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“ Application of UniMET Programmes in LM A ( Lithuania n Maritime Academy) ”. L ithuanian M aritime Academy as UniMET partner Eugenijus Žagaras Artūras Virkėtis.
“Application of UniMET Programmes in LMA (Lithuanian Maritime Academy)” Lithuanian Maritime Academy as UniMET partner Eugenijus Žagaras Artūras Virkėtis
During participating in the EU project „UniMET“ (www.unimet.pro, from2011 till 2013), based on good practices of the project partners and achieved by cross-referencing methods used to find the ‘pluses’ and ‘minuses’ in partners programmes, LMA made some corrections and updated existing study programmes„Marine Navigation“ and „Marine Engineering“.
For supporting the harmonisation and standardization of higher education and vocational education programmes in Europe and worldwide in-line with objectives of the Lisbon Treaty and Bologna Agreement, the LMA (from 2012) updated study programmes and study plans for “Marine Navigation” and „Marine Engineering“, introduced ECTS credit system (from 160 National to 240 ECTS).
From 2012 academic year the study programmes “Marine Navigation” and „Marine Engineering“ were upgraded in accordance with adopted IMO Model Courses 7.01, 7.04 and 7.02 requirements and based on “UniMET” project partners good experiance.
Study programme of “Marine Navigation” Changes in study programme of “Marine Navigation”(based on IMO Model Course 7.01 recommendations): Function 1 - Navigation 1.1.3 Reporting in accordance with Ship Reporting Systems and VTS procedures (multifunction navigation simulator was updated with "VTS" Software) 1.2 Determine position and the accuracy of resultant position fix by any means (New) 1.6 Maintain safe navigation through the use of information from navigation equipment and systems to assist command decision-making (New, Model Couses 1.22 and 1.27) 1.7 Maintain safe navigation through the use of ecdisand associated navigation systems to assist command decision making (New, Model Couse 1.27)
Study programme of “Marine Navigation” 1.10 Manoeuvre and handle a ship in all conditions (for this competenceexisting Full Mission Bridge Simulator in 2013 was updated by “ICE Navigation” software programme) 1.11.4 Engine Room Wachkeeping Based on good practice of project "M'AIDER - Maritime's Development Aid for Emergency Response" (2009-2011) partners and their recommendations, Radar / ARPA knowledge tasks were update. Develop a wide range of scenarios thatsimulate accidents and potential collisions, with a focus on emergency situations and incorporating them into existing maritime trainingprograms (www.maider.pro).
Study programme of “Marine Navigation” Function 2 – Cargo Handling and Stowage For training in this competence simulator “Cargo operations” is purchased, which includes a gas terminal module, designed to train personnel for gas terminals and tankers to implement the cargo operations with liquefied hazardous cargoes.
Study programme of “Marine Navigation” Function 3 - Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board 3.5 Use of leadership and managerial skills (New): 3.5.3 Application of task and workload management 3.5.4 Effective resource management 3.5.5 Decision making techniquesffective resourcemanagement 3.5.6 Development, implementation andoversightofstandardoperating procedures
Study programme of “Marine Engineering” Changes in study programme of “Marine Engineering”(NewIMO Model Courses 7.04 and 7.02): Function 1 – Marine Engineering In the study programmewas updated competence “Maintain a safe watch in the engine room". To meet IMO Model Courses requirements a new subject “Basic of Management“ was introduced. Function 2 – Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering According to IMO Model Courses requirements hours of subjects "Ship AuxiliaryMachinery" and “Ship Repair and Troubleshooting“ were increased. It was decided to perform part of practical trainings, such as “Internal Combustion Engine Design", " Ship AuxiliaryMachinery " and others, on shipyards for better development of practical skills.
Study programme of “Marine Engineering” Function 3 – Maintenance and Repair To enhance practicaltrainingskills inelectronics, automation and mechatronics, “Multifunctional ship power plants” simulatorwasupdatedwithnew modules andequipment. Function 4 – Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board Newcompetencein the curriculum was included – Useofleadershipandmanagerialskills (New): – Applicationoftaskandworkloadmanagement; – Effectiveresourcemanagement; – Decisionmakingtechniquesffectiveresourcemanagement; – Development, implementationandoversightofstandardoperatingprocedures.
