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P13625 – Indoor AIR Quality Monitor

P13625 – Indoor AIR Quality Monitor. Presented by:. Electrical Engineers : -Alem Bahre Gessesse - Shafquat Rahman Computer Engineer : -Daniel Bower. Mechanical Engineers : -Rachelle Radi -Kyle Sleggs Industrial Engineer : -Jeff Wojtusik. Faculty Guide : -Sarah Brownell. Agenda.

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P13625 – Indoor AIR Quality Monitor

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  1. P13625 – Indoor AIR Quality Monitor Presented by: Electrical Engineers: -Alem BahreGessesse -ShafquatRahman Computer Engineer: -Daniel Bower Mechanical Engineers: -Rachelle Radi -Kyle Sleggs Industrial Engineer:-Jeff Wojtusik Faculty Guide: -Sarah Brownell

  2. Agenda • Project Description • Customer Needs & Specs • System Architecture • Development Process • Concept Selection • Final Design • Budget • Testing • Outcomes • Future Improvements

  3. Project Description • Design an air quality monitor capable of collecting a wider range of relevant environmental factors than the UCB-PATS sensor currently in use • Develop mounting methods and other techniques for collecting reliable data on site • Create a system capable of gathering data remotely without external power for several days UCB- Particulate and Temperature Sensor Indoor Air Quality Monitor

  4. Customer Needs

  5. Engineering Specifications

  6. System architecture

  7. Project TimeLine • Phase 0: Planning • Define Project Goal • Develop Customer Needs • Define Specifications • Phase 1: Concept Selection • PUGH Concept Selection • Testing of Selected Sensors • Phase 2: Product Design • Validation of design through simulation and breadboard builds • Phase 3: Final Design • Detailed schematics & drawings • Finalized BOM • Phase 4: Building & Refining • Order parts • Electrical Testing • Final Assembly • Phase 5: Testing • Multiple tests • Documentation MSD 1 MSD 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 Current Project Status

  8. Concept Selection • Case • Assembly Method • Hanging Options • Sensors: • CO • PM • Temperature & Humidity

  9. Final design • 6”x6”x4” Repurposed Conduit Box • PM, CO, Temp & Humidity Sensors • Two acrylic plates: • 1 for Sensor Positioning • 1 for User Interface • Basic “core” held together with M4 threaded rod • Secured into case with 4 L-brackets and screws

  10. 5V Voltage Regulator & Heat Sink Layout 3.3V Voltage Regulator Temperature & Humidity Sensor Particulate Matter Sensor Microcontroller Carbon Monoxide Sensor SD Card UART Module

  11. Budget • $1000 Budget • $1.82 of the budget remains after experimentation, building, and testing. • Able to build 2 monitors • Compare to the UCB-PATS monitor, the Indoor Air Quality Monitor (IAQM) is effectively $65 less • More functionality (Humidity and CO) • USB connection cable on IAQM is more readily available and modern than serial connection cable.

  12. Testing Results • Test 1 – CO Sensor Calibration (Not Conducted) • Test was not conducted due to lack of safe testing facilities and the potential health hazards to team members • Test 2 – Environmental Test (Passed) • While lacking access to the environmental test chamber the team was able to show expected changes in data over a range of small tests. • Test 3 – Microcontroller Sensor Communication Test (Passed) • The reading and acknowledgement means that a single reading can be done in 13 ms (77 readings per second) • Test 4 – Monitor Endurance Test (Passed) • While the monitor failed a live test due to software issues, the theoretical life span of the batteries is 9.1 days was calculated using measured power consumption. • Test 5 – Survey Test (Passed) • There were 21 surveys completed to compile data on the style and usability of the Indoor Air Quality Monitor. All of the survey points resulted in a average between 7.6 to 8.3 (on a scale of 1 to 10).

  13. Monitor Endurance Test • Monitor experienced a software error during the initial endurance testing. • This test lasted for an initial 68 hours and 4 minutes. • This forced the team to find alternative testing methods due to a time shortage. • The batteries used during the initial testing were then removed and measured for remaining voltage. • 7.785V was the remaining potential in the battery packs • This allowed for an average circuit load of 148.53 mA to be calculated • The remaining useful life of the battery packs could then be calculated • Batteries considered “used” with 5.1 V remaining • With a potential drop of 1.215V • 218.487 Hours OR 9.109 Days

  14. Environmental Test • 15 Minute Test • 180 Readings • 1 Reading Every 5 s

  15. Environmental Testing w/ CO • 12 Minutes of Testing • 140 Readings • 1 Reading Every 5 s

  16. Testing Results • Test 6 – Drop Test (not conducted) • The drop test was not completed at this time due to the fragile nature of the sensors within the monitor • Test 7 – Computer Interfacing Time Test (Passed) • The monitor transfer a complete set of data in approximately 6.5 seconds • Test 8 – Mounting Test (Passed) • The team was able to test and document 5 different ways of mounting the monitor to various surfaces • Test 9 – Footprint and Height (Passed) • The footprint and height of the monitor are 229.3 cm^2 and 10.95 cm respectively, which falls into our specifications of 400 cm^2 and 10 cm • Test 10 – Cost Analysis (Passed) • The total cost of the monitor is $435 (parts and labor) • Test 11 – Reusability (Passed) • The expected lifetime of the monitor (determined by individual component life expectancy) is approximately 2.28 years

  17. Comparison of Monitors • Indoor Air Quality Monitor • Cost: $435 • Functionality: • Particulate Matter • Temperature • Carbon Monoxide • Humidity • USB Computer Interface • Uses twelve AA batteries • UCB-PATS • Cost: $500 • Functionality: • Particulate Matter • Temperature • Serial Computer Interface • Uses one 9V battery

  18. Future Improvements • Improve Battery Life of Monitor • Increase Proven Accuracy of Data Collected • CO sensor with analog not binary type of output • Continuous data measurements (time history data) • Different type of Particulate Matter (PM) sensor (ionization versus optical sensors) • Design and build testing chamber that would allow accurate control and recording of the temp, humidity, PM, and CO concentrations • Improve overall lifetime of monitor • Incorporate SD card for larger quantity of measurements • Integration of mobile device to accelerate data transfer in the field • Research into alternative case materials that may not insulate as well as the current case

  19. Acknowledgements • Sarah Brownell • Faculty Guide • Help with design process • Help with understanding the challenges that impoverished nations face • Dr. James Myers • Assistance with understanding what researchers are looking for in an Air Quality Monitor • Input on design and functionality • Mr. Rob Kraynik • Provided technical advice in the construction and manufacturing of the monitor • Mr. George Slack • Supporting the design stage of the electrical circuit • Multidisciplinary Senior Design Department • Provided funding for research and monitor construction

  20. Questions?

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