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Guidance on CLLD for local actors Key messages Paul Soto. Aims of the guidance. Target:- potential new and old partnerships ( builds on 1st guidance for MAs ) Aims To encourage demand by ESF and ERDF
Aims of the guidance • Target:- potentialnew and oldpartnerships (builds on 1st guidance for MAs) • Aims • To encourage demand by ESF and ERDF • To help 2600 existingspartnershipsadapt to a) a verydifferentexternalenvironmentand b) the opportunities in the new Regulation • To provideexamples of how to makethingssimpler, faster and safer and how to coordinatebetweenfunds. • Not legallybinding but has the weight of 4 DGs. A practicalmanual.
Content of theguidance • Why CLLD? • How to launch CLLD in 8 basicsteps? • How to support CLLD partnershipsrespond to the new challenges • Whyand how to carryout CLLD in cities? • Whyand howtocarryout CLLD for social inclusion? • How to coordinatewithotherfunds? • How to make CLLD safer, faster and easierforLAGs?
Sevenreasons(derivedmainlyfrom A32) • CLLD putspeoplefacing a challenge in thedrivingseat • It is the only EU wide programme wherestrategiesdesigned and projectsselected by local people • No one partnercontrols (49% rule). Strengthenedrole for private and civil society (at least 50% votes) 2-7.But this has to lead to clearresults at local level. • Responding to diversity • More flexibility • Builds linkages and levers • Results in change and innovation • Networking and coordination (support but no straight-jackets) • Financiallyattrractive (long term+ 25% animation +10% confinance
How to launch CLLD in 8 basic steps Decidewhatyouwant to change (S) Build alliances to help that change (P) Defineappropriateboundaries (A) Prepare a strategybased on local needs (S) Agree on partnership structure and roles (P) Adjustboundaries (A) Prepare an action plan and funding application (S) Create a system for periodicreview, evaluation and refreshing (S)
Key challenge – finding right the balance Centralisation More focus Concentration Narrow scope and eligibility Demarcation Broad scope and eligibility Speed/flexibility/results V Accountability/responsibility Delegation Respondingto local needs
Balancing top down and bottom up Whatisthe role of CLLD in achievingstrategicobjectives? Whattypes of strategies, partnerships and áreas (criteria) What do youwant to achieve/change at local level? Who are thebestallies? Overwhicharea? (boundaries)
New challenges since 2007. • Continuing challenges of globalisation, aging, migration, environmentalsustainability, growinginequality… • Crisismeanssome EU 2020 targets are furtheraway (jobs -need 16m increase in employment + 30m reduction in poverty, one thirdincrease in R+D.....) • Europe has started to diverge. Greaterneed for tailor made responses. • Citizens are responding in differentways and CLLD needs to adaptwith speed and flexibility to local needs. • Commission istrying to strengthen certain elements of CLLD whichcan help it do this. • By strengthening a) the strategies (A33) and b) the partnerships (A34)
Focusonwhatyouwant to changeorachieve. • Court of Auditors: “Local strategiesshould be at theheart of the LEADER aproach”….butmanystategies “serve as little more thananapplication to the MA forfunding”… “objectives are notspecific, measurableorachievablewithin a set time frame”. • CommonProvisionsRegulation(A33.1): “A CLLD strategyshallcontain at leastthe followingelements…c)a hierarchy of objectives, includingmeasurable targets for outputs or results” • A hierarchy of objectives. Not a wishlist. Priorities+ targets agreedwiththecommunityon where CLLD can have máximum impact • SMART objectives. Not general principles: fishermentrained, qualityschemesestablished, jobscreatedforfishingfamililies, pescatourismvisitors • Action plan + financial plan • Buthow to be focussedand flexible? How to respond to risk and change?
Buildinglearningintoimplementation • CommonProvisionsRegulation (A33.1): “A CLLD strategyshallcontain at leastthefollowingelements…d) a description of themanagement and monitoringarrangements of thestrategy….and a description of thespecificarrangementsforevaluation.” • Includea plan formonitoring and evaluationin thestrategy • Not as an extra administrativeburden • But as a procedureforthe FLAG to learnfromwhatisworking and notworking and responding to changingcircumstances. Incorporatethisflexibility.