Study programme of “Marine Engineering” Study programme for 2012 academic year was partly updated due to following reasons: - in accordance with requirement for Certification of candidates of an enginering watch practice time was increased till 12 month (before was only 6 months of seagoing practice); • additionallysix months for training in the institution’s workshops and on shipyards was included into study process. For implementation of those requirements workshop equipment in LMA will be updated till the end of 2013. Based on the minimum requirements of the STCW-2010 was decided to apply the model 6+6:6 months of sea-goingpractice plus 6 months of training in the workshops and on shipyards.
Study programme of “Marine Engineering” Studentwill be able to fulfilminimum 6 monthsof sea-going practicerequiredforCoCduring one semester. This modelofpracticewasestablisheddue to lackofpracticeplacesfor trainees on boardofmerchanceships. From 2013we plan to introduce a specializationofElectro-technicial Officerintostudyprogrammeof “Marine Engineering”. This specialization will be for students, who wish to receive aspecialityofelectrical engineering. Theywillneed to complete two-years curriculum ofthestudyprogrammeof “Marine Engineering“. Note. Studyprogrammesof “Marine Navigation” and “Marine Engineering”, wereupdatedin2012. It wasimportantforpart-time students (Part-timestudentsstudy6 years, theywillgraduate in 2018). Manila amendments shall enter into force on January 1, 2017.
LMA PROJECT ACTIVITIES IN MET AREA „LLIV-289 Improvement of the Competitiveness of Lithuanian-Latvian Maritime Sector Engineers / LTLV-MARINE-ENGINEER” (Duration: April 2012 – October 2013, Latvia–Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007–2013). Aim: to increase the competitiveness of Lithuanian and Latvian seamen by exchanging positive experience between Lithuanian and Latvian maritime education and training institutions, by improving marine engineers‘ training and Qualification upgrading systems, and by developing Physical infrastructure.
OUR ENGINE ROOM SIMULATOR IN 2013 In the updated multi-functional simulator will be included the following modules: • Diesel Propulsion Plant of a Tanker LCC (Large CrudeCarrier) Modelwith modules Ship Propulsion Plant, Ship Electrical Power Plant, Auxiliary Machinery and Systems Module; • Diesel Propulsion Plant of a RO-RO Ship Model with modules Ship Propulsion Plant, Ship Electrical Power Plant, Auxiliary Machinery and Systems Module;
OUR ENGINE ROOM SIMULATOR IN 2013 In the updated multi-functional simulator will be included the following modules: • Steam Turbine Propulsion Plant of a LNG Tanker (Liquеfied Natural Gas Carrier) Model with module Ship Propulsion Plant, Ship Electrical Power Plant, Auxiliary Machinery and Systems; • Diesel Electrical Propulsion Plant of a Cruise ShipModel with modules Ship Propulsion Plant, Remote Supervision Systems, Electrical Power Plant, Electrical Power Plant, Alarms and Faults.
OUR STUDENTS More than 60 percent of our students carried out sea-going practice on foreign fleets vessels, where dominated a multilingual or english-speaking crews. This requires good communication skills in English. For this purpose our teaching staff use computer-based English language training programmes such as Marlins and CES-4.1 and for professional skills knowledge testing - SETS 6000. In 2012 “On-board training books”wereupdated candidates as officer in charge of a navigational and an engineering watch.
OUR STUDENTS Second-year students haveopportunity to getcertificateofcompetenceforratings of a navigational watch (Ordinary Seaman, section A-II / 4) or a certificate for ratings of engineering watch on ships from time to time served or not served engine room (Engine-Room Rating, section A-III / 4). Studentsof Marine Engineering Departmentadditionalyhave a possibility to get qualified weldercertificate. All necessary certificates for CoCandSeaman‘sBookforLMA students are issuebyLithuanianMaritime Administration forfree.
Short training courses for students and Seafarersunder STCW-2010 requirements Following short trainning courses are submitted by LMSA: - „Security Awareness Training for All Seafarers“, sectionA-VI/6-1 ( byIMO Model course 3.27 recommendations); - „Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties“, section A-VI/6-2 (by IMO Model course 3.26 recommendations); - „Ship Security Officer“, section A-VI/5 (by IMO Model course 3.19 recommendations); - „ECDIS”, A-II/1 and A-II/2 (by IMO Model course 1.27 recommendations).
OUR VISION IN NEAREST FUTURE Full mission bridge simulator Engine room simulator Virtual Ship simulator