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The Final Countdown: Rise of Apostasy

Uncover the truth behind the rise of phony, greedy, and worldly believers in the modern church. Explore misleading practices and teachings through bizarre church experiences and alarming spiritual occurrences.

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The Final Countdown: Rise of Apostasy

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  1. The Final Countdown

  2. The Rise of Apostasy • A Massive Flood of PHONY BELIEVERS • A Massive Flood of GREEDY BELIEVERS • A Massive Flood of WORLDLY BELIEVERS

  3. 4th reasonA Flood ofOccultic Believers

  4. Open your Bibles to:2 Thessalonians 2:1-10

  5. 1st wayFollowing a Different Spirit

  6. Psalm 19:7-8 “The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple…

  7. The commandments of the LORD are right, bringing joy to the heart.”

  8. The Hokey Pokey Church If you not only want some good ol’ fashion entertainment at your next Church service, but a free healing to boot, you can attend this Church and join them in a “new” movement of God called the Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey Dance..

  9. The Can Can Dance Church Another Church service included a lady who said the Spirit of God gave her the “Left Leg Anointing”. Suddenly she kicks up her left leg (like the “Can Can” dance), and says, “More Jesus”, whereupon…

  10. The Can Can Dance Church people are supposedly slain in the Spirit in the direction of her kick. Then she proceeded to take the Lord’s name in vain saying, “Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God”, which she later changes to “Oh my goodness.”

  11. The Hiss Like a Snake Church Another Church service included the so-called minister hissing like a serpent and sticking his tongue out grunting loudly as he walked through the crowd…

  12. The Hiss Like a Snake Church And all the while people are in the background yelling and screaming and making animal noises.

  13. The Squeal Like a Pig Church Go to this service and you will hear the sounds of pigs squealing while people are busy dancing a jig.

  14. The Moo Like a Cow Church Or go to another service and you’d see a lady “mooing” like a cow with two so-called ministers rolling around on the floor beside her.

  15. The Baa Like a Sheep Church Or go to this service and you can join these folks “baaing” like a sheep.

  16. The Bark Like a Dog Church Or for those of you “canine” lovers out there, you can go to this service and join everyone in barking like dogs. That’s right…who let the dogs out!

  17. The Roar Like a Lion Church Or if a dog bark isn’t loud enough for you, you can go to this Church service where you’ll be encouraged to roar like a lion.

  18. The Cluck Like a Chicken Church Believe it or not you can go to a Church service where the so-called Pastor doesn’t preach another boring sermon from the Bible. No! He stands around clucking like a chicken!...

  19. The Toking Holy Ghost Church If animal noises just aren’t your thing and you really want that “spiritual high,” then look no further than these Churches who encourage you toke the Holy Ghost with them. Check this out!

  20. 2nd wayLinking a Different Spirit

  21. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 “For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ…

  22. And no wonder, for satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness.”

  23. 4 Phases Altered State Consciousness • FIRST PHASE: The Hindu followers first began with a form of “repetitive movement” combined with “music” for an extended period of time. • Some Church services today include people “repeatedly” running around, jumping up and down, swaying back and forth, etc. to the beat of so-called “worship” music.

  24. 4 Phases Altered State Consciousness • SECOND PHASE: The Hindu followers then started to speak forth a “repetitive phrase” or “mantra” over and over again until it became mindless. • Some Church services today include people speaking forth a “repetitive phrase” or a so-called “unknown language” over and over again.

  25. 4 Phases Altered State Consciousness • THIRD PHASE: The Hindu followers then started to “shout repeatedly” over and over again as a way of further “releasing” themselves from reality. • Some Church services today include people “shouting, yelling, screaming” over and over again in order to “let it all hang out” in their so-called “worship” of God.

  26. 4 Phases Altered State Consciousness • FOURTH PHASE: The Hindu followers finished this occultic mind altering procedure with a sudden ceasing of all activity so as to “feel” a connection with the universe or spirit world. • Some Church services today include people being requested (after a prolonged period of repetitive movement, repetitive speaking, repetitive shouting) to then be completely still and silent so as to “feel” the so-called presence of the Holy Spirit.

  27. 3rd wayPossessing a Different Spirit

  28. 1 John 4:1-3 “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God…

  29. because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God…

  30. but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.”

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