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CMPE 3 2 5 Computer Architecture II. Cem Erg ün Eastern Med iterranean University. Using Assembly. Using Arrays for Counting. Consider the C code for counting an array where we have int target , int n , and int *list available in parameters $a0 - $a2 int count = 0; int i;
CMPE 325 Computer Architecture II Cem Ergün Eastern Mediterranean University Using Assembly
Using Arrays for Counting • Consider the C code for counting an array where we have int target, int n, and int *list available in parameters $a0-$a2 int count = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (list[i] == target) count++; } CMPE325 CH #3
Using Arrays Solution • Writing the loop li $t0, 0 # count = 0 li $t1, 0 # i = 0 Loop: bge $t1, $a1, Exit # goto Exit if i >= n add $t2, $t1, $t1 # $t2 = 2 * i add $t2, $t2, $t2 # $t2 = 4 * i add $t3, $t2, $a2 # $t3 = list + 4 * i lw $t4, 0($t3) # $t4 = list[i] bne $t4, $a0, Next # goto Next if $t4!=target addi $t0, $t0, 1 # count++; Next: addi $t1, $t1, 1 # i++; j Loop # Loop again Exit: CMPE325 CH #3
MIPS Assembler Directives • SPIM supports a subset of the MIPS assembler directives • Some of the directives include: • .asciiz – Store a null-terminated string in memory • .data – Start of data segment • .global – Identify an exported symbol • .text – Start of text segment • .word – Store words in memory • See Appendix A for details and examples CMPE325 CH #3
Representing Instructions • High-level Assembly Machine .c C Program Compiler Assembly Program .s Assembler Module Object Machine Object .o Linker Executable Loader Memory CMPE325 CH #3
Assembler • Expands macros and pseudoinstructions as well as converts values (ex. 0xFF for hex) • Primary purpose is to produce object file containing • Machine language instructions • Application data • Information for memory organization CMPE325 CH #3
Object File • Includes • Object header – describes file organization • Text segment – machine code • Data segment – static and dynamic data • Relocation information – identifies instructions/data that depend on absolute addresses when program is loaded • Symbol table – list of labels that are not defined (ex. external references) • Debugging information – describes relationship between source code and machine instructions CMPE325 CH #3
Linker • Linker combines multiple object modules • Identify where code/data will be placed in memory • Resolve code/data cross references • Produces executable if all references found • Steps • Place code and data modules in memory • Determine the address of data and instruction labels • Patch both the internal and external references • Separation between compiler and linker makes standard libraries an efficient solution to maintaining modular code CMPE325 CH #3
Loader • Loader used at run-time • Reads executable file header for size of text/data segments • Create address space sufficiently large • Copy instructions and data from executable into memory • Copy parameters to main program’s stack • Initialize machine registers and set SP • Jump to start-up routine • Makes exit system call when program is done CMPE325 CH #3
Instruction Encoding • As we have seen, there are several different ways that instructions are written, depending upon what types of information they need • MIPS architecture has three instruction formats, all 32 bits in length • Regularity is simpler and improves performance • A 6 bit opcode appears at the beginning of each instruction • Needed by control logic to be able to decode instruction type • See Appendix A.10 and Page 153 for a list CMPE325 CH #3
Machine Language • All instructions have the same length (32 bits) • DP3: Good design demands good compromises • Same length or same format • Three different formats • R: arithmetic instruction format • I: transfer, branch, immediate format • J: jump instruction format • add $t0, $s1, $s2 • 32 bits in machine language • Fields for: • Operation (add) • Operands ($s1, $s2, $t0) 10101101001010000000010010110000 00000010010010000100000000100000 10001101001010000000010010110000 lw $t0, 1200($t1) add $t0, $s2, $t0 sw $t0, 1200($t1) A[300] = h + A[300]; CMPE325 CH #3
Instruction Formats 6 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 6 bits R: op rs rt rd shamt funct I: op rs rt address / immediate J: op target address op: basic operation of the instruction (opcode) rs: first source operand register rt: second source operand register rd: destination operand register shamt: shift amount funct: selects the specific variant of the opcode (function code) address: offset for load/store instructions (+/-215) immediate: constants for immediate instructions CMPE325 CH #3
