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The creation of effective system of international scientific and innovation integration and the experience of conducting applied research in cooperation with foreign partners. www.onti.spbstu.ru. JOINT INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.
The creation of effective system of international scientific and innovation integration and the experience of conducting applied research in cooperation with foreign partners www.onti.spbstu.ru
JOINT INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY In 2010 St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University (SPbSPU) gained the status"National Research University“ and created the Development Program. The purpose of the Development Program is modernization and development of SPbSPU as the University of a new type, the university that integrates multidisciplinary research and suprasectoral world-class technologies to improve the competitiveness of the national economy. During the realization of the Development Program in 2010 Joint Institute of Science and Technology (JIST) was created in the structure of SPbSPU, which involves the establishment of an effective system of scientific, educational and innovative activities in priority areas of the University. www.onti.spbstu.ru
Объединенный научно-технологический институт www.onti.spbstu.ru
JOINT INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Объединенный научно-технологический институт Currently JIST includes scientific and technological complexes, laboratories and centers. It is the coordinator of SPbSPU activities with the leading Russian companies. It also cooperates with foreign partners (AVL, TSE, Weatherford, Philips, etc.). www.onti.spbstu.ru
Goals and Objectives of JIST structural unit of the Federal State budget educational institution of higher education "Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University" The Goal of JIST The concentration and focusing of intellectual, material, financial and human resources on breakthrough innovation and technological areas that allows to create a mechanism to quicker transfering of scientific developments and our scientists' know-how into the final product to enter the market. • ONTI objectives: • The integration of multi-disciplinary research, suprasectoral world-class technologies and high-tech innovations; • Commercialization of scientific and innovation activity rezults and transfer of technologies; • The modernization of research, research and innovation, research and educational infrastructure; • Organization of professional scientific management: getting the scientific information about global and domestic developments, marketing research in science, the creation of digital design offices, interaction with industrial facilities. www.onti.spbstu.ru
JIST structure • STC «MachineBuildingTechnologies» • STC «Mathematical Modeling and Intelligent Control Systems» • STC «Nuclear Physics» • Scientific Research Laboratory ofNano - andMicrosystemsEngineering • Scientific ResearchCenter «Innovativeenginetechnology» • Scientific-ProductionCenter«EnvironmentalSafetynatural - TechnicalSystems» • TestingCenter «Politehtest» • TestandCertificationCenter«Height» • ResearchandEducationCenter«Weatherford-Polytechnic» • STC «Materials and Technologies» • Training, researchandproductionlaboratory«Cryogenic» www.onti.spbstu.ru
Equipment and development Technological lines Prototyping and Additive Technology Structure and properties of materials Receiving powdered materials Receiving lithium ion batteries Development of nanomaterials and technologies Energy-ecological complex Computerengineering www.onti.spbstu.ru
STC «Materials and Technologies» Areas of activities: - Simulation of various metallurgical processes (rolling, heat treatment, crystallization processes) - The development of new steels and processing technologies automotive steel, pipe steel, shipbuilding steel - The study of various metallic materials, their properties and structure with the use of the advanced equipment - Development and production of laser and weldingtechnological equipment - Development of techniques for investigating materials using image analysis - The study of nanocrystalline materials - Expert works in the field of metallurgy - Development of technical and project documentation • The main foreign partners : • - Harbin Institute of Technology (China) - Aalto University, Espoo, Finland • - Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials • - LLC “Robert Bosch” • - The group of companies “Weatherford” • TSE TechnologyCo. Ltd (China) www.onti.spbstu.ru
