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The picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde. Anna Zlevorová 2.A. Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde was born 1854 in Dublin. Irish writer , poet , playwright , novelist , also fairy tale writer H e married Constance which he had 2 sons with - Cyril and Vyvyan
Thepictureof Dorian GrayOscar Wilde Anna Zlevorová 2.A
Oscar FingalO’FlahertieWillsWilde wasborn 1854 in Dublin. • Irishwriter,poet, playwright, novelist, alsofairytalewriter • He married Constance which he had 2 sonswith- Cyril and Vyvyan • Unfortunatly he waschargedwithgayness. Gaynesswasillegal in Britain in thistime so he wasdoomed to forcedlabour. • Afterthat he wasoutcast and he died in poverty 1900 in Paris. Oscar Wilde
Dorian Grayishandsomeyoung man. He has no parents. He has good taste. Alongthewayof story he seems to beheartless and quitesuperficial • Henry Wottoniscalm and thoughful. He likesphilosophizing. He despisepoorpeople. • Basil Hallwardisreallyhonestyoungartist. He doesn´t mind a society problemsbecause he has his own background-atelier. In my opinion he is very sensitive. Maincharacters
Basil Hallwardpaints a pictureof his friendDorian Gray. Itisamazingpicture, the most importantworkof his life. Once Dorian listensBasil´sfriend Lord Henry talkingaboutimportancebeauty and youth in todaylifeand says a wish. Thewishisgoing to change his life. Thepicturebecames a mirrorofDorian´s soul. Dorian himselfis nice and youngforever but thepictureisvariable. At first he isglad to belikethis. But withtime he findsoutthatthepictureis his curse. Dorian isheartlesssuddenly. He has no problemwithdeathof his sweetheart and murderof his friend. Finally he wants to destroythepicturewithconfidenceredemption. So he holdsknife and killsthepicture. But thepictureisrealreflectionofhimself. So he comittssuicide. Story
Likes • I findpossitivethanthereisfewofcharacters. • Interenstingformeistopicoffriendship and love even homosexuality, matterofconscience, .. • Although novel isagedit has stillcurrenttheme. • I reallylikethebook as whole. Dislikes • Thereis many direct speeches so i had to return time to time and readthe lines againto understandwhoisexactlytalking.