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第四章. 電腦軟體 COMPUTER SOFTWARE. 學習目標. 1. Describe several important trends occurring in computer software. 指出電腦軟體的重要發展趨勢。 2. Give examples of several major types of application and system software. 舉出應用軟體與系統軟體的數種主要類型。 3. Explain the purpose of several popular software
學習目標 1. Describe several important trends occurring in computer software. 指出電腦軟體的重要發展趨勢。 2. Give examples of several major types of application and system software. 舉出應用軟體與系統軟體的數種主要類型。 3. Explain the purpose of several popular software packages for end-user productivity and collaborative computing. 說明數種能提升終端使用者生產力與 協同計算能力的常見軟體之目的。
學習目標 4. Define and describe the functions of an operating system. 描繪作業系統的功能。 5. Describe the main uses of computer programming software, tools, and languages. 說明電腦程式設計軟體、工具與語言的主要應用情況。
應用軟體:終端使用者的應用Application Software:End-user Applications • What Is Software? 什麼是軟體? Software is the general term for various kinds of programs used to operate and manipulate computers and their eripheral Devices. • 軟體是泛指用來執行及操作電腦與相關設備的不同應用程式。
Wolf Peak International:中小型企業應用軟體之成敗Wolf Peak International: Failure andSuccess in Application Software forthe Small to Medium Enterprise 1. What problems occurred when Wolf Peak upgraded from QuickBooks to a new accounting software package? How could these problems have been avoided? 當Wolf Peak 將QuickBooks 升級成新的會計套裝軟體後 ,產生了哪些問題?這些問題後來又是如何避免的? 2. Why did SAP’s Business One prove to be a better choice for Wolf Peak’s management than the new accounting software? Give several examples to illustrate your answer. 相對於新的會計軟體,為什麼SAP Business One 是Wolf Peak 較佳的選擇呢?請附上幾個例子來說明你的答案。
Wolf Peak International:中小型企業應用軟體之成敗Wolf Peak International: Failure andSuccess in Application Software forthe Small to Medium Enterprise 3. Should most SMEs use an integrated business software suite like SAP Business One instead of specialized accounting and other business software packages? Why or why not? 大部分的中小型企業是否都應該選擇整合 式企業軟體套件,而非專門的會計套裝軟 體或其他的企業套裝軟體?為什麼?
一般用途應用程式 • 甲骨文的電子化企業套件
套裝軟體與整合式套件 • 套裝軟體(software suites)最廣為使用 • 如Microsoft Office、Lotus SmartSuite、Corel WordPerfect Office, 以及Sun StarOffice 都是常見的生產力套裝軟體範例。
一般用途應用程式 • 瀏覽器 • 微軟的 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器 • Netscape
一般用途應用程式 • 電子郵件、即時通訊軟體及網誌
一般用途應用程式 • 文書處理與桌上排版
一般用途應用程式 • 電子試算表軟體
一般用途應用程式 • 簡報圖形
一般用途應用程式 • 個人資訊管理Using a personal • information manager
一般用途應用程式 • 群組軟體Lotus Sametime
一般用途應用程式 • 應用服務供應商(ASPs) • Salesforce.com • 軟體授權Software Licensing • The requirement for licensing does not disappear when use of the software is obtained through an ASP. In this case, the license to dispense use of the software is granted to the ASP by the various software vendors, and in return, the ASP agrees to pay the software vendor a royalty based on the number of user accounts to which the ASP resells the rights. 當個人或公司購買軟體應用程式後,並沒有購買所有權,更確切地說,他們是購買軟體的使用許可證。
系統軟體:電腦系統管理System Software: Computer System Management • We can group system software into two major categories • 系統軟體區分成兩種主要類別: System management programs 系統管理程式 System development programs 系統開發程式
配電與執法的應用:透過XML分享資料獲得之利益Power Distribution and Law Enforcement: Reaping the Benefits of Sharing Data Through XML 1. What is the business value of XML to the organizations described in the case? How are they able to achieve such large returns on investment? 根據上文,哪些是XML為組織帶來的企業價值? 它們要如何為企業帶來龐大的投資報酬? 2. What are other ways in which XML could be used by organizations to create value and share data? Look for examples involving for-profit organizations to gain a more complete perspective on the issue. 公司還能用哪些方法透過XML創造價值並分享資料? 請尋找和營利組織相關的範例,以獲得對此議題更完整的看法。
配電與執法的應用:透過XML分享資料獲得之利益Power Distribution and Law Enforcement: Reaping the Benefits of Sharing Data Through XML 3. What seem to be important elements in the success of projects relying on extensive use of XML across organizations, and why? Research the concept of metadata to inform your answer. XML在組織間廣泛使用,並讓專案得以成功的 重要因素是什麼?請研究詮釋資料的概念並提 出你的答案。
系統軟體:電腦系統管理 • 終端使用者應用程式間不可或缺的軟體介面(software interface)
作業系統 • 使用者介面(user interface) • 指令式(command-driven) • 選單式(menu-driven • 圖形使用者介面(graphical user interface)
