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On-Line Measurement Solutions for Mining and Energy Industry. Risto Oikari Director , CEMIS 21.5.2013. CONTENTS. CEMIS – Centre for Measurement and Information Systems Overview of o n-line measurement solutions for mine waters
On-Line Measurement Solutions for Mining and Energy Industry Risto Oikari Director, CEMIS 21.5.2013
CONTENTS CEMIS – Centre for Measurement and Information Systems Overview of on-linemeasurementsolutions for minewaters Overvieworon-linemeasurementsolutions for biofuelproduction Examples of on-linesensorsfor mining and energyindustry
CEMIS in a nutshell • CEMIS is a contract basedjointcentre of Universityof Oulu, University of Jyväskylä, Technology Research Centre VTT, Centre for Metrology and Accreditation MIKES and Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. CEMIS is founded in 2010 and employsaround 110 professionals. CEMIS specialises in research and higher education in the field of measurement and information systems. • CEMIS´s mission is to provide superior expertise, top-levelresearch services, and innovative solutions for companies and research organizations developing and applyingmeasurement and information systems. For students CEMIS offers an enthuastic, innovative and international atmosphere to educateoneselftowardfutureprofessions.
Onlinetracemetalsensors Optical multisensor Onlinemultimetalanalyzers Novelimagingtechnologies Fouling-freesensorsolutions Real-timedetectionof micro-organisms Automatedmeasurementunits CEMIS Solutions for Mining Applications Robustelectronics Specializedlaboratoryanalyses Wireless sensors Mobile mineralprocessing and characterizationlaboratory Wireless, self-poweredsensornetworks Liquid flowtestfacilities
Onlinetracemetalsensors Onlinemultimetalanalyzers Fouling-freesensorsolutions Optical multisensorfor carbonhydratedetection Specializedlaboratoryanalyses CEMIS Solutions for Bioenergy and BiofuelsProduction In-flowparticlesize, shape and quantitymeters Detection and characterization of bacteria Fluidflowmeasurementstandards and calibrationfacilities Lab-scaleliquidflowtestfacilities Largescaleliquidflowtest and calibrationfacilities
Measurement of carbonhydratesin biofuelproduction • 1) Polarisationspectroscopy • ORD – photometry* • Applicable for rathersimple and transparentsamples • 2) Optical multi-measurement • Utilizingspectralcomplexrefractionindex and transmission spectroscopy • Applicableevenchemically and physicallycomplexsamples • 3) Electrochemicalsensing • Based on Ni/Co -oxide - MWNT (multi walled carbon nano tubes) – electrodes • Aim is to develop sensitive methods to measure selected carbohydrates from biorefinery process streams • * ORD = opticalrotatory dispersion • Rotation of polarization a as a function of wavelength of ligth Arvinte A, Sesay A, Virtanen V, Carbohydrates electrocatalytic oxidation using CNT-NiCo-oxide modified electrodes, Talanta, 2011, 180-186.
Measurement of solidcontent of biooils • Digital holographic technology is used to realize four dimension information • Sample cell was filled with a layer of oil and a holographic image was taken • Stack of cross-sectional images were calculated from the hologram • Cross-sectional images were compiled into a video for 4D information
Measurement of bacteria in miningprocesses Flowcytometry is a measurementtechnologyused for detection of microscopicparticles, countingparticles and determiningparticlesizedistribution as well as determiningtheirphysical and chemicalproperties
On-linesensors for miningindustry: On-linedetection of toxicsubstances On-linesensors and analyzersbased on opticalspectroscopy, electrochemicalsensors and biosensors for detection of toxicmetals and otherharmfulsubstanceslikepathogens, lime-formingsubstances and bacteria.
On-linesensors for miningindustry On-linedetection of toxicmetals in wastewaterstreams Need: Ability to measure simultaneously different trace metals at concentration levels down to the fractional parts per billion (sub-ppb), using inexpensive, versatile, reliable, small size instrumentation, with no requirement of special installation Conventionalelectrochemicaldetection: Strippingvoltametrybased on amalgamation on a mercuryelectrode Oursolutions for anodicstrippingvoltametry: Screenprintedmercuryelectrode Screenprintedmercury-freeelectrode (based on graphene) Gold wireelectrode Oursolution for: 4) Amperometricmethodbased on an enzymebiosensor for complexformingmetalionslikenickel 5) Striptest with colormetricanalysis 6) Plasma dischargeatomicabsortion and emission spectroscopy 7) Optical transmission spectroscopy with complexformingreagents
Anodicstrippingvoltametrybyscreenprintedelectrodes Basedon screenprintedelectrodesdevelopedoriginallybyUniversity of Rome • WORKING ELECTRODE • COUNTER ELECTRODE • REFRENCE ELECTRODE Detectionlimit: ppb -level
Gold wireelectrode Based on a 3-electrode configuration with microwiretechnologyoriginallydevelopedbyUniversity of Liverpool. The solutionhas an integratedsolution to preventcontamination of the sensorsurface and to increase the selectivity, sensitivity and stability Firstprototype Second (current) prototype Cu 104,37 ± 5,85 ppb Detectionlimit: sub-ppb
Enzyme-basedsensors Enzyme(Sarcosineoxidase) produceshydorgenperoxidethatcanbemeasuredamperometricallyusing a modifiedelectrode (PrussianBlue). Nickelinhibitsenzymeactivity, resulting in lowerresponsedetected.
Field usable optic online measuring instrument for liquids The instrument can be used to measure metal concentrations in liquid samples with a reagent that forms complexes with metals. The formed complexes absorb light in the visible area. Measurements are based on optical spectroscopy within wavelength range 200 … 850 nm. Fouling of optical surfaces is controlled with a cleaning solution. Figure shows the spectra of several concentrations of nickel with PAR (4-(2- pyridylazo)resorcinol) reagent.
Just onedream… … wireless, self-powered, robust, reliable, self-calibratingsensornetwork for waterquality.
ReliableOn-line Measurementsfor DemandingConditions Thankyou! DirectorRisto Oikari CEMIS (Ketunpolku 3, FIN-87101 KAJAANI, FINLAND) Tel.: +358-44-7101410, e-mail: risto.oikari@cemis.fi