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Softmax Classifier

Softmax Classifier. Today’s Class. Softmax Classifier Inference / Making Predictions / Test Time Training a Softmax Classifier Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). Supervised Learning - Classification. Test Data. Training Data. cat. dog. cat. bear.

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Softmax Classifier

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Softmax Classifier

  2. Today’s Class • Softmax Classifier • Inference / Making Predictions / Test Time • Training a Softmax Classifier • Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)

  3. Supervised Learning - Classification Test Data Training Data cat dog cat . . . . . . bear

  4. Supervised Learning - Classification Training Data cat dog cat . . . bear

  5. Supervised Learning - Classification Training Data targets / labels / ground truth We need to finda function that mapsx and y for any of them. predictions inputs 1 1 2 2 1 2 How do we ”learn” the parameters of this function? . . . We choose ones that makes the following quantity small: 3 1

  6. Supervised Learning – Linear Softmax Training Data targets / labels / ground truth inputs 1 2 1 . . . 3

  7. Supervised Learning – Linear Softmax Training Data targets / labels / ground truth predictions inputs [1 0 0] [0.85 0.10 0.05] [0 1 0] [0.20 0.70 0.10] [1 0 0] [0.40 0.45 0.15] . . . [0 0 1] [0.40 0.25 0.35]

  8. Supervised Learning – Linear Softmax [1 0 0]

  9. How do we find a good w and b? [1 0 0] We need to find w, and b that minimize the following: Why?

  10. Gradient Descent (GD) Initialize w and b randomly for e = 0, num_epochsdo Compute: and Update w: Update b: // Useful to see if this is becoming smaller or not. Print: end

  11. Gradient Descent (GD) (idea) 1. Start with a random value of w (e.g. w = 12) 2. Compute the gradient (derivative) of L(w) at point w = 12. (e.g. dL/dw = 6) 3. Recompute w as: w = w – lambda * (dL / dw) w=12

  12. Gradient Descent (GD) (idea) 2. Compute the gradient (derivative) of L(w) at point w = 12. (e.g. dL/dw = 6) 3. Recompute w as: w = w – lambda * (dL / dw) w=10

  13. Gradient Descent (GD) (idea) 2. Compute the gradient (derivative) of L(w) at point w = 12. (e.g. dL/dw = 6) 3. Recompute w as: w = w – lambda * (dL / dw) w=8

  14. Our function L(w)

  15. Our function L(w)

  16. Our function L(w) L

  17. Gradient Descent (GD) expensive Initialize w and b randomly for e = 0, num_epochsdo Compute: and Update w: Update b: // Useful to see if this is becoming smaller or not. Print: end

  18. (mini-batch) Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) Initialize w and b randomly for e = 0, num_epochsdo for b = 0, num_batchesdo Compute: and Update w: Update b: // Useful to see if this is becoming smaller or not. Print: end end

  19. Source: Andrew Ng

  20. (mini-batch) Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) Initialize w and b randomly for e = 0, num_epochsdo for b = 0, num_batchesdo Compute: and for |B| = 1 Update w: Update b: // Useful to see if this is becoming smaller or not. Print: end end

  21. Computing Analytic Gradients This is what we have:

  22. Computing Analytic Gradients This is what