Example A[300] = h + A[300]; /* $t1 <= base of array A; $s2 <= h */ Compiler lw $t0, 1200($t1) # temporary register $t0 gets A[300] add $t0, $s2, $t0 # temporary register $t0 gets h +A[300] sw $t0, 1200($t1) # stores h + A[300] back into A[300] Assembler 35 9 8 1200 0 18 8 8 0 32 43 9 8 1200 100011 01001 01000 0000 0100 1011 0000 000000 10010 01000 01000 00000 100000 101011 01001 01000 0000 0100 1011 0000 CMPE325 CH #3
R-Format • Used by ALU instructions • Uses three registers: one for destination and two for source • Function code specifies which operation Bits 6 5 5 5 5 6 OP=0 rs rd sa funct rt Function Code Second SourceRegister First SourceRegister ResultRegister Shift Amount (Chap 4) CMPE325 CH #3
Bits 6 5 5 5 5 6 OP=0 17 8 0 32 18 Function Code Second SourceRegister First SourceRegister ResultRegister Shift Amount (Chap 4) R-Format Example • Consider the add instruction add $8, $17, $18 • We can fill in each of the fields 000000 10001 01000 00000 100000 10010 CMPE325 CH #3
R-Format Limitations • The R-Format works well for ALU-type operations, but does not work well for some of the other instructions we have seen • Consider for example the lw instruction which takes an offset • If placed in an R-format, would only have 5 bits of space for the offset • Offsets of only 32 are not all that useful! A good design requires good compromises, so a single instruction format is not possible CMPE325 CH #3
Immediates (Numerical Constants) • Small constants are used frequently (50% of operands) • A = A + 5; • C = C – 1; • Solutions • Put typical constants in memory and load them • Create hardwired registers (e.g. $0 or $zero) • Rule4: make the common case fast • MIPS instructions for constants (I format) • addi $t0, $s7, 4 # $t0 = $s7 + 4 4 8 23 8 4 001000 10111 01000 0000 0000 0000 0100 CMPE325 CH #3
I-Format • The immediate instruction format • Uses different opcodes for each instruction • Immediate field is signed (positive/negative) • Used for loads and stores as well as immediate instructions (addi, lui, etc.) • Also used for branches since branch destination is PC relative Bits 6 5 5 16 OP rs imm rt Immediate Second SourceRegister First SourceRegister CMPE325 CH #3
I-Format Example • Consider the addi instruction addi $8, $9, 1 # $t0 = $t1 + 1 • Fill in each of the fields Bits 6 5 5 16 8 9 1 8 Immediate Second SourceRegister First SourceRegister 001000 01001 0000000000000001 01000 CMPE325 CH #3
Another I-Format Example • Consider the while loop from before Loop: add $t0, $s0, $s0 # $t0 = 2 * i add $t0, $t0, $t0 # $t0 = 4 * i add $t1, $t0, $s3 # $t1 = &(A[i]) lw $t2, 0($t1) # $t2 = A[i] bne $t2, $s2, Exit # goto Exit if != add $s0, $s0, $s1 # i = i + j j Loop # goto Loop Exit: • Pretend the first instruction is located at address 80000 CMPE325 CH #3
I-Format Example (Incorrect) • Consider the bne instruction bne $t2, $s2, Exit # goto Exit if $t0 != $S5 • Fill in each of the fields • This is not the optimum encoding Bits 6 5 5 16 5 10 8 18 Immediate Second SourceRegister First SourceRegister 000101 01010 0000000000001000 10010 CMPE325 CH #3
PC Relative Addressing • What can we improve about our use of immediate addresses when branching? • Since instructions are always 32 bits long, and since addressing is word aligned, we know that every address must be a multiple of 4 • Therefore, we actually branch to the address that is PC + 4 + 4 immediate CMPE325 CH #3
PC Relative Addressing Memory byte addr. PC relative word addr. Branch instructions use PC-relative Addressing. Target is the label of address (B) in instruction memory. 0000 Farthest backward branch address A−217: 215 lw $t3,8($s4) negative imm16 = −k and $s0,$s1,$t0 −k ref. point is next instruction A−4: beq $s0,$s1,B −1 PC-relative byte address = B – A A: addi $s3,$s3,5 0 positive imm16 =k =(B−A)/4 Target-Address = B= PC + 4×Imm16 B: k sub $t0,$s1,$t1 PC contains address of the next instruction = A A+217-1: 215-1 slti $at,$s1,$t0 Farthest forward branch address 16-bit signed Immediate word address relative to next instruction = k = (B–A)/4 FFFF CMPE325 CH #3
I-Format Example (Corrected) • Re-consider the bne instruction bne $t2, $s2, Exit # goto Exit if $t0 != $S5 • Use PC-Relative addressing for the immediate Bits 6 5 5 16 5 10 2 18 Immediate Second SourceRegister First SourceRegister 000101 01010 0000000000000010 10010 CMPE325 CH #3
