1. HPAC Podcast Segment 1 – Welcome!
Introduction to the Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC) at USF
2. Intros & Who HPAC is! 2010-2011 Pre-health Application Cycle HPAC members are:
Juliet Hill & Christina Nelson, Co-ChairsHonors College, Academic Advisors
Dr. Allison Cleveland-RobertsCollege of Arts and Sciences, Director of Advising
Patrice Fischer & Autumn MuellerCollege of Arts and Sciences, Biology Advisors
Dr. Melvin James & Brandon Kroll College of Arts and Sciences, Pre-health Advisors
LaToya Lee & Clara Ohannes Department of Chemistry, Academic Advisors
Auxiliary Member
Samantha HammDepartment of Psychology, Academic Advisor
3. What is a committee letter?
USF HPAC’s committee letter is a packet
Packet is combination of faculty and character reference letters
Includes a cover letter written by HPAC evaluating student as health professions applicant
4. A Committee Letter …
Enhances the picture of the applicant
Adds information not in the application
Presents the applicant in context of peers and USF
5. How are you evaluated? Holistic Review & Ranking:
Quality of Academic & Extracurricular Experiences
Interpersonal skills
Ethical conduct
Advising sessions
Online HPAC Application
In-person Interview
Letters of Recommendations
USF Disciplinary Record
6. Will the committee letter include anything bad?
We hope not!
USF Commitment to Honor
7. Is a committee letter required? No!
Many schools will not accept letters by direct mail
AMCAS, AADSAS letter services
Commercial letter management services
8. Minimum Eligibility Requirements 3.0 Overall GPA
Includes USF, previous degree & Transfer/Dual Enrollment grades
3.0 Science GPA
Biology, Chemistry, Physics & Math
Grade forgiveness NOT considered
HPAC will verify both GPA requirements
Rare case exceptions – email us
9. HPAC Application Cycle 2010-2011
Important: for students applying for Fall 2011 entry in a health professions program
10. Thank you! Please continue to
Segment 2: HPAC, The Process…