The project «Lithium-ion batteries» STC «Materials and Technologies» Russian-Chinese science-research laboratory «Functional Materials» НТК МТ Interaction withWeihai TSE Technology (China) НТК энергетики Laboratory "Functional Materials" was established under the agreement between SPbSPU, the Republic of Mordovia, the company Weihai TSE Technology and the branch of Harbin Institute of Technology in Weihai city (China). Purpose: transfer of high technologies of foreign companies Result: the creation of the technological line of research of lithium-ion batteries www.onti.spbstu.ru
STC «Materials and Technologies» REC «Wetherford-Politechnic» Basic scientific research and experiments carried out at the Centre: Studies to determine the corrosion resistance of structural steels and alloys in electrolytes solutions (salts, acids, alkalis) of various concentrations from room temperature to 100 ◦ C: - Electrochemical studies, including the construction of the polarization curves, defining the nature of the potential change in time, research on the rotating disk electrode; - Determination of the corrosion rate of steels and alloys by gravimetric method with different duration tests. Investigation of contact corrosion of dissimilar metallic materials, including welded joints. Research of exposure corrosion of steel under pressure according to NACE TM 0177. Comparative tests of high-strength protective coatings on the drill pipe, studying of casing tubes' wearing. Study of the corrosion effect from cement slurries activity on the aluminum alloys. Study of metallic materials on fatigue strength in the gas-saturated saline environments at high temperatures, Examination of corrosion condition of steel structures, conducting of expert research. www.onti.spbstu.ru
STCLaser and welding technologies • Areas of research activities: • Studies of the physical processes under the influence of • powerful streams of radiation on materials; • Mathematical modeling of the laser, hybrid and • electron-beam welding, welding and heat treatment; • Lasers and laser processing systems for materials processing; • Laser technology and hybrid laser-arc welding, welding • and heat treatment; • - Technologies of dimensional laser processing; • Development of facilities of engineering computer analysis of • the processes of radiation processing of materials; • Mathematical modeling of heat, deformation and diffusion processes in the welded joints; • - Constructive-technological design of welded structures; • - Development of welding materials; • The development of automated equipment for arc, plasma, and other related technologies. www.onti.spbstu.ru
STCLaser and welding technologies The structure of the STC “LWT" includes the following divisions : German-Russian Center of laser welding technologies SRL Laser and electron beam technology STC “LWT” actively cooperates with German and American institutions and companies. Close partnership is established with such institutions as the Institute of Welding (ISF) of the Rhine-Westphalian Technical High School (RWTH), Laser center of Flanders (Belgium), Institute of Laser Technology (ILT Aachen) and the Institute of radiation processing of materials (IWS Dresden) of the Fraunhofer Society, Inc. «General Motors» (USA), Laser Center of Hanover, Bremen Institute of Applied beam technology, etc. www.onti.spbstu.ru
STC «Mathematical Modeling and Intelligent Control Systems» Areas of activities: - Development of new adaptive stochastic methods in computational mathematics and mechanics to solve interdisciplinary problems of engineering and science analysis in the field of modeling, optimization and experimental study of the physical and mechanical systems using supercomputer technologies. - The development of new approaches of engineering and natural science analysis for modeling and experimental study of the complex processes and phenomena in the field of mechanics, physics, aerodynamics and turbulent flows on the basis of supercomputer technologies and cluster computing. - The development of information management theory and management of corporate networks based on the integration and optimization of business processes and decision support systems based on technologies and business solutions based on SAP. - Visualization of the results of scientific experiments and mathematical modeling based on modern technologies and quality standards of computer graphics, multimedia, stereography, 3D and virtual reality. - Development and implementation of modern methods of training and re-training of highly qualified specialists in the field of high technologies on the basis of international academic cooperation and joint educational programs. www.onti.spbstu.ru
STC «Mathematical Modeling and Intelligent Control Systems» The main partners ofSTC MMICS: SIEMENS SAP AG, SAP Research Airbus The Boeing Company Microsoft Intel General Motors FESTO AMD www.onti.spbstu.ru
