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Explore the significance of Jesus in Acts, Gospel portraits, and titles as Son of God. Discover St. Paul's teachings and Jesus in the Book of Revelation.
Prayer Say to the fearful of heart: Be strong; do not fear! Here is your God; he comes with vindication. Is. 35 Lord, in a world of fear and anxiety, you come to be with us to protect us and to strengthen us. Help my faith in you to grow, that I may not fear. Amen.
Journal Read Acts 9:1-22. What does it mean to be called by Jesus?
Gospel Portraits of Jesus What is so special about this man, the one Christians believe to be the Son of God? How do you answer this question? What do you find attractive about Jesus?
Gospel Portraits of Jesus Jesus the Faithful Friend The Gentle Strength of Jesus Jesus stood up boldly to some of the hypocritical teachers of his day. Jesus had passionate convictions, but was tender, loving and sensitive. Jesus had compassion for others, yet was strong in confronting evil. Jesus had many different kinds of friends. Jesus showed true human emotions. “I have called you friends . . . It was not you who chose me, but I chose you.”
Gospel Portraits of Jesus Jesus Modeled Humility and Truth Jesus Elevated the Status of Women Jesus demonstrated that women were equal to men. Jesus allowed women to follow him as his disciples. Jesus used women to illustrate his stories. Jesus reserved the premier position of discipleship to a woman. Jesus taught humility when he washed his disciples’ feet. “I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.” “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
The Face of Jesus Jesus, from the Hebrew Joshua (Yehoshua), means “God saves.” A Jewish carpenter who spent many hours outdoors Jesus attracted all kinds of people. There had to be something incredibly attractive about Jesus of Nazareth, both inside and out.
Titles of Jesus Christ Son of God Jesus Christ is the unique Son of God and shares his divine nature. This is revealed at the Transfiguration. “The Father and I are one.” From the Greek, Christos, which translates to the Hebrew Messiah. Accomplished his mission of suffering service through the threefold office of priest, prophet and king.
Titles of Jesus Lord Son of Man The title Jesus most frequently uses about himself Describes a supernatural figure, God’s agent who will help usher in the fullness of God’s Kingdom. Translates to the Greek Kurios, which renders the Hebrew Adonai, the name used by the Jews to refer to God. To call Jesus Lord is to proclaim that he is God.
The Early Church Preaches the Good News The history of the Church really begins with the account of how the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles. Pentecost, the Birthday of the Church
Kerygma in the Early Church:The essential message or proclamation about Jesus Christ • Old Testament is fulfilled in Jesus. • The crucified Jesus is both Lord and Messiah. • Christ has sent the Holy Spirit, whose power can be seen and heard. • People must respond to the Good News.
Apostle to the Gentiles: St. Paul • Saul was a Roman citizen from Tarsus, received a Greek education, and a tentmaker • From the tribe of Benjamin • Strict Pharisee who was hostile to Christians • Saul converted to Christ at Damascus
Apostle to the Gentiles: St. Paul • Engaged in three missionary journeys which took him all over the Mediterranean • Made an historic trip to the Council of Jerusalem in 49 AD • Traditionally, he was martyred in Rome under Nero
“I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me.”
The Letters of St. Paul • Romans • 1 and 2 Corinthians • Galatians • Philippians • 1 Thessalonians • Philemon • Ephesians • 2 Thessalonians • 1 and 2 Timothy • Titus
What St. Paul Taught about Jesus • The crucified Jesus truly rose from the dead! • The crucified Christ has been exalted by the Father. • Jesus is the Son of God. • Jesus is the Christ. • Jesus is the New Adam. • Jesus is the Savior and Redeemer of the World. • Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to give life to his followers.
Jesus in the Letter to the Hebrews Develops the theme of Jesus Christ as our supreme High Priest, the model of our faith Only New Testament writing that calls Jesus an Apostle, that is, a messenger or representative of God Tries to encourage these listless Christians to persevere in their faith
Jesus in the Catholic Epistles James; 1 and 2 Peter; 1, 2 and 3 John; Jude Themes: Christ’s followers should imitate his suffering. Fights heresy that crept into the Church True belief in Christ must show itself in acts of love.
Jesus in the Book of Revelation Filled with elaborate symbolism—written in apocalyptic style Borrows many symbols from the OT Basic message: Final Salvation and victory will take place at the end of the present age when Jesus Christ will return in glory at his Second Coming.
Poem Assignment A “Found Poem” To reflect on, and articulate, your personal images of Jesus Christ in the form of poetry.
Poem Assignment “One of the most important questions Jesus asked of his followers occurred on the road to Caesarea Philippi: “Who do you say that I am?” (Mk 8:29). The disciples had a ready answer. They knew he was the Messiah. Further, Peter said that he was the Son of the living God (see Matthew 16:16). Today, some people hold that Jesus was a great teacher, but nothing more. Others hold that he was a prophet like John the Baptist. Still others admit that he was a historical figure—but only a good-hearted if not misguided philosopher—whose teachings led to a tragic death. But the question remains: who do you say Jesus is?” (p. 240)
Poem Assignment Found Poem: a) Write down the title of the poem: “Who do you say that I am?” b) Pick out ten to fifteen Bible passages that speak to you, that you find meaningful—keep in mind the theme of the poem. c) Write down a portion of that passage (phrases usually work best) and cite the book, chapter, and verse(s)—each one on your computer. d) Once you have the required number, organize them into a coherent arrangement—minor changes are permitted (changing tenses or plurals, capitalizations, etc.) e) Copy the final arrangement of passages (including the citations) onto a final document