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The Cultural Geography of the United States and Canada. Mr. Marston Dominion Christian High School Marietta, Georgia Geography Fall 2009. Chapter 6: The Cultural Geography of the United States and Canada. Objectives
The Cultural Geography of the United States and Canada Mr. Marston Dominion Christian High School Marietta, Georgia Geography Fall 2009
Chapter 6: The Cultural Geography of the United States and Canada • Objectives • 1. Describe the peoples of the region, and explain how physical geography affected population and economic development patterns • Identify factors that led to the rise and expansion of the region • Explain how culture reflects the region’s past, and discuss present-day educational and health care systems
Time for a little Canadian payback • http://video.google.com/videosearch?gbv=2&hl=en&safe=active&q=Canadians%20making%20fun%20of%20americans&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=iv&start=0#
Top 5 things Canadians admire about their country • Maple leaf • Hockey • Canadian Flag • Beaver • Canadarm
Population Patterns • Immigration: the movement of people into one country from another. 5% of the world’s population lives in the U.S. and Canada. 350 million U.S. 35 million Canadians
“Indigenous peoples” • “First Peoples” in Canada • Native Americans: well, they happened to arrive a little earlier than the Europeans, but were they “native” or indigenous? Ehhh, No. • Migrated to North America
Population Density and Distribution • Canada: 8 people per square mile • U.S.78 per square mile • Most Canadians live within a few miles of the border with the United States (most of the country is uninhabitable) • Fastest growing part of U.S. is sunbelt (American south and southwest) Why??
Answer • Economy • Mild climate (Hey Im tired of shoveling snow) • Why are you Yankee types here? • Retirees
Additional Terms • Urbanization: the concentration of population in cities. • Most people in Canada and the U.S. live in urban areas. For what reasons? • Metropolitan area: city with a population over 50,000 and outlying communities called suburbs. • 80% of U.S. lives in metropolitan areas • 60% of Canadians live in metropolitan areas
Answer • Jobs • Education • Health Care • Cultural Opportunities • Dating?
Important Cities • Megapolis: super/mega city (NE United States) • California: San Francisco to San Diego • U.S. (New York, Washington, D.C., Boston, Philadelphia, Charlotte, Atlanta, Miami, Houston, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, and Seattle) • Canada: Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Quebec, Montreal, and Ottawa)
Future Trends • U.S. and Canada have low birth rates • Immigration accounts for most of population increase
National Anthems • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meLpuF9UMvk&feature=fvw • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNc5YldLcHs&feature=related • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBoItR59REQ&feature=related
Deplorable Canada song • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWZZ-NdZheQ