Testing Center «Politehtest» • Areas of activities: • Investigation of metallic materials and welded joints in relation to service conditions. • Simulation of metallurgical processes, structure and properties of metallic materials. • Objectives: • Obtaining reliable information about the actual mechanical and physical properties of constructions, materials and welded joints • Determination of the chemical compositions of steels and alloys • The development of new and testing of existing welding technology • Quality control of welded joints for compliance with the standards, specifications and other technical standards • Methodological preparation and carrying out of studies to improve skills of engineering workers on the subject of "The Mechanics of Destruction" • Training of operators of testing machines theory and practical techniques and methods of work with modern testing equipment by INSTRON (England)Первичное обучение, повышение квалификации и аттестация сварщиков ручной дуговой сварки • Research and modeling of the structure and properties of metallic materials • Conducting metallographic studies and expert works in the field of metallurgical examination • The development of industry standards and normative documents www.onti.spbstu.ru
TC «Polytechtest» • TC «Polytechtest» conducts: • Mechanical testing of construction and building materials: • static tests (tensile and compression tests to determine the strength and plasticity; tests to determine the characteristics of elasticity, shear tests, tests to determine the critical crack resistance characteristics K1C, CTOD, J1C; bend-over tests , flattening tests, tests to determine hardness, etc.) • cyclic tests (tests on high-cycle fatigue, tests on low-cycle fatigue with controls on deformation or stress, test to determine cyclic crack to determine the kinetic diagram of crack growth, the threshold stress intensity factor Kthi, etc.) • Dynamic tests (tests to define characteristics of toughness, impact-breaking of welded joints, etc.) • Mechanical testing of structures, machine components, mechanisms • static tests (determination of the strength characteristics of the structure or mechanism) • dynamic tests (confirmation of time to system failure at the given parameters of loading, the definition of the product lifecycle) • Metallographic examination and analysis of the causes of damage • RC «Polytechtest» • Is accredited by the : • Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Accreditation number РОСС RU.0001.21ЧС50) • Germanischer Lloyd Industrie Services Russland (Certificate of Recognition № ННО 06408) • Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (Recognition Certificate № 12.01616.314). • Benefits: • own pilot production: RCindependently produces samples (in accordance with the requirements of GOST (all-Union State Standard)) and apparatus required for testing , which greatly reduces the time of testing • Modern test equipment of INSTRON и Zwick/Roellproduction • highly qualified and huge experience in the mentioned areas www.onti.spbstu.ru
R&D Center of the diesel structure and transmissions Complex Multidisciplinary Projects Center of the diesel structure and transmissions • The final result - a family of diesel engines rated at 700 to 1700 kW for: • diesel generators • highway engineering • shipbuilding • railway service In 2012 a joint delegation of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University (SPbSPU) and the Joint-Stock Company “ZVEZDA” visited the engineering company AVL List GmbH (Austria). October 25, 2012 a return visit to SPbSPU was made. With the participation of representatives of Joint-Stock Company “ZVEZDA” negotiations on concrete actions of preparation of the project took place. The participants also visited the scientific and research building under construction, which will house laboratories for the work of the joint Russian-Austrian project. www.onti.spbstu.ru
The project "Development of X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging" Complex Multidisciplinary Projects НИИ ММИСУ Internationsl scientific and technological center «Philips – Politechnic» • Study of scintillation crystals and ceramics for computed tomography • reconstruction of medical images, visualization and algorithms • processing of medical images • studies on the synthesis and production of powders, which are the basis of ceramics for computer tomography Purpose: development of scintillation detectors of ionizing radiation with improved parameters used in modern security systems and customs control, medical and space engineering Result: creation of the technological line for production and study of powdered scintillator materials with high conversion efficiency and low excitation time www.onti.spbstu.ru
Contact us JIST 195251, St.Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya, 29. tel.: +7(812) 552-98-29 fax: +7(812) 552-86-43 web: onti.spbstu.ru Executive director Anatoly A. Popovich Doctor of Science, Professor tel.: +7(812) 552-98-29 fax: +7 (812) 552-86-43 e-mail:ispdir.onti@spbstu.ru