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Administrative Process Flow Charts. May 3, 2005. Table of Contents. Awards (Monetary) 3 Awards (Time-off) 4 Award Actions 5 Imaging Service Requests 6
Administrative Process FlowCharts May 3, 2005
Table of Contents • Awards (Monetary) 3 • Awards (Time-off) 4 • Award Actions 5 • Imaging Service Requests 6 • Minority Serving Institution Interns 7 • Overtime/Compensatory Time 8 • Personnel Actions 9 • Print Requests 10 • Procurements Requests (PR’s) 11 • Service Certificates 12 • Shipping Request 13 • Student Intern/Coops 14 • Supply Actions 15 • Telecommunication Requests (TSR’s) 16 • Training – New Group Classes 17 • Training Action Process 18 • Training Requests 19 • Travel Authorization 20
Awards (Monetary) Manager receives notification of Personnel Action (SF-50) from the HR Specialist and gives to the employee. Manager provides award justification to theSecretary. • Notes: • Approval Authority for Monetary Awards: • VP Level: Over $3,000.00 or more • Director: $1,000 - $3,000.00 • SLT: Under $1,000.00 - $500.00 • Division: $500 or less • 2) SLT approval required on all awards for Director and Division-level approval. • 3) When giving a Monetary award outside of the organization, need to coordinate with recipient’s Manager. Secretary prepares the justification letter and/or certificate for signature of approving official/s and Certification page based on Approval authority level. HR Specialist forwards original SF-50 to the Manager of the customer organization. Manager presents award to the employee/s. Secretary will file the final justification letter in the EPF. Secretary forwards the approved justification letter To the Office of Organizational Excellence (OOE) Incentive Awards Coordinatorfor Signature (original and 3 copies). Business Analyst returns original and one copy to the originating organization for presentation to employee and filing in the EPF. OOE Incentive Awards Coordinator reviews and Signs justification Letter? N Y OOE Incentive Awards Coordinator forwards approved justification letter to the Business Analyst for Funds certification. Business Analyst will number the award on the copy using the following numbering system: fiscal year-routing symbol-doc type-sequential. (i.e. 5X060AW001) And enters document into the Financial system. Business Analyst forwards a copy of the justification letter to HR for processing.
Awards (Time-Off) Manager provides award justification to theSecretary. • Notes: • Approval Authority for Time-Off Awards: • VP Level: 16 hrs. or more • Director: Less than 16 hrs. • 3) SLT approval required on all awards for Director and Division-level approval. • 3) When giving a Time-off award outside of the organization, need to coordinate with recipient’s Manager. Secretary prepares the justification letter and/or certificate for signature of approving official/s and Certification page based on Approval authority level. Manager receives notification of Personnel Action (SF-50) from the HR Specialist and gives to the employee. Secretary forwards the approved justification letter To the Office of Organizational Excellence (OOE) Incentive Awards Coordinatorfor Signature (original and 3 copies). HR Specialist forwards original SF-50 to the Manager of the customer organization. Manager presents award to the employee/s. Secretary will file the final justification letter in the EPF. OOE Incentive Awards Coordinator reviews and Signs justification Letter? N Y OOE Incentive Awards Coordinator forwards approved copy of the justification letter to Human Resource (ACT-10) for processing. OOE Incentive Awards Coordinator returns original and one copy to the originating organization for presentation to employee and filing in the EPF.
Award Actions Technical Center (TC) receives award action from ATO-P, respective FAA Headquarters Office, or other source The Office of Organizational Excellence (OOE)reviews action and sends to Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) Secretary to prepare for distribution OOEsubmits response to originating organization SLT Secretary distributes action to respective organization Each SLT Secretary announces award, collects responses, prepares a consolidated response OOEprepares a TC consolidated response N If positive response? SLT Secretary informs SLT Manager and forwards negative response to OOE by due date OOE coordinates any edits with SLT Secretary for that organization Y SLT Secretaryreviews organization’s response with SLT Manager SLT Secretarysubmits organization’s response To OOE OOEreviews responses to ensure they meet award criteria and edits nomination if needed
Imaging Service Requests Secretary receives all pertinent information from requestor to prepare the Imaging Service Request CT Form 1730-4. Note: A cost estimate must be included as part of Imaging Service Request or it will be returned unsigned. Secretary will use the following sequential numbering system: fiscal year-routing symbol-doc type-sequential number. i.e. 5X001IM001 The Business Analyst provides guidance and advice to customer organizations. Secretary forwards the Imaging Service Request to the Manager for approval. N Business Analyst reviews & fund certifies the Request? Manager reviews and approves Imaging Service Request? N Y Y Business Analyst enters document into the financial system using the standard sequential numbering system for reconciliation purposes. Business Analyst returns the Imaging Service Request to the originating office for processing. Note: Manager returns the approved Imaging Service Request back to Secretarywho then forwards. Note: If the document does not contain the standard numbering sequence, the Business Analyst will return it to the Secretary for correction.
