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TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S 3 5 7 9 W H Y P O R C E L A I N P A V E R S ? W H E R E T O U S E I N S T A L L A T I O N O P T I O N S E L E V A T E D P A V I N G T E C H N I C A L C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S 1 1 R I G H T Kronos Teknowood Ebano 01 Architrex
L E F T Kronos WoodSide Nut 48” x 24” U N D E R Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. L E F T Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. A B O V E Smoke & Kronos Neram L E F T Kronos WoodSide Kauri 02 AeArchitrex
W H Y P O R C E L A I N PAV E R S ? T H E P E R F E C T B A L A N C E O F T E C H N I C A L F U N C T I O N A L I T Y W I T H A E S T H E T I C A P P E A L Architrex porcelain pavers offer the opportunity to create outdoor areas and contemporary landscapes of exceptional beauty, without compromising on technical performance. These elegant pavers are available in an unsurpassed range of colors and styles that blend perfectly with their surrounding environ- ment, enabling a seamless transition from indoor flooring to outdoor paving. The single ¾” thick slab of load-bearing porcelain produces a paver of exceptional strength, density and hardness, specifically designed for building elevated decks using fixed or variable height pedestals as well as for laying on-grade, dry installed or with thinset and grout. Together with their practically zero water absorption, the technical and aesthetic properties of porcelain pavers make them ideal for practically any outdoor decking or paving application, commer- cial or residential, especially where low maintenance is of prime importance. The perfect balance of technical functionality, precise dimensions and visual appeal unique to porcelain pavers, cannot be matched by other paving materials such as concrete or stone. B E N E F I T S : Frost resistant Fire resistant Stain resistant Slip resistant Fade resistant Scratch resistant Easy to clean Recyclable Easy to install Resistant to salt corrosion Resistant to mold & mildew Withstands heavy foot traffic Specifically designed for elevated decks Unsurpassed range of colors and styles Virtually maintenance free Removable and reusable Lighter than concrete pavers 03 Architrex
A B O V E Left: Kronos WoodSide Oak Right: Kronos Alta L E F T Kronos Teknowood Ebano 04 Architrex
W H E R E T O U S E With their unmatched elegance, versatility and technical characteristics, Architrex porcelain pavers can be used in an exceptionally wide range of exterior surfacing, decking and landscaping applications, both commercial and residential. R O O F T O P D E C K S B A L C O N I E S B E A C H R E S O R T S D R I V E W A Y S & P A R K I N G E X H I B I T I O N & E V E N T F L O O R S O U T D O O R B A R S & R E S T A U R A N T S G A R D E N S & P A T H W A Y S P A T I O S & T E R R A C E S S W I M M I N G P O O L S W A T E R F E A T U R E S 05 Architrex
A B O V E U N D E R Kronos Neram Kronos Basalto Vintage 06 Architrex
I N S TA L L AT I O N O P T I O N S Due to their thickness, strength and durability in all climatic conditions, Architrex porcelain slab pavers can be laid over virtually any type of exterior surface – grass, sand, gravel, concrete or installed on pedestal systems for raised decking. D I R E C T I N S T A L L A T I O N O N F L A T S U R F A C E S O N G R A S S Quick to install Easy to remove and reposition No skilled labor required Quick water drainage Ready to use immediately Ideal for seasonal applications O N S A N D O R G R A V E L Quick to install Easy to remove and reposition Rapid drainage via open joints No skilled labor required Ready to use immediately M O R T A R B E D & G R O U T High load bearing capacity Residential or commercial Seamlessly extend pedestrian areas to vehicle areas 07 Architrex
E L E V A T E D I N S T A L L A T I O N W I T H P E D E S T A L S U P P O R T S For sloping or irregular surfaces or covering service pipes, cables or ductwork. Construct perfectly level surfaces Solves problems with uneven substrates Avoids expensive sub-structures Rapid installation No adhesives or mortar required Easy removal & repositioning Permits easy inspection of utility pipes Effective storm water drainage No visible drainage grids or pipes Better soundproofing Better thermal insulation Avoids problems with thermal expansion Lighter weight means reduced load on balconies and rooftops. Easier to transport on site Fire resistant Frost resistant U N D E R Kronos Teknowood Faggio & Ebano 08 Architrex
E L E VAT E D PAV I N G Architrex porcelain pavers are specifically designed for constructing elevated decks using fixed or adjustable height pedestals. Pedestal support options depend on the configuration of the installation, the intended use, the anticipated loading, the slope or variability of the substrate and the final deck height required. F I X E D H E I G H T R U B B E R S U P P O R T P A D S A D J U S T A B L E W I T H F I X E D H E A D A D J U S T A B L E W I T H S E L F L E V E L L I N G H E A D Quickest and lowest cost solution for laying pavers on flat substrates Adjustable heights from 1” to 10.5” with only 5 pedestal models Self levelling head automatically adjusts for slopes up to 5% Low height (3/8” min.) enables pavers to be installed with low threshold require- ments Soft, rubber faced head for superior anti-slip and noise reduction Adjustable heights from 1.125”-21.75” Soft, rubber faced head for superior anti-slip and noise reduction Wide 8” diam. smooth base Supports can be stacked up to 1 ½” (approx.) height Inbuilt spacer tabs can easily be removed Wide 8” diam. smooth base Soft rubber pads provide superior frictional properties Special key enables height adjustment even after installation Inbuilt spacer tabs which can easily be removed Inbuilt spacer tabs are easily cut with a knife Grooved lines on base facilitate accurate cutting Special key enables height adjustment even after installation Shock resistant and sound absorbing Grooved lines on base facilitate accurate cutting Rubber shims provide minor height adjustment 09 Architrex
A B O V E U N D E R Kronos Alta 48” x 24” Kronos Teknowood Ebano 10 Architrex
T E C H N I C A L C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S Typical specifications for Architrex porcelain pavers are given below. Specifications may vary depending on the color/style of paver. Please contact Architrex for technical data on specific colors or styles. P R O P E R T Y S T A N D A R D V A L U E Weight of 3/4” thick paver 9lb/sq.ft. Water absortion ISO 10543/3 ? 0.5% Breaking strength ISO 10545/4 >2200 lbf Modulus of rupture ISO 10545/4 >7000psi Frost resistance ISO 10545/12 Conforms Stain resistance ISO 10545/14 5 Chemical resistance ISO 10545/13 GA-GLA-GHA Slip resistance DIN 51130 R11 Slip resistance ASTM C 1028/07 >0.60 wet >0.60 dry Resistance to thermal shock ISO 10545/9 Resistant Color stability with light and UV DIN 51094 No evident variation Fire resistance EN 3501-1 A1 - A1 FL Static load EN 12825 Center >1700lbf Center point of side >1200lbf Diagonal >1500lbf <175 mm2 Resistance to abrasion ISO 10545/6 Impact resistance ISO 10545/5 0.88 Bending strength, breaking force EN 1339 Class 14 11 Architrex
R I G H T Kronos Alta L E F T Kronos Neram B E L O W Rustic Terracotta 12 Architrex
R I G H T Kronos WoodSide Nut & Basalto L E F T Kronos Greige I N S T A L L A T I O N C O N S I D E R A T I O N S W I T H E L E V A T E D D E C K S There are currently no specific regulations or standards relating to the use of porcelain pavers for elevated exterior flooring. The closest standard is that applying to concrete paving slabs (EN 1339). Under this test procedure, Architrex porcelain pavers comply with the standard on comparative tests. The shock resistance of porcelain pavers should always be considered with pedestal installations to avoid the risk of damage or injury. Project managers, specifiers and customers should carefully assess the technical specifica- tions of the porcelain slabs in relation to their intended use. Despite the intrinsic density and stiffness of porcelain pavers, slabs may crack or break if a heavy object is dropped from a significant height. Where hard and heavy objects are likely to be used or where floor heights are greater than 4”, it is recommended to apply appropriate reinforcement to the underside of the pavers, such as glued glass fiber mats or metal trays. W I N D U P L I F T When porcelain pavers are installed on a pedestal system, they essentially rely on gravity, their own weight, tight spacing between the pavers and tight containment around the perimeter to keep the pavers in place without movement. The open joint space between pavers allows wind to flow above, below and around the deck surface, which tends to reduce uplift forces somewhat and restricts movement of the pavers. It should not however be inferred that uplifting of the pavers by wind will never occur as it is difficult, if not impossible, to test for every contingency or circumstance where wind uplift may be possible. The only wind uplift test for roofing products known to Architrex is the Florida Building Code 2007 TAS 108 Test Procedure for testing air permeable rigid discontinuous roof systems. Whilst this test procedure may have some relevance to pavers installed in ‘floating’ deck applications, Architrex engaged the Florida International University International Hurricane Research Center to devise a test program to evaluate the resistance of porcelain pavers to wind uplift under typical installation parameters. Variables incorporated in the test program using FIU’s Wall of Wind facility included different wind angles, pedestal height and type, parapet wall height, paver layout and the use of locking devices along the parapet walls. A summary of the test results is available on request but this test data should not be construed as offering or implying a guarantee or warranty of any kind, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness of porcelain pavers for a specific purpose. 13 Architrex
14 Architrex
Architrex Inc. 2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700 Chevy Chase MD 20815 866 206 8316 tileinfo@architrex.com www.architrex.com ↸ ? ? ?