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A Complexity Lens: Co-teaching as a Model for Coaching Catherine Twomey Fosnot. What does it mean to teach?. “ It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge . ” Albert Einstein.
A Complexity Lens: Co-teaching as a Model for CoachingCatherine Twomey Fosnot
“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”Albert Einstein
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”William Butler Yeats
“Teaching is one of the most crucial, responsible, and important professions. Its objective is…the creation of a culture.” Ayn Rand
“When those who have power to manipulate changes act as if they have only to explain and when their explanations are not at once accepted, shrug off opposition as ignorance or prejudice, they express a profound contempt for the meaning of lives other than their own.”Marris, 1975
Level One Learning: Acquisition of specifics, facts, rules, and attitudes by taking in through exposure Teaching: Show and tell students what they need to know Teacher DevelopmentPaul Ammon, UC Berkeley
Level Two Learning: Acquisition of skills and procedures resulting from imitation, practice, and reinforcement Teaching: Engaging students in activities to assess what they can and can’t do, provide feedback, and reinforce and correct behavior Teacher Development, Ammon, cont.
Level Three Learning: Attainment or discovery of the “correct” (the teacher’s) understanding Teaching: Supporting active learning to induce “correct” understandings Teacher Development,Ammon, cont.
Level Four Learning: Attaining an understanding of some content as a result of reasoning about it, interpretation of it Teaching: Promoting discourse, reflection, argumentation, and puzzlement Teacher Development, Ammon, cont.
Level Five Learning:Knowing that what you did in level four has implications for affecting reasoning, content construction, and development. Knowledge emerges Teaching:Facilitating development and thinking Collaborative community conversation Teacher Development, Ammon, cont.
Where would you place yourself on this developmental continuum? Where would you place your learning institution?
What does it mean to teach mathematics? Strong enough themselves in the content that they can maximize the “math moments.”
Mathematicsor the Development of Mathematizing? • Big Ideas • Models • Progression of Strategies • Landscapes of Learning • Landmarks on the Journey
Pedagogy • Community of Discourse • Think Time • Questioning • Paraphrasing • Pair Talk • Facilitating Problem Solving and Inquiry
Didactical Role of Context • Building in Constraints • Building in Potentially-Realized Suggestions • Scaffolding and Supporting Development • Context for learning to teach is the classroom
This is hard, hard work … How do we accomplish it?
“Organizations change when their members can identify their most deeply ingrained assumptions, then unearth a shared picture of the future and go after it together.” Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline
The Complexity of Learning • Gone are the days when classrooms are • about teachers explaining and having learners • practice … • We know real learning to be much more • complex … • This holds for coaches working with teachers • as well …
Classrooms as Communities of Inquiry, Discourse, and Reflection • The indispensable foundation for facilitating the emergence of a higher-order system is to create a deep sense of community functioning in a nonhierarchical, mutually respectful way.
DIALOGUE IS: A SUSTAINED COLLECTIVE INQUIRY INTO THE PROCESSES, ASSUMPTIONS AND CERTAINTIES THAT COMPOSE EVERYDAY EXPERIENCES. The goal is to build and develop shared meaning and to use self-awareness as a resource … become aware of and suspend the underlying assumptions that drive the ways in which we work … bring our mental models into the open for self-examination. What we end up with depends as much on how all of us conceive and reconceive ourselves as it does on what we ask each other to do.
Encourage teachers to see beauty in children’s mathematical ideasand enable everyone in the community to see mathematics as beautiful and creative as they enquire and solve problems in their own ways and then defend their solutions and proofs in the community we create.
Co-teaching Learning Communities Summer Institute Digital Materials PD throughout the year Related Curriculum Materials Math in the City Model