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Advanced Databases Object Oriented Databases. School of Informatics Akhtar Ali. References. Barry Eaglestone, Mick Ridley, Object Databases: An Introduction , McGraw-Hill, 1998 R.G.G. Cattell , Douglas K. Barry. Object Database Standard: ODMG 3.0 . Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. 2000
Advanced DatabasesObject Oriented Databases School of Informatics Akhtar Ali
References • Barry Eaglestone, Mick Ridley, Object Databases: An Introduction, McGraw-Hill, 1998 • R.G.G. Cattell, Douglas K. Barry. Object Database Standard: ODMG 3.0. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. 2000 • Richard Cooper, Object Databases: An ODMG Approach, ITCP 1997 • R. Elmasri and S. B. Navate, Fundamental of Database Systems – 4th Edition, 2003, Chapter 20 & 21
Object Oriented Concepts • Object • An object represents a real world entity (Person), a concept (Drama), a logical thing (Licence), a physical thing (Car) • Every object has a unique Object Identifier (OID) • An object is made of two things: • State: properties (name, address, birthDate of a Person) • Behaviour: operations (age of a Person is computed from birthDate and current date) • Object Identifier • Unique for every object • System generated • Never changes in the lifetime of the object • Not visible to the user
OO Concepts – continued • Classification • Classification is the process of grouping together objects which have common features. • Programming languages have type systems and database systems have data models to classify object. • The name used for the classificatory group of values is usually either class or type. class Person properties name: String address: String birthDate: Date operations age(): Integer end Person
OO Concepts – continued • Encapsulation • The integration of the description of data structure and operation is called encapsulation. • Objects are composed of properties (values) and operations. • It introduces a component of computation into the data. • This feature is missing in Relational Databases (RDBs) and is usually coded into the application. • Inheritance • A new class is usually described in terms of one or more previously defined classes from which the new class takes (inherits) properties and operations. For instance, the following defines a new class Student: class Student ISA Person properties major: String tutor: Lecturer operations register(C: Course): Boolean end Student • Student is sub-type of Person • Person is super-type of Student • A Student is also a Person, but not • every Person is a Student. • A Student has all the properties and • operations same as Person
OO Concepts – continued • An object system or object-based system is one which supports the modeling of data as abstract entities, with object identity. • An object-oriented system is an object system in which all data is created as instances of classes which take part in an inheritance hierarchy. • An object-oriented database management system (OODBMS) is a DBMS with an object-oriented logical data model. • An object-oriented database is a database made up of objects and managed by an OODBMS.
Why Object Oriented Databases? • Object Oriented Databases (OODBs) are inevitable when: • Data is complex and variable in size • Complex structural and compositional relationships • Data is highly inter-related • Data is evolving rapidly over time • Richer data types • complex objects • inheritance • user extensibility • Behaviour with data • not just a data model but also • operations can be bundled together with data
Person d N tutor 1 Student Lecturer N N N enrolledOn takes worksFor 1 M 1 N partOf M N offers 1 Unit Course Department M teaches N An Example Conceptual Schema in ER • Student and Lecturer are sub-types of Person. ‘d’ means that Student and Lecturer are disjoint. • A Student cannot be a Lecturer at the same time and vice versa. • Attribute names are omitted.
OO Representation • class Person • properties • name: String • address: String • birthDate: Date • operations • age(): Integer • end Person • class Lecturer ISA Person • properties • room: Integer • tutees: set(Student) • worksFor: Department • teaches: set(Unit) • operations • teachUnit(U: Unit): Boolean • end Lecturer • class Course • properties • name: String • offeredBy: Department • hasStudents: set(Student) • hasUnits: set(Unit) • end Course • class Unit • properties • name: String • code: String • takenBy: set(Student) • taughtBy: set(Lecturer) • partOf: set(Course) • end Unit • class Student ISA Person • properties • major: String • tutor: Lecturer • enrolledOn: Course • takes: set(Unit) • operations • register(C: Course): Boolean • takeUnit(U: Unit): Boolean • end Student • class Department • properties • name: String • staff: set(Lecturer) • offers: set(Course) • end Department
OO Representation – continued • No primary keys are required, but keys can be used. • Relationships are represented in a clear manner, no foreign keys used as in case of RDBs. e.g. • As in Lecturer class worksFor: Department teaches: set(Unit) • worksFor is not a foreign key but an OID of a Department object. • teaches is collection valued i.e. a set of OIDs of Unit objects. • Relationships are bi-directional in the natural way. • As in Department class staff: set(Lecturer) • staff is a set of OIDs of Lecturer objects, which is inverse to worksFor in Lecturer class. • Many-to-many relationships are represented directly without introducing a new class or relation as in the case of takes, partOf, and teaches relationships.
Comparison • RDBs vs. ORDBs • Very easy to compare because both are based on Relational Model. • An RDB does not support abstract data types (ADT), all attribute values must be atomic and relations must be in first normal form (flat relation). • An ORDB supports ADTs, attributes can be multi-valued, and does not require first normal form. • The underlying basic data structures of RDBs are much simpler but less versatile than ORDBs. • Optimization of queries is much easier and efficient in RDBs compared to ORDBs. But this does not mean that RDBs are faster than ORDBs. • ORDBs support complex data whereas RDBs don’t. • ORDBs support wide range of applications.
Comparison – continued… • RDBs vs. OODBs. • Not very easy to compare because of philosophical differences. • RDBs have only one construct i.e. Relation, whereas the type system of OODBs is much richer and complex. • RDBs require primary keys and foreign keys for implementing relationships, OODBs simply don’t. • Optimization of queries in OODBs is much complex than RDBs, but is mainly inspired from the Optimization techniques in RDBs. • OODBs support complex data whereas RDBs don’t. • OODBs support wide range of applications. • OODBs are much faster than RDBs but are less mature to handle large volumes of data. • There is more acceptance and domination of RDBs in the market than that for OODBs.
Comparison – continued… • OODBs vs. ORDBs. • Both support ADTs, collections, OIDs, and inheritance, though philosophically quite different. • ORDBs extended RDBs whereas OODBs add persistence and database capabilities to OO languages. • Both support query languages for manipulating collections and nested and complex data. • SQL3 is inspired from OO concepts and is converging towards OQL (object query language). • ORDBs carries all the benefits of RDBs, whereas OODBs are less benefited from the technology of RDBs. • OODBs are seamlessly integrated with OOPLs with less mismatch in the type systems; • ORDBs (SQL3) have quite different constructs than those of OOPLs when used in embedded form.
Advantages of OODB • Greater semantic expressibility: storing and manipulating complex objects greatly simplifies the model of the application world • Object identity is superior unifying concept than using surrogates (e.g. primary and foreign keys in relational DBMS) • The ease of user extensibility • Behavioural model: programs and data are stored together, unifying conceptually connected features of database • Typing objects provides a more coherent structure for the database • Code re-use through inheritance, over-riding and late binding • A possible pre-requisite to active databases and interoperability?
Disadvantages of OODB • No formal semantics, unlike the relational data model. • Pure OO systems do not include the notion of class extents which is of fundamental importance in DB management. • Design methods must be evolved to include behaviour and support for dynamic processes. • Loss of the relational data model’s simplicity. • Optimization / tuning(e.g. indexes) not as well understood and are difficult; the overall record-at-a-time flavour of the OO systems means that relational-style optimization is unlikely. • Transaction management support is not very mature.
Current Myths [Won Kim 95] • OODBs are 10 to 100 times faster than RDBs. • OODBs eliminate the need for joins(not altogether). • Object identity eliminates the need for keys. • OODBs eliminate the need for a non-procedural database language (not in reality). • Query processing will violate encapsulation (may or may not). • OODBs can support versioning and long duration transactions. • OODBs support multimedia data.
OODBMS Features • Object data model • object identifiers, type inheritance, methods, complex objects • Integration with an OO programming language • transparent or semi-transparent retrieval and storage of objects • Declarative query language • usually an SQL like syntax • Advanced data sharing • long transactions; optimistic concurrency; multiple versions of data; private data check-out • Client-server architecture
OODB Evolution Programming Languages Databases Persistent Programming Languages e.g. Napier88, PJama RDBMS Extended Relational Systems e.g. UniSQL, Oracle, Illustra OODB OOPL add db facilities e.g. C++, Smalltalk -> ObjectStore, Gemstone,POET Model based systems add language facilities to a new data model. e.g O2, ODMG Semantic Data Models e.g. ER, UML, FDM -> OpenODB, ODBII
Strategies for building OODBMS • Extend OO programming languages to be persistent • popular approach • programming viewpoint rather than a database one • no standard model; one programming language; • ObjectStore, POET, Gemstone • Use an object-oriented data model for the DBMS • database management viewpoint • need language bindings • query languages, transaction management etc • O2, lambda-DB • Standardization of model and services • ODMG 3 Standard; OMG (CORBA)
Summary • Introduction to OO Concepts • Motivation of why OODBs are inevitable • An Example of OO Schema • Comparison with RDBs and ORDBs • Advantages and Disadvantages of OODBs • Evolution of OODBs • Strategies of building an OODBMS