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[0-11]. [011]. Planar InAs Nanowires and InAs / GaSb Nanowire Heterostructures Chen Yang, Purdue University, DMR 0847523.
[0-11] [011] Planar InAsNanowires and InAs/GaSbNanowireHeterostructuresChen Yang, Purdue University, DMR 0847523 In the report period of 2010-2011, we have successfully demonstrated that planar (Left Figure) and vertical InAsnanowire growth can be controlled well by adjusting the growth conditions and the growth substrate orientation. Structural and electronic characterizations of InAsnanowires were investigated. We also extended our growth effort to InAs/GaSb core-shell nanowireheterostructures. Structural characterization indicate the first successful growth of InAs/GaSb core-shell nanowires, offering a platform for fundamental study of material science as well as the development of new device concepts. SEM (a,b) image of self-aligned planar InAsnanowires grown on InAs(100) substrates. 45˚ tilted view. Scale bar is (b) 200 nm.
Engagement on Frontier of Nanoscience Chen Yang, Purdue University, DMR 0847523 • Undergraduate student, Sudarat Lee was • supported by Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in 2011 summer under the direction of Dr. Yang. • Working with a graduate student, Sudarat conducted research focusing on cellular interaction of silicon nanowires. She presented the progress of the project in SURF symposium at Purdue. Snapshot of the poster presented by undergraduate Sudarat Lee in SURF symposium on Aug 3, 2011 at Purdue.