Minority Serving Institution (MSI) Interns Is funding available to support student intern/coop program? OOEreceives request for interest in Minority Serving Institution (MSI) Interns Program from ATO-P. N Done Office of Organizational Excellence (OOE) sends action to SLT Secretaries requesting interest in Minority Serving Institution (MSI) Interns. Y ATO-P coordinates with Manageron Placement of MSI Intern. SLT Secretary announces MSI Intern Program within their organization. OOEsubmits MSI Intern responses to ATO-P. Managerprovides accounting codes on the MSI Intern nomination form SLT Secretary collects responses, prepares a consolidated response for that organization SLT Secretaryreviews organization’s response with SLT Managerand submits organization’s response toOOE
Overtime/Compensatory Time Secretary receives all pertinent information from employee or manager for preparing Form DOT F 3500.1, using the following numbering system: fiscal year-routing symbol-doc type-sequential number: i.e. 5X060OT001 • Notes: • A cost estimate must be included in the request or it will be returned unsigned. • If overtime is being funded by another organization, Secretary provides a Manpower Card to the employee for completion. • Secretary provides the completed Manpower Card to Accounting no later than the Tuesday following the close of the pay period; with a copy to the Business Analyst. Secretary submits form to Manager for approval. The Business Analyst provides guidance and advice to customer organizations. Manager approves? N N Done. Business Analyst reviews for appropriate accounting information and fund certifies? Y Business Analyst enters document into the financial system using the standard sequential numbering system for reconciliation purposes. Business Analyst maintains original and returns a copy to the originating office. Y Secretary provides approved form to the Business Analyst. Note: If the document does not contain the standard numbering sequence, the Business Analyst will return it to the Secretary for correction.
Personnel Actions(SF-52’s and SF-50’s) The HR Specialist provides guidance and advice to customer organizations. SLT or Division-Level Secretary receives SF-50 from the HR Specialist and gives to the employee. HR Specialist forwards original SF-50 to the SLT or Division-Level of the customer organization. Manager provides pertinent information to the Secretary to create a Personnel Action (SF-52) in IPPS. Y HR Specialist Receives and reviews Notification of Personnel Action (SF-50) from SSC for accuracy? Secretary prints the request and forwards to Manager, along with all supporting documentation, for signature. N Note: All SF-52’s must be signed/approved at the Division or Office level. HR Specialist reviews SF-52 for completeness? Secretary routes SF-52 in IPPS to their HR Specialist’sinbox (FA CT010 HR Specialist) for review along with a signed hard copy of the SF-52 and all supporting documentation. HR Specialist processes SF-52 request, obtains Budget approval, and forwards to SSC for final processing. Y N
Print Requests Secretary receives all pertinent information from requestor to prepare the Print Request CT Form 1720-11. Note: A cost estimate must be included as part of the Print Request or it will be returned unsigned. Secretary will use the following sequential numbering system: fiscal year-routing symbol-doc type-sequential number. i.e. 5X001PR001 The Business Analyst provides guidance and advice to customer organizations. Secretary forwards the Print Request to the Manager for approval. N Manager reviews and approves Print Request? Business Analyst reviews & fund certifies the Request? N Y Y Business Analyst enters document into the financial system using the standard sequential numbering system for reconciliation purposes. Business Analyst returns the Print Request to the originating office for processing. Note: Manager returns the approved Print Request back to Secretarywho then forwards. Note: If the document does not contain the standard numbering sequence, the Business Analyst will return it to the Secretary for correction.
