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PREVENTING READING DIFFICULTIES IN AFRICAN-AMERICAN STUDENTS . ACHIEVEMENT GAP. INCREASE ACCESS. Oral Language Read to African American students Talk to/with them (positive v negative) Discuss stuff with them BOOKS Informational/Expository Text Student’s own culture
INCREASE ACCESS Oral Language • Read to African American students • Talk to/with them (positive v negative) • Discuss stuff with them BOOKS • Informational/Expository Text • Student’s own culture • Whole class discussions and reflections Neighborhood Resources • Library card • Church tutoring • High school cross age tutors • Activities that expose the real world • Real Men Read
Oral Language is Key • Eggplant story
Oral Language Is So Important to Reading And You Can Develop IT! 10 • Prompts for scaffolding and extending oral descriptions • Name / Label • Color • Composition • Size • Parts • Use or Function • Comparison • Personal Experience • Remote Experience • Use it in a sentence or story A Phyllis C. Hunter Top Ten List
Black or White Something to Think About • The Doll Test • Columbus • Fourth of July • Slaves or enslaved
Black Books Galore's Guide to Great African American Children's Books - Paperback (Sept. 8, 1998) by Donna Rand, Toni Trent Parker, and Sheila Foster
Does Reading Need a Bailout? Money is not the only answer, but it makes a difference. - Barack Obama
CHANGE Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.- Barack Obama
We have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing in our students and our schools. We must make sure that people who have the grades, the desire and the will, but not the money, can still get the best education possible. - Barack Obama
GOAL E very student with the literacy skills to succeed in challenging courses, meet academic standards, and graduate from high school prepared for college.
A Good Speech • Tell 'em what you going to tell 'em. Tell 'em. Tell 'em what you told 'em
Tell Them • Good won’t do when better is possible • 6 considerations when teaching reading • What to do with the money when you don’t have
Phyllis C. Hunterisms • Read and talk a lot to and with students. • Alphabetic materials from 0-3 years are a must. • Intervene early and often with a proven program • When you’re through changing you're through! Every teacher well prepared and knowledgeable. Good won’t do when better is possible • What scientific research needs is a good book ! • Change can happen quickly. • Programs don’t teach! Teachers do! • Is it Dyslexia or distaughtia? • Put Your Heart into It!!!
President Obama Vice President Biden Secretary Duncan • “Zero to Five “ • Reform No Child Left Behind (If they can get to it) • Create the American Opportunity Tax Credit The Obama-Biden plan will restore the promise of America’s public education, And ensure that American children lead the world in achievement, creativity and success
Six Dimensions of Reading Phonemic Awareness 1 Systematic Phonics 2 Motivation 6 Vocabulary and Back-ground Knowledge 3 Fluency 5 Comprehension 4
1 Phonemic Awareness
2 Systematic Phonics
3 Fluency
4 Vocabulary & Background Knowledge
5 Comprehension
6 Motivation
Six dimensions of reading from the Reading Excellence Act 1. Phonemic awareness - Skills and knowledge to understand how phonemes, or speech sounds, are connected to print. 2. Systematic phonics - Ability to decode unfamiliar words.
Six dimensions of readingfrom the Reading Excellence Act 3. Background knowledge and vocabulary - Sufficient background information and vocabulary to foster reading comprehension. 4. Fluency - The ability to read fluently.
Six dimensions of readingfrom the Reading Excellence Act 5. Comprehension - The development of appropriate active strategies to construct meaning from print. 6. Motivation - The development and maintenance of a motivation to read.
“A classroom library should support, enhance, and elevate. It escalates learning by giving students opportunities for reading practice.”- Phyllis C. Hunter
Grade 10 Writing Assignment Write a composition of at least 4 paragraphs on Martin Luther King’s most important contribution to this society. Illustrate your work with a neat cover page. Neatness counts.
Grade 10 Writing Assignment A frequent theme in literature is the conflict between the individual and society. From literature you have read, select a character who struggled with society. In a well-developed essay, identify the character and explain why this character’s conflict with society is important.
The 9 Big Ideas • Change Focus to specific teaching of Reading in grades 4-12 • Offer more Reading Curricula/Programs 4-12 • Increase effort and infrastructure to provide administrative and logistical support at the Secondary School level • Increase opportunities for content-focused coaching and support for teachers at the classroom level • Use more assessment data to show effects of the efforts
Big Ideas To Implement • Specific Reading support for (some / not all) ELL, Black, Hispanic, Native American and poor students. • Coordinate resources to fund program purchase, coaching , site visits, substitutes , assessments. • Extend the school day and school year learning opportunities • Enlist students in the pursuit of Reading as their New Civil Right
Dr. Ron Edmonds’ Quote "We can, whenever and wherever we choose, successfully teach all children whose schooling is of interest to us. We already know more than we need in order to do this. Whether we do it must finally depend on how we feel about the fact that we haven't so far." 1980
“Closing the ACHIEVEMENT Gap : The Next Chapter in Brown v Board of Education”
Dying Jobs • The BLS (federal Bureau of Labor Statistics) projects the jobs with the highest percentage of decline during the period 2004 to 2016 . Those jobs are: • Stock clerks , order fillers and clerks • Sewing machine operators • Mail clerks (including postal service workers) • Computer operators (although I believe this translates to word processor) • Secretaries (excluding legal, medical, and executive) • Telemarketers • Word processors • Credit workers • Since the recession - Wall Street, finance and construction have been added to the list.
Racing To the Top? Students can’t win without expert reading instruction.
The Race to the Top Fund provides competitive grants to encourage and reward States that are creating the conditions for education innovation and reform; implementing ambitious plans in the four education reform areas described in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA); and achieving significant improvement in student outcomes, including making substantial gains in student achievement, closing achievement gaps, improving high school graduation rates, and ensuring that students are prepared for success in college and careers.
The “Blueprint for Reform” • Providing equity and opportunity for all students • Implementing college- and career- ready standards • Improving teacher and principal effectiveness • Raising the bar for learning and achievement and rewarding excellence • Promoting innovations and continuous improvement
Phyllis C. Hunterisms • Read and talk a lot to and with students. • Intervene early and often with a proven program • When you’re through changing you're through! Every teacher well prepared and knowledgeable. Good won’t do when better is possible • What scientific research needs is a good book ! • Change can happen quickly. • Programs don’t teach! Teachers do! • Give students what they want . . . real world and academic rigor • Is it Dyslexia or distaughtia? • Put Your Heart into It!!!