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4-H Youth Development Program

California State of the 4-H SET Initiative October 2, 2012 4-H SET Leadership Team Steven Worker, Martin Smith, Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty, Andrea Ambrose. 4-H Youth Development Program. Agenda U.S. and Science Education 4-H and Science Education 4-H SET Key Successes

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4-H Youth Development Program

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  1. California State of the 4-H SET Initiative October 2, 2012 4-H SET Leadership Team Steven Worker, Martin Smith, Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty, Andrea Ambrose 4-H Youth Development Program

  2. Agenda • U.S. and Science Education • 4-H and Science Education • 4-H SET • Key Successes • Continual Challenges • The Road Ahead (Lynn & Martin) 4-H Youth Development Program

  3. The United States and Science Education 4-H Youth Development Program

  4. Youth Scientific Literacy: • The National Picture • The 2005 and 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) for 4th, 8th, and 12th graders revealed poor science achievement at all three grade levels (Grigg, Lauko, and Brockway 2006; NCES 2011). • In 2005 & 2009, approximately 70% of students at all grade levels scored at the “Basic” or “Below Basic” levels. • “Advanced Proficiency” was 3% or less at all grade levels. • Trends are not distributed equally across the population: • Caucasian and Asian American outperformed African Americans & Latinos. • Youth from high-income households scored higher than their peers from low-income households. • Overall, California students scored below national averages on the NAEP assessments, ranking 48th and/or 49th among all states. • National Center for Education Statistics (2011). The nation’s report card: Science 2009. (NCES 2011-451). Washington, D.C.: Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. • Grigg, W. S., Lauko, M. A., and Brockway, D. M. (2006). The nation’s report card: Science 2005. Washington, D. C.: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education.

  5. NAEP 2005 & 2009 Percentage of Students Percentage of Students Summary Results 2009 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) Students in grades 4 and 8. Summary Results 2005 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) Students in Grades 4, 8, and 12.

  6. Out-of-School Time (OST) Science Education • In the broader field, there is growing recognition of the role that informal/nonformal education plays in youth science learning. • Key reports highlight the need for experiential and inquiry-based science education out-of-school. • National Research Council. (2009). Learning science in informal environments: People, places, and pursuits. Washington D.C.: The National Academies Press. • Falk, J. and Dierking, L. (2010). The 95 percent solution: School is not where most Americans learn most of their science. American Scientist, 98(6), 486-493. • “out-of-school science-learning experiences are fundamental to supporting and facilitating lifelong science learning” (p. 492)

  7. Time youth spend in and out of classrooms People learning over a life time across settings. 4-H should be here for all youth! National Research Council. (2009). Learning science in informal environments: People, places, and pursuits. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

  8. 4-H and Science Education 4-H Youth Development Program

  9. In 4-H, new research has shown us that • 4-H participants are 2.0x as likely as other youth to participate in science programs1. • 4-H participants are 1.7x as likely as other youth to plan to pursue a career in science1. • 4-H girls, compared to girls not in 4-H, are 2.0x as likely to have plans to pursue science careers1. • 91% of California 4-H members report liking science2. • 76% of 4-H members have helped with a community service project related to science3. • Youth who participate in 4-H SET-related programming often take more science courses than other young people in 4-H4. • Lerner, R.M., Lerner, J.V. et al. (2012). The positive development of youth: Report of the findings from the first eight years of the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development. Tufts University Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development and the National 4-H Council. • Worker, S. (2012). Psychometric properties of a 4-H science literacy assessment tool. Final Paper for UC Davis, School of Education Class (EDU203N), Educational Testing and Evaluation. • Mielke, M., LaFleur, J., & Sanzone, J. (2010). 4-H science, engineering and technology (SET) initiative: Youth engagement, attitudes, and knowledge study. Washington, D.C.: Policy Studies Associates. • Heck, K., Carlos, R., Barnett, C. & Smith, M. (2012). 4-H participation and science interest in youth. Journal of Extension, 50(2).