Othermeasures to improvestrategies. • Coherencewith programmes – but flexibility + broad scope withinmonofund programmes • Strengthencommunityinvolvement (evidence at all stages) • Definition of areas – top down frameworks – bottom up boundaries. 10-150,000
The Commission aims to strengthen local partnerships • Minimum tasks of FLAG – clarifylevelof delegation • Preparing and publishing calls for proposals • Selectingoperations and fixing the amount of support • Reinforcerole of privatesector and civil society (49% and 50% rules) • Streamlinedcooperationprocedures (preferrably local if not continous or veryregular) • Strengthencapacitybuilding and projectdevelopment
Strongeranimation and capacitybuilding. • The EC: FLAGs are notjustdecentralisedofficesfordeliveringfundsdecidedelsewhere. Theaddedvalue comes fromanimating and developingbetterquality local projects. • CPR A34.3: “Thetasks of the local actiongroupsshallinclude: a) buildingthecapacity of local actorsto develop and implement operationsincludingtheirproject managementcapabilities” • CPR A35.1.“Support fromtheESI fundsconcernedfor CLLD shallcover: a) thecosts of preparatorysupportconsisting of capacitybuilding, training, and networking… • CPR A.35.2 . 25% forrunningcosts and animation. Ensure total budgetissufficient. Ifnotpiggy back.
Developinghigherqualityprojects Support at differentstages of theprojectcycleeg: • Ideasidentification and animation • Assemblingorbringingtogether stakeholderswithdifferentinterests • Project engineering– markets, economic and financialviability technology, human resources…
Why and how to carryout CLLD in cities and for social inclusion • Inspirationalexampleswithsomeelementsof CLLD butnotnecessarilyall • To extend to cities and social inclusion – need to adapt: • Strategies – buildintegrationfrom a specificentrypoint • Areas – to thedistribution of the problema you are tryingsolve • Partnerships – to ensurehaverelevantallies.
Cooperationbetweenfunds • Itis a meanstoachieveresultsnotanend in itself • Itisobligatorywithorwithoutmultifunding • Needstotake place at alllevels EU, national, regional, local • Lesscoordination at onelevelmeans more at another • Commission has set theframeworkbutthemechanics are areleftfornational/regional levels • Ifthisisnot done well – complexity can drown local groups
Conditionsformultifunding • Agreementbetweenfundsoverthetypes of areas and projects • Commoncriteriaforthe lead fund • Commoncallsforpreparatorysupport and the final selection of areas and strategies • Commoncriteria and proceduresfortheselection of areas, strategies and partnerships • Agreedcriteriafortheselection of projects • Agreementoverthe role and function of thegroups and Mas • Separatebutcoordinatedplansformonitoring and evaluation Difficultwithout a commonintermediatebody A badsolutionfor a reduction in funding. Beware of demarcation.
Programming and implementing multi-funded LDS Partnership Contract ERDF national/ regional programme(s) EAFRD national/ regional programme(s) EMFF national programme(s) ESF national/ regional programme(s) Indicative allocation for CLLD Joint Selection committee Multi-funded LDS
Programming and implementing mono-funded LDS Partnership Contract ERDF national/ regional programme(s) EAFRD national/ regional programme(s) EMFF national programme(s) ESF national/ regional programme(s) Indicative allocation for CLLD CONSISTENCY AND COORDINATION Selection committee Selection committee Selection committee Selection committee FLAGs LDS LDS LEADER
Making CLLD safer, faster and easier for local action groups • Improving access to finance at local level • up front cofinancing, • interim and staged payments, • Prefinancing using advance payment • Speedy decision making – avoiding duplication • Reducing administrative burden through small project and umbrella schemes • Clarifying issues around eligibility • Transparency • Common understanding – what is not eligible. • Specific issues (VAT, bank guarantees, in-kind contributions)
Making CLLD safer, faster and easier for LAGs • Using simplified costs • standard scales of unit costs • Lump sums • Flat rate financing • Audit and control
Thank you for your attention! FARNET Support Unit 38 rue de la Loi B - 1040 Bruxelles +32 2 613 26 53 www.farnet.eu CLLD Guidance on CLLD for Local Actorshttp://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/information/guidelines/index_en.cfm#4