content with lists • Take the 10 minute challenge!
Online communities http://dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/mflresources/?v=1&t=directory&ch=web&pub=groups&sec=dir&slk=2 http://community.tes.co.uk/forums/28.aspx http://primarymfl.ning.com/ https://www.mailtalk.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=linguanet-forum
Finding edapps #edapp
Findings • Britons overwhelmingly viewed new technology such as mobile phones and social networks as a positive thing • 38 per cent of 10-14 year olds felt that too much of it could be upsetting • 34 per cent of 25-34 year olds reported feeling similarly. • Young people, however, did not say that they favoured digital communication over face-to-face. • 65 per cent of adults said they preferred communicating in person, the same was also true for 64 per cent of children.
The Mother of Invention - Make do and mend teachers should develop their own personal learning network (PLN) using blogs, forums and social networking tools like Twitter. "There's a strong, vibrant, supportive community of teachers on Twitter, with many of them sharing resources and ideas," Joe Dale 2011
An introduction to professional learning networks www.joedale.typepad.com joedale@talk21.com