作業系統 • 資源管理(resource management) • 虛擬記憶體(virtual memory) • 檔案管理(file management) • 工作管理(task management) • 多工(multitasking) • 微軟Windows • Windows NT(New Technology)作業系統 • Windows 2000 作業系統 • Widows XP • Windows Server 2003
作業系統 • UNIX • Sun Microsystems Solaris • IBM AIX • Linux • 開放程式碼(open-source) • 免費分享軟體 • Red Hat • Caldera • SUSE Linux 等 • Mac OS X
開放原始碼軟體Open-source Software • The basic idea behind open source is very simple: When programmers can read, redistribute, and modify the source code for a piece of software, the software evolves. 開放原始碼軟體(open-source software, OSS)基本想法是很簡單的,當眾多程式設計人員可以讀取、重新分配及修改原始碼時,軟體就會跟著進步。 People improve it, people adapt it, people fix bugs. • 透過使用者改進、適應並修正錯誤。 • OpenOffice.org 2
其他系統管理程式Other System Management Programs • 系統管理軟體system management software • 資料庫管理系統database management systems • 網路管理程式network management programs • 工具程式(utilities) • 效能監視器(performance monitors) • 安全監視器(security monitor) • 應用伺服器(application servers) • 中介軟體(middleware)
Programming Languages • Examples of programming in each language 4-33
Object-Oriented Languages • Combines data elements and the procedures that will be performed uponthem into objects • E.g., data about a bank account and the procedures performed on it, such as interest calculations 4-35
程式語言Machine Languages • Object-Oriented Languages 物件導向語言 • Visual Basic • C++ • Java
物件導向程式語言 • Visual Basic 的物件導向程式撰寫環境 The Visual Basic object-oriented programming environment.
網站語言與服務Web Languages and Services • 網站語言與服務 • HTML(Hypertext Markup Language ,超文件標示語言) • XML(eXtensible Markup Language ,延伸性標示語言) HTML inserts control codes within a document at points you can specify that create links ( hyperlinks ) to other parts of the document or to other documents anywhere on the World Wide Web • XML 透過將識別標籤或文意標籤嵌入網頁文件資料中,來描述網頁內容的意義。 • Java • 獨立運算平台 • Java applets • J2EE(Java2 Enterprise Edition) • 微軟的 .Net 軟體開發平台
J2EE versus .Net 4-39
程式語言 • Java2 企業版與微軟.Net 軟體開發平台的優點與缺點
網站服務Web Services Web services promise to be the key software technology for automating access to data and application functions between a business and its trading partners. 網站服務讓企業與交易夥伴之間, 能自動存取資料與應用程式功能。 The XML language is one of the key technologies that enable Web services to make applications work between different computing platforms XML語言是應用程式得以在不同運算平台間順利 運作的主要技術之一。
網站服務Web Services Also important are UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration), the “yellow pages” directory of all Web services and how to locate and use them, 通用描述探索與整合(Universal Description and Discovery Integration, UDDI)也是一樣重要,它就像是電話簿的 「黃頁」目錄,列出所有的網站服務。 SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), an XML-based protocol Of specifications for connecting applications to the data that they need. 簡易物件存取協定(Simple Object Access Protocol, SOAP) 則是以XML 為 基礎,為了連接各應用程式所制定的資料通訊協定。
程式設計軟體Programming Software • 語言翻譯程式Language Translator Programs • 組譯器(assembler) • 編譯器(compiler) • 直譯器(interpreter) • 程式設計工具(programming tools) • 圖形導向的程式編輯器 • 除錯器(debugger) • 電腦輔助軟體工程(Computer-Aided Software Engineering, CASE)
程式設計軟體(續) • 程式設計工具Using the graphical programming interface of a Java programming tool,Forte for Java, by Sun Microsystems.
本章總結 • Computer software consists of two major types of programs 電腦軟體分為兩大類別: • 應用軟體application software • 系統軟體system software • 應用軟體分為兩大類別: • 一般用途general purpose • 特定用途application-specific categories
本章總結(續) • 系統軟體System Software • 系統管理軟體system management programs • 系統開發軟體system development programs • 網路管理程式network management programs • 資料庫管理程式database management systems • 系統工具system utilities
本章總結(續) (1) a user interface for system and network communications with users, 使用者與系統以及網路通訊間的介面。 (2) resource management for managing the hardware resources of a computer system, 電腦系統硬體的資源管理。 (3) file management for managing files of data and programs, 資料檔案與程式檔案的管理。 (4) task management for managing the tasks a computer must accomplish, 管理電腦必須完成的工作管理。 (5) utilities and other functions that provide miscellaneous support services. 提供各種支援服務的工具與功能。 • 作業系統具備五項基本功能:
本章總結(續) • The five major levels of programming languages • 程式語言的五種層級 • 機器語言machine languages • 組合語言assembler languages • 高階語言high-leve languages, • 第四代語言fourth-generation languages • 物件導向語言Objectoriented languages