Branching Far Away • If the target is > 216 away, then the compiler inverts the condition and inserts an unconditional jump • Consider the example where L1 is far away beq $s0, $s1, L1 # goto L1 if S$0=$s1 • Can be rewritten as bne $s0, $s1, L2 # Inverted j L1 # Unconditional jump L2: CMPE325 CH #3
Far Target Address Text Segment (252MB) 0x00400000 (0x07fe0000) -217 PC (0x08000000) beq $s0, $s1, L1 +217 (0x08020000) bne $s0, $s1, L2 j L1 L2: (0x08200000) L1: 0x10000000 CMPE325 CH #3
I-Format Example: Load/Store • Consider the lw instruction lw $t2, 0($t1) # $t2 = Mem[$t1] • Fill in each of the fields Bits 6 5 5 16 35 9 0 10 Immediate Second SourceRegister First SourceRegister 001000 01001 0000000000000000 01010 CMPE325 CH #3
Direct Memory Addressing • When loading/storing, sometimes it is necessary to address a full 32 bits • Many options, including: • Use a 32 bit constant already stored in a register lw $t1, 0($t0) # Load using register $t0 • Load an address constant from a table in memory lw $t0, 40($s0) # Load the 32 bit address lw $t1, 0($t0) # Load contents at address CMPE325 CH #3
J-Format • The jump instruction format • Uses different opcodes for each instruction • Used by j and jal instructions • Uses absolute addressing since long jumps are common • Uses word addressing as well (target 4) • Pseudodirect addressing where 228 bits from target, and remaining 4 bits come from upper bits of PC Bits 6 26 OP target Jump Target Address CMPE325 CH #3
J-Format • Address-to-Jump = Page-Address+4×imm26 = (PC31, PC30, PC29, PC28, I25, I24,....., I1, I0, 0 , 0)two shift-left 2-bit to convert the word-address to the byte-address. Memory Page Address. Leftmost-4-bits of the Program Counter. 26-bit Immediate word- address. CMPE325 CH #3
Complete Example • Now we can write the complete example for our while loop 80000 0 16 8 0 32 16 80004 0 8 8 0 32 8 80008 0 8 9 0 32 19 80012 35 9 0 10 80016 5 10 2 18 80020 0 16 16 0 32 17 80024 2 20000 80028 … CMPE325 CH #3
SPIM Code PC MIPS Pseudo MIPS add $9, $10, $11 main: add $t1, $t2, $t3 j 0x00400048 / 4 [exit] j exit addi $9, $10, -50 addi $t1, $t2, -50 lw $8, 5($9) lw $t0, 5($t1) lw $8, -5($9) lw $t0, -5($t1) bne $8, $9, 4 [exit-PC]#(48-38)=10H=16/4 bne $t0, $t1, exit addi $9, $10, 50 addi $t1, $t2, 50 bne $8, $9, -8 [main-PC]#(20-40)=-20H=-32/4 bne $t0, $t1, main lb $8, -5($9) lb $t0, -5($t1) j 0x00400020 / 4[main-PC] j main add $9, $10, $11 exit: add $t1, $t2, $t3 main [0x00400020] [0x00400024] [0x00400028] [0x0040002c] [0x00400030] [0x00400034] [0x00400038] [0x0040003c] [0x00400040] [0x00400044] [0x00400048] exit CMPE325 CH #3
Addressing Modes 1 . I m m e d i a t e a d d r e s s i n g o p r s r t I m m e d i a t e 2 . R e g i s t e r a d d r e s s i n g o p r s r t r d . . . f u n c t R e g i s t e r s R e g i s t e r 3 . B a s e a d d r e s s i n g M e m o r y o p r s r t A d d r e s s + B y t e H a l f w o r d W o r d R e g i s t e r 4 . P C - r e l a t i v e a d d r e s s i n g o p r s r t A d d r e s s * 4 M e m o r y + W o r d P C 5 . P s e u d o d i r e c t a d d r e s s i n g o p A d d r e s s * 4 M e m o r y W o r d P C CMPE325 CH #3
Addressing Modes 1- Register Addressing • A register address field is always 5-bit • jr $31 • add $3, $8,$9 CMPE325 CH #3
Addressing Modes 2- Base&Displacement Addressing • sw $5, 300 ($7) 16-bit imm CMPE325 CH #3
Addressing Modes 3- Immediate addressing • immediate arithmetic-logic instructions (addi, andi, ori, slti, lui) addi and slti use sign-extend All logical instructions use zero-extend 16-bit imm CMPE325 CH #3
Addressing Modes 4- PC-relative addressing • beq and bne use PC-relative addressing CMPE325 CH #3
Addressing Modes 5- Pseudo-Direct addressing • An operand may contain large part of the address directly. • J and JAL has 26-bit immJ field as direct address. • This field is left shifted-2-bit, and then PC-extended. 28-bit byte address is PC-extended to 32-bit. CMPE325 CH #3
Addressing Modes Summary • Register addressing – operand is a register(ex. ALU) • Base/displacement addressing – operand is at the memory location that is the sum of a base register and a constant (ex. load/store) • Immediate addressing – operand is a constant within the instruction itself (ex. constants) • PC-relative addressing – address is the sum of PC and constant in instruction (ex. branch) • Pseudodirect addressing – target address is concatenation of field in instruction and the PC (ex. jump) CMPE325 CH #3
Four Design Principles • Simplicity favors regularity • Smaller is faster • Good design demands good compromises • Make the common case fast CMPE325 CH #3