  10. 4-H Science… • For 100 years, 4-H programs have and continue to help youth learn science1. • 4-H continues to engage youth in experiential science activities while advancing what we know about effective science education. • Effective educational practices are organized in two documents: • 4-H SET Checklist • California 4-H Program Framework • 1 Worker, S. (2012). History of science education in the 4-H Youth Development Program. Monograph. Davis, CA: University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Retrieved from http://www.ca4h.org/files/135384.pdf.

  11. 4-H SET Checklist • Developed by the National 4-H Science Leadership Team to help educators ensure their programs exemplified high-quality science education. • Experiential Learning Cycle • Inquiry Learning using Effective Questioning • SET Abilities • Positive Youth Development • Adult Mentors who Partner with Youth • Extended Learning Opportunities • National Science Education Standards

  12. 4-H Program Framework Content • Science, engineering, and technology • Healthy living • Citizenship • Leadership Teaching Methods/ Pedagogy • Project-based learning • Collaborative learning • Experiential learning • Inquiry learning • Service learning Extended Learning • Public speaking • Record keeping • Junior/Teen leader • Teens as teachers • Exhibitions • Conferences • Field Days

  13. Conclusion 4-H SET is a process of education(of instruction and learning), not a stand-alone program. Projects may be delivered in a 4-H SET manner or be 4-H SET-Ready, but there is not a “4-H SET Program”.

  14. Key Successes 4-H Youth Development Program

  15. 4-H Science Programs • Twenty-seven counties have developed new 4-H SET programs, events and opportunities through a SET Plan of Action. • SET has become integrated into traditional 4-H events such as State 4-H Field Day, state-wide presentation day, 4-H State Leadership Conference, State 4-H Leaders’ Forum, and other multi-county conferences. • Other new programs include: • TechXcite • 4-H2O • CYFAR – gardening, science, and nutrition • 4-H National Youth Science Day • Many, many other county and local programs!

  16. Preparing Educators • 2009, 2010, 2011 concurrent statewide 4-H SET workshops for 4-H Staff, Volunteers, and Teens. • 2009-2012 4-H State Leadership Conference for 4-H volunteers and teen 4-H members • 2009-2012 4-H State Leaders’ Forum for 4-H volunteers. • Afterschool Staff curriculum: Tools of the Trade II – Inspiring Young Minds to be SET Ready for Life! Staff Development Guide • 2012 Western Region 4-H Science Academy hosted at UC Davis for 13 western states.

  17. High Quality Curriculum • Sheep: From the Animal’s Point of View Curriculum (in press) • Swine: From the Animal’s Point of View Curriculum (in press) • Pre-Harvest Food Safety in 4-H Animal Science Curriculum (in press) • YD through Veterinary Science Curriculum (2009) • Rabbits: From the Animal’s Point of View Curriculum (2009) • Bio-Security in 4-H Animal Science Curriculum (2011) • There’s No New Water! Curriculum (2011) • Junk Drawer Robotics Curriculum (2011)

  18. Research and Evaluation • Journal of Extension articles • Heck, K., Carlos, R., Barnett, C. & Smith, M. (2012). 4-H participation and science interest in youth. • Smith, M.H., & Meehan, C.L. (2012). Assessment of bio-Security risks associated with 4-H animal science exhibition practices in California. • Young, J. C., Alexander, J., & Smith, M. H. (in press). A partnership model for training episodic environmental stewardship 4-H volunteers. • Worker, S. (in press). Embracing scientific and engineering practices in 4-H. • California Agriculture articles • Smith, M. H., Heck, K. E., & Worker, S. M. (in press) Addressing youth scientific literacy through 4-H: The development of a water education curriculum. • Smith, M. H., & Schmitt-McQuitty. (in press) Advancing professional development strategies for 4-H volunteers to address youth scientific literacy. • Smith, M. H. (in press) Investigating lesson study as a professional development model for 4-H volunteers. • Chapters in the book, Advances in youth development: Research and evaluation from the University of California 2001-2010. (2011). • Junge, S. & Manglallan, S., Professional development increases afterschool staff’s confidence and competence in delivering science, engineering, and technology. • Mahacek, R. & Worker, S., Extending science education with engineering and technology: Junk Drawer Robotics curriculum • Schmitt-McQuitty, L., & Smith, M. H., Moving beyond the demonstration model: The importance of experiential learning in the 4-H Youth Development Program. • 4-H CYD Monographs • Worker, S. (2012). History of science education in the 4-H Youth Development Program.

  19. Fund Development • Since the formation of the 4-H SET Initiative in Fall 2008, over $1.5 million has been raised in support of 4-H SET programs, workshops, and curricula. These include federal, corporate, foundation, and private sources. • Notable donors include: • USDA Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk (CYFAR) • Toyota 4-H2O, through National 4-H Council • NSF, Duke University, through National 4-H Council • National 4-H Council for curriculum projects • Noyce Foundation, through National 4-H Council • Lockheed Martin, through National 4-H Council • Landscape Contractors’ Assoc., through CA 4-H Foundation • BestBuy, through CA 4-H Foundation • Leavey Foundation, through CA 4-H Foundation

  20. Partnerships • Notable partnerships include: • California Afterschool Network, based at UC Davis • Coalition for Science After School, based at UC Berkeley • Lawrence Hall of Science • California Science Teachers Association

  21. Marketing & Promotion • 4-H is and continues to be represented with various organizations interested in youth science literacy. • Exploratorium, October • International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, March • Beyond School Hours, Foundations Inc., February • International Society for Technology in Education, June • California Science Teachers Association, October 19 & 20 • Bay Area Science Festival, November 3 • American Geophysical Union, December 2

  22. Continual Challenges 4-H Youth Development Program

  23. QTWGA • (Questions That Won’t Go Away) • Measuring and sharing outcomes – Needing to collect data and share outcomes. • Communication - Knowing what’s going on around the state. • Effective professional development – providing ongoing support to volunteers. • Subject matter – what should be a priority? • Efficiencies - How can county staff and volunteers integrate SET so that it enhances the work they are already doing and not an additional task?

  24. The Road Ahead 4-H Youth Development Program

  25. 4-H SET Plan of Action • Goal #1: Improve youth science literacy in, and attitudes for, agriculture, natural resources, and nutrition through educational programming that use: • High quality curricula identified and developed based on UC ANR initiatives • Staff, volunteer, teen, and other educators prepared using research-based professional development strategies • Strategies designed to meet the needs of youth audiences • Partners to strengthen programming • Goal #2: Advance the research-base of youth nonformal science education through: • Developing and implementing new 4-H SET programs • Evaluating existing and new 4-H SET programming • Conducting new applied research • Sharing outcomes • Goal #3: Support the first two goals through effective resource development.

  26. Science Literacy Program Team & 4-H SET Leadership Team, Joint Projects 2012-2013 • Position paper to define scientific literacy in the context of Cooperative Extension / ANR. • Conducting a statewide needs assessment of 4-H science programming. • Research proposals • Testing PD models (to NSF) • Testing youth water education model (to EPA) • Developing PD modules based on each component of the 4-H Program Framework. • 4-H Science Evaluation through the Online Record Book

  27. Other 4-H SET Research Projects Investigating the Impacts of Differing Levels of Frequency and Duration of Nonformal Science Programming on Youth Science Literacy Animal Welfare Proficiencies Project for 4-H Youth Bio-Security Proficiencies Project for 4-H Youth

  28. National E-Academy for 4-H staff in February & March 2013. Continued emphasis on integrating the mission mandates: Citizenship, Healthy Living, and Science. Preparation and release of “4-H Science Common Measures” to be used in grant-funded projects. Strengthening of the National Directory of 4-H Materials with social networking components. Contributions to professional development and curriculum development.

  29. State of the 4-H SET Initiative, October 2, 2012 Steven WorkerYFC, 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology Coordinatorsmworker@ucanr.edu | 530-754-8519 Martin Smith UC Davis Youth Science Literacy Specialist mhsmith@ucdavis.edu | 530-752-6894 Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty County Director San Benito; 4-H YD Advisor San Benito, Monterey, Santa Cruz lschmittmcquitty@ucanr.edu | 831-763-8026 Andrea Ambrose California 4-H Foundation, Corporate and Foundation Major Gifts Officer apambrose@ucanr.edu | 530-752-4210 4-H Youth Development Program

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