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Witold Rosicki (Gdańsk) 6th ECM, Kraków 2012

On the Uniqueness of the Decomposition of Manifolds, Polyhedra and Continua into Cartesian Products. Witold Rosicki (Gdańsk) 6th ECM, Kraków 2012. Example 1:.  I. is homeomorphic to.  I. Example 2:.  I.  I. are homeomorphic. Example 3:

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Witold Rosicki (Gdańsk) 6th ECM, Kraków 2012

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  1. On the Uniqueness ofthe Decomposition of Manifolds, Polyhedra and Continua into Cartesian Products Witold Rosicki (Gdańsk) 6th ECM, Kraków 2012

  2. Example 1:  I is homeomorphic to  I

  3. Example 2:  I  I are homeomorphic

  4. Example 3: The Cartesian productofa torus with one hole and an Interval is homeomorphic to the Cartesian product of a disk with two holes and interval.  I  I

  5. Theorem 1 A decomposition of a finite dimensional -polyhedron (Borsuk 1938) - ANR (Patkowska 1966) into Cartesian product of 1 dimensional factors is unique. Theorem 2 (Borsuk 1945) n-dimensional closed and connected manifold without boundary has at most one decomposition into Cartesian product of factors of dimension≤ 2.

  6. Theorem 3 (R. 1997) If a connected polyhedron K is homeomorphic to a Cartesian product of 1-dimensional factors, then there is no other different system of prime compacta Y1, Y2,…,Ynof dimension at most 2 such that Y1Y2…Yn is homeomorphic to K. Examples: I5≈ M4I (Poenaru 1960) In+1≈ MnI (n≥4) (Curtis 1961) In≈ AB (n≥8) (Kwun & Raymond 1962)

  7. Theorem 4 (R. 1990) If a 3-polyhedron has two decompositions into a Cartesian product then an arc is its topological factor. Theorem 5 (R. 1997) If a compact, connected polyhedron K has two decompositions into Cartesian products K≈ XA1…An ≈ YB1…Bn where dim Ai= dim Bi= 1, for i= 1,2,…,n and dim X= dim Y= 2, and the factors are prime, then there is i→σ(i), 1-1 correspondence such that Ai≈ Bσ(i)and X≈ Y if none of Ai’s is an arc.

  8. Example: (R. 2003) There exist 2-dimensional continuua X,Y and 1-dimensional continuum Z, such that XZ≈ YZ and Z is not an arc. Example: (Conner, Raymond 1971) There exist a Seifert manifolds M3, N3 such thatπ1(M3) ≠π1(N3) but M3 S1 ≈ N3 S1. Theorem 6 (Turaev 1988) Let M3, N3 be closed, oriented 3-manifolds (geometric), then M3S1 ≈ N3 S1 is equivalent to M3≈ N3 unless M3 and N3 are Seifert fibered 3-manifolds, which are surface bundles over S1 with periodic monodromy (and the surface genus > 1).

  9. Theorem 7 (Kwasik & R.- 2004) Let Fg fixed closed oriented surface of genus g ≥ 2. Then there are at leastΦ(4g+2) (Euler number) of nonhomeomorphic 3-manifolds which fiber over S1 with as fiber and which become homeomorphic after crossing with S1. Theorem 8(Kwasik & R.- 2004) Let M3, N3be closed oriented geometric 3-manifolds. Then M3S2k≈ N3S2k , k ≥ 1, is equivalent to M3 ≈ N3. Theorem 9 (Kwasik & R.-2004) Let M3, N3 be closed oriented geometric 3-manifolds. Then M3S2k+1 ≈ N3S2k+1 , k ≥ 1, is equivalent to a) M3≈ N3 if M3 is not a lens space. b) π1(M3) ≈π1(N3) if M3 is a lens space and k=1 c) M3 N3 if M3 is a lens space and k>1.

  10. Theorem 10 (Malesič, Repovš, R., Zastrow - 2004) If M, N, M’, N’ are 2-dimensional prime manifolds with boundary then M  N ≈ M’ N’  M ≈ M’ and N ≈ N’ (or inverse). Theorem 11 (R.-2004) If a decomposition of compact connected 4-polyhedron into Cartesian product of 2-polyhedra is not unique, then in all different decompositions one of the factors is homeomorphic to the same boundle of intervals over a graph. Theorem 12 (Kwasik & R.-2010) Let M3 and N3 be closed connected geometric prime and orientable 3-manifolds without decomposition into Cartesian product. Let X, Y be closed connected orientable surfaces. If M3 X ≈ N3 Y , then M3≈ N3 and X ≈ Y unless M3 and N3 are Seifert fibered 3-manifolds which are surface bundles over S1 with periodic monodromy of the surface of genus >1 and X ≈ Y ≈ S1 S1 ≈ T2.

  11. Theorem 13 (Kwasik & R.-2010) Let M3, N3 be as in above Theorem, then M3 Tn≈ N3 Tn is equivalent M3 ≈ N3 unless M3 and N3 are as above Theorem. Ulam’s problem 1933: Assume that A and B are topological spaces and A2= AA and B2=BB are homeomorphic. Is it true that A and B are homeomorphic? Example: Let Ii= [0,1) for i= 1,2,…,n and Ii= [0,1] for i>n Xn= Ii . Then Xn2 ≈ Xm2 for n≠m.

  12. Theorem 14 • The answer for Ulam’s problem is: • Yes- for 2-manifolds with boundary (Fox- 1947) • Yes- for 2-polyhedra (R.-1986) • No- for 2-dimensional continua (R.-2003) • No- for 4-manifolds (Fox 1947). • Theorem 15 (Kwasik , Schultz- 2002) • Let L, L’ be 3-dimensional lens spaces, n≥2, • If n is even then Ln ≈ L’n  π1(L) ≈π1(L’) • If n is odd then Ln ≈ L’n  L L’.

  13. Theorem 16 (Kwasik & R.-2010) Let M3, N3 be connected oriented Seifert fibred 3-manifolds. If M3 M3≈ N3  N3 then M3 ≈ N3 unless M3 and N3 are lens spaces with isomorphic fundamental groups.

  14. Mycielski’s question: Let K, L be compact connected 2-polyhedra. Is it true that Kn ≈ Ln K ≈ L for n>2 ? Theorem 17 (R.- 1990) Let K and L be compact connected 2-polyhedra and one of the conditions 1. K is 2-manifold with boundary 2. K has local cut points 3. the non-Euclidean part of K is not a disjoint union of intervals 4. there exist a point xK such that its regular neighborhood is not homeomorphic to the set cone {1,…,n} I holds, then (Kn ≈ Ln)  (K ≈ L) .

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