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Quantum Computing with Superconducting Devices

Quantum Computing with Superconducting Devices F.C. Wellstood, C.J. Lobb, J.R. Anderson, and A.J. Dragt, Univ. of Md. lobb@squid.umd.edu / http://www.physics.umd.edu/sqc/. Objective. Measure energy levels and decoherence rates in single Josephson junctions and SQUIDs

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Quantum Computing with Superconducting Devices

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  1. Quantum Computing with Superconducting Devices F.C. Wellstood, C.J. Lobb, J.R. Anderson, and A.J. Dragt, Univ. of Md. lobb@squid.umd.edu / http://www.physics.umd.edu/sqc/ Objective • Measure energy levels and decoherence rates in single Josephson junctions and SQUIDs • Manipulate states of the systems • Perform 1-qubit operations • Design and test 2-qubit systems of junctions and SQUIDs Objective Approach Status • Build Josephson junctions that are well isolated from measurement leads to achieve low dissipation and long coherence times at milliKelvin temperatures. • Measure macroscopic quantum tunneling, energy levels and decoherence rate. • Use microwaves to pump from |0> to |1> • Model SQUID qubits to guide experimental program. • Built resistively isolated Al/AlOx/Al junctions and measured switching distributions with and without microwave excitation • Assembled SQUID detection scheme for measuring junctions and rf SQUIDs • Measured switching distributions for SQUID at mK temperatures, DF =10-3Fo

  2. Research Plan Quantum Computing with Superconducting Devices F.C. Wellstood, C.J. Lobb, J.R. Anderson, and A.J. Dragt University of Maryland • Progress on last year’s objectives • - Built resistively isolated junctions, assembled detection system and began to investigate macroscopic quantum tunneling (MQT) through switching distribution measurements • - Coupled microwaves to the junctions and measured change in switching distributions • - Assembled and tested SQUID detection scheme for measuring junctions and rf SQUIDs • - Modeled behavior of coupled qubits • Research plan for the next 12 months • - Test single junction MQT and energy level spectroscopy • - Investigate isolation of qubits from external interference • Build and test rf SQUIDs and investigate MQT • - Measure energy levels and decoherence times of the rf SQUIDs • - Measure single junction decoherence times • - Model behavior of coupled qubits • Long-term objectives (demonstrations) • - Demonstrate long coherence times in superconducting qubits • - Demonstrate manipulation of quantum states • - Examine entanglement of qubits • - Construct and characterize quantum logic gates

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