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Learn what's new and what remains unchanged for UBC admissions in 2019. Understand how UBC evaluates secondary school courses and how to improve your chances. Contact UBC for more details.

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  1. UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS AT UBC: 2019 and Beyond Prepared by:UBC’s Undergraduate admissions office Details available in March 2018 on you.ubc.ca

  2. Overview What is not changing for admission to UBC in 2019? What is changing for admission to UBC in 2019? Starting in 2019, how will UBC look at your secondary school course grades when evaluating your application? Starting in 2019, how can you increase your chances of admission to UBC?

  3. What is not changing for admission to UBC in 2019? You must still meet UBC’s general and degree-specific admission requirements: Graduation from high school English language requirements Degree-specific prerequisites You must still complete UBC’s online application, including: Personal Profile Other supplemental information

  4. What is changing for admission to UBC in 2019? How UBC ranks applicants to determine who is the most competitive for admission. When making admission decisions: UBC will no longer look at your grades in just four academic Grade 12 courses. UBC will now look at your grades in all academic Grade 11 and Grade 12 courses. The impact each Grade 11 or Grade 12 course has on your assessment depends on how relevant it is to your area of study.

  5. how will UBC look at your secondary school course Grades when evaluating your application? Overall academic assessment Core (degree-specific) academic assessment Assessment of individual courses

  6. 1. The Overall Academic Assessment • Does not vary by degree you apply to • Looks at all academic Grade 11 and Grade 12 courses • Does not look at the course with your lowest grade

  7. 2. The Core (degree-Specific) Academic Assessment • Varies by degree program • Looks at all academic Grade 11 and Grade 12 courses in subject categories related to area of study • Looks at the highest level only when courses are presented in both Grade 11 and Grade 12

  8. Example: Core (degree-Specific) Academic Assessment

  9. 3. assessment of individual courses • Individual grades in key courses • Varies by degree, but often English 12 and/or Pre-Calculus 12 • For all degrees (2019): If English 12 is incomplete at admission time, your offer of admission is conditional on provincial exam results • For all degrees (2020 and beyond): You must present a completed literacy assessment before being admitted

  10. how will UBC look at your secondary school courses when evaluating your application? Will UBC just look at grades? No! UBC may also recognize: Breadth of your coursework At least six academic or non-academic Grade 12 level courses (recommended) Heavier course loads in Grade 11 and Grade 12 will be recognized Rigour of your coursework Challenge yourself in school Courses with first-year university content (Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Calculus 12, dual credit, etc.) Relevancy of your coursework Pursue courses relevant to your intended area of study at UBC Personal circumstance will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

  11. how can you increase your chances of admission to UBC? Competitive Academic Assessment Personal Profile Leadership Engagement and accomplishment + Voice Substance

  12. Questions you.ubc.ca/contact-us Okanagan: 1.250.807.8521 Vancouver: 604.822.9836 1.877.807.8521 1.877.272.1422

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