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Chapter 16. Central Europe. Ch. 16 - sect. 1 France . Northern France Paris Basin - large region drained by the Seine Center -Paris Lille, France - industrial center north of Paris Southwestern France Warmer , dryer soil - perfect for grapes Bordeaux - best wine producing city.
Chapter 16 Central Europe
Ch. 16 - sect. 1France • Northern France • Paris Basin - large region • drained by the Seine • Center -Paris • Lille, France - industrial center • north of Paris • Southwestern France • Warmer , dryer soil - perfect for grapes • Bordeaux - best wine producing • city
Section 1 continued • Southcentral and Southeastern France • Massif Central (middle) and Alps (east) • Rhone river lies between them • Massif central - poor soil • 1965 - tunnel through Mont Blanc into Italy
France cont. • French Riviera - between the Alps and the Mediterranean sea, low - lying coastal area, popular tourist area • Port of Marseille - busiest in France • Petroleum, wine, electronic goods, and chemicals
France - history and culture • France was known as Gaul, Romans took over and ruled for 500 years • Franks came from Germany and conquered the region • Charlemagne - King of France and surrounding area The Holy Roman Empire (768 A.D.) • After Charlemagne’s death and the fall of the Empire nobles took power • Hugh Capet - Paris ruler that expanded the borders of France to what we know today (1589) • 1789 - end of monarch rule in France
French culture • French - main language, but many dialects (variations for a language that are unique to the region) • Artists - Claude Monet, Pierre Renoir • Impressionism - style of painting • France Today • Nationalized - brought under state control • France has done this for some businesses to spark the economy
Germany 16-2 • Germany struggles for unity • 1500 - 1600 Protestant Reformation - divided Germany • East Germany - known as Prussia led a movement to merge states into a Confederation - loose political union • 1871 Germany defeats France in the Franco - Prussian war - New German Empire formed
Germany • WWI Germany was a part of the Triple Alliance - defeated in 1918 • Treaty of Versailles - ended WWI, made Germany pay reparations, and Germany took the blame for the war • Inflation and eventual depression caused Adolf Hitler to come to power • WWII 1939 - 1945
One people, two countries • After WWII Germany was divided into 4 parts - eventually became 2 (East and West) • Federal Republic of Germany (West) established in 1949 • Oct. 3, 1990 - officially reunified East and West • North, Central and Southern Germany - see your region assignment
North – fairly flat (North German Plain). Sandy and touch the Baltic Marine West Coast – moderate all year round Natural resources – sea, land Farming, manufacturing, trade Central – Ruhr valley, hills, low peaks, and tall plateaus Marine west coast Nat. resources – Rhine, Elbe, coal, iron and steel Industry, manufacturing and farming (S),textiles Regions of Germany
South • Munich – largest city in south • Mountainous and Bavarian alps • Marine west coast with highland climate in the south • Rhine and Danube and forests • tourism
Section 3 Benelux countries • Low countries - Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg • Low, flat and just a little larger than W. Virginia • Population - 26 million (Canada’s pop.) • Netherlands Belgium • Luxembourg
Netherlands • 1/5 of their land is reclaimed from the sea • 1/3 of their land is below sea level • Started with dikes - embankments of earth and rock, hold back water • Polder - reclaiming the land by pumping out the water into canals • Powered by windmills
Netherlands - cont. • Randstad - The Hague, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and Utretcht - 4 cities that make up an arc shaped metropolis - trying to keep their population in cities • Many key ports
Belgium • Diversity in their population - 30% French (Walloons) 55% Dutch (Flemish) - official language • Walloons held the power even though Maj. (Dutch) • Gained independence from Netherlands in 1830 • LUXEMBOURG • 998 sq. miles • Lang - diverse French, German and Luxembourg • Part of EC • Economic activity - high tech. and service industries
Sect. 4 • Switzerland - Confederation Helvetica or Swiss Confederation • 3 official languages - German (65%), French (18%) and Italian (7%) • 26 cantons - states • Executive branch - 7 member council with 1 elected “President” for 1 year • 1291 - 3 Swiss Cantons fought the Austrian empire and won - Switzerland was formed • 1798 - Swiss defeated Napoleon and it was the last time they took sides in a war - NEUTRAL
Switzerland cont. • Economy - strong even though they have few resources • 1.2 Swiss Franc = American dollar • Dairy farming - most important ag. • spring - in Mt. Fall - valley • Famous for chocolate and cheese • Technology - watches and microscopes • tourism
Switzerland - physical • Climate - marine west coast - temperate variations according to elevation • Mountains - Alps (south) Jura (N.W.) • Population 7 million • Religion - catholic with large atheist population • Not in EU • Joined UN in 2002
Austria • Modern borders were formed after their defeat in WWI (Austria - Hungarian empire) • Alps - iron ore • Machine tools - manufacturing • Ag. - cattle breeding and dairy • Vienna - smaller since 1918 • Heavy influence from Germany (98% ) • One Dollar = .8 Euro
Liechtenstein • Smallest German speaking country (4th smallest in W. Europe) • 62 sq. miles - 35,000 people, they have more registered companies than people • Not in EU , close links to Switzerland • Currency - Swiss Franc • Constitutional Monarchy • Prince of Liech. (6th wealthiest leader in the world ($5 billion)