Procurements Requests (PR’s) Secretary receives all pertinent information from requestor to create PR. • Notes: • When items cannot be attached to the PR (i.e. floor plans) , Secretary provides a hard copy of the PR and necessary supporting documentation to Manager, Business Analyst and Contracting Office. • If originator does not receive award document in a timely manner, Business Analyst should be contacted. • If a special approval is required (i.e. space, library, etc.), Business Analyst will forward to the appropriate person, who will then forward the PR to contracts upon their review. Secretary prepares the PR and Establishes document routing in the current electronic system and attaches all necessary documentation. Note: Contracts Office distributes copies of award document to Business Analyst and requestor. Secretary routes PR electronically to Manager for review & approval. The Business Analyst provides guidance and advice to customer organizations. N Business Analyst electronically forwards to contracts. Business Analyst reviews & certifies PR? Manager reviews and approves PR? Business Analyst enters document into the financial system using the requisition number. N Y Y Manager forwards PR to Business Analyst.
Service Certificates Human Resource (ACT-10) will run a report and provide a listing to the SLT Secretary of employees due a Service Certificate sorted by division SLT Secretary receives report and distributes to Division Secretaries to prepare certificates. SLT Secretary will keep record to verify certificates are delivered. Is certificate for less than 25 yrs? Is certificate for 25 yrs to less than 40 yrs? DivisionSecretary receives report and prepares Service Certificates. DivisionSecretary sends certificates to Division Managers. Certificates over 40 yrs of service must be signed and presented by the Center Director. N N Y Y Division Manager signs certificate and presents to employee. Appropriate SLT manager signs certificate and presents to employee. Was certificate presented to employee? N Y DivisionSecretary Reports back to SLT Secretary for tracking and closure.
Shipping Request Secretary receives all pertinent information from requestor to prepare the Shipping Request on-line form. • Note: • A cost estimate must be included as part of Shipping Request or it will be returned unsigned. • Shipping Request on-line form is located on the ACX-54 website and the Tech Center Forms website. Secretary will use the following sequential numbering system: fiscal year-routing symbol-doc type-sequential number. i.e. 5X001SR001 The Business Analyst provides guidance and advice to customer organizations. Secretary forwards the Shipping Request to the Manager for approval. N Manager reviews and approves Shipping Request? Business Analyst reviews & fund certifies the Request? N Y Y Business Analyst enters document into the financial system using the standard sequential numbering system for reconciliation purposes. Business Analyst returns the Shipping Request to the originating office for processing. Note: Manager returns the approved Shipping Request back to Secretarywho then forwards. Note: If the document does not contain the standard numbering sequence, the Business Analyst will return it to the Secretary for correction.
Student Interns/Coops Is funding available to support student intern/coop program? Office of Organizational Excellence (OOE)obtains input from Chief Financial Officer as to whether funding is available to support student intern/coop program N Done Y OOE submits quarterly report of student intern/coop hours to Budget OOE sends action to SLT Secretaries requesting interest in student interns/ coops Each pay period,Secretaries forward student intern/coop hours toOOE SLT Secretary announces student intern/coop program OOE manages coop program SLT Secretary collects responses, prepares a consolidated response for that organization SLT Secretaryreviews organization’s response with SLT Managerand submits organization’s response toOOE OOE prioritizes student intern/ coop responses based on need and budget;, and submits to Human Resources (ACT-10)to begin recruitment process ACT-10 coordinates hiring of student intern/coops with hiring Manager
Supply Actions Note: A cost estimate must be included as part of SA or it will be returned unsigned. Secretary receives all pertinent information from requestor to enter into the Supermarket Request System that generates an automatic sequential request number, i.e. 5X001SA001 Secretary forwards the SA to the Manager for approval. The Business Analyst provides guidance and advice to customer organizations. N Manager reviews and approves Supply Action? Business Analyst reviews & fund certifies the SA? N Y Y Business Analyst enters document into the financial system using the automatic sequential numbering system for reconciliation purposes. Business Analyst forwards the SA to the Supermarket for processing. Note: Manager returns the approved SA back to Secretarywho then forwards.
Telecommunication Requests (TSR’s) Secretary receives all pertinent information from requestor to prepare the Telecommunication Request (TSR) CT Form 1770-17. Note: A cost estimate must be included as part of TSR or it will be returned unsigned. Secretary will use the following sequential numbering system: fiscal year-routing symbol-doc type-sequential number. i.e. 5X001TR001 The Business Analyst provides guidance and advice to customer organizations. Secretary forwards the TSR to the Manager for approval. N Manager reviews and approves TSR? Business Analyst reviews & fund certifies the TSR? N Y Y Business Analyst enters document into the financial system using the standard sequential numbering system for reconciliation purposes. Business Analyst returns the TSR to the originating office for processing. Note: Manager returns the approved TSR back to Secretarywho then forwards. Note: If the document does not contain the standard numbering sequence, the Business Analyst will return it to the Secretary for correction.
Training Action Process Technical Center (TC) receives training action from ATO-P, FAA, or openings exist in new group course Office of Organizational Excellence (OEE) sends out training action to theSLT Secretary. SLT Secretary announces training, collects responses, prepares a consolidated response OOEsubmits response to originating organization SLT Secretary informs SLT Manager and forwards negative response to OEE by due date If positive response? N OOE prepares a TC consolidated response Y SLT Secretaryreviews organization’s response with SLT Manager OOEreviews responses, particularly when slots are limited, and works with SLT to prioritize attendees SLT Secretarysubmits organization’s response To OOE
Training - New Group Classes Manager has an interest in bringing in new group training for employees Manager completes a needs assessment (with source of funding) and provides to Office of Organizational Excellence (OOE) to obtain assistance in securing class Is training class available through existing resources (eLMS, CMD, etc.)? N OOE identifies sources for the class Proceed to Training Action Process if open slots or to Training Requests if all slots being filled by originating organization Y OOE coordinates withHuman Resources (ACT-10) to ensure Training criteria are met by the proposed class, to coordinate the scheduling and logistics of the class, and to ensure it is entered in the Training and Tracking System OOE coordinates with originating organization to ensure proper purchase/payment of the class
Training Requests Manager approves? N Manager receives written Training Request Form from employee printed from the Training Tracking System (TTS). Note: In the case of group training, the final approval must come from the originating office in the Training Tracking System (TTS). The Secretary will go into the TTS to select request received and the TTS will notify the individual employees directly that they are approved and registered to attend. Done Y Manager notifies employee, and forwards document to the Secretary for processing. • Notes: • For training requests requiring a credit card or PR for purchase, a copy of the approved TTS and IPPS request should be attached to the credit card request form and submitted to the Business Analyst. • Business Analyst will review for funding any PR or credit card requests necessary. • If a SF182 is required, then Business Analyst will enter request into the financial system. Secretary closes IPPS request which updates employee training history. Secretary receives completed and approved written Training Request Form from the Manager. Employee completes training Evaluation in TTS after and Training is completed and Provides copy to Secretary. N ACT-10 reviews & approves electronic IPPS request? Secretary creates a training request in IPPS and routes to the Human Resource (ACT-10) IPPS Inbox: FA CT010 CT010TRAIN Y ACT-10 returns approved IPPS to Secretary’s TOP001 inbox. • Notes: • An IPPS request should not be created unless the above document has been approved and received. • Do not register an employee prior to an IPPS and credit card request form being approved.
Travel Authorization • Notes: • Employee must have an electronically approved Travel Authorization prior to going on travel. • If document is to be canceled, the Secretary will open the original authorization in TeServ, change the doc type to canceled, and sign electronically. If the trip was taken, enter in the comments section: Trip Taken, no Expenses incurred. Canceled documents do not route back thru the Business Analyst in ACX-5. • After canceling the document, the Secretary will send an e-mail message to the appropriate Business Analyst with the traveler’s name, document name, and amount; stating the travel was canceled and whether or not the trip was taken. • When notified of a document cancellation, Business Analyst will make the necessary adjustments in Financial Management System (FMS). • Vouchers are the responsibility of the employee. Secretary receives all pertinent travel information from employee. Secretary creates authorization, amendment, and/or cancellations in electronic system (TeServ) and saves the document using the following numbering system in the name field: fiscal year- routing symbol-doc type-sequential number (i.e. 5B720TV001). Or uses the centrally funded document number. Secretarysupplies approved authorization to the employee. Y Secretary signs and routes the document electronically to the Business Analyst. Travel Authorization approved by Manager? N Business Analyst reviews & fund certifies authorization & amendments in TeServ? Manager receives the fund certified authorization and/or amendment; reviews, approves, and electronically routes the document to the Accounting Office for processing. N Y Business Analyst enters the document into the financial system using the standard sequential numbering system for reconciliation purposes. Business Analyst routes electronically to the approving Manager. Note: If the document does not contain the standard numbering sequence, the Business Analyst will return it to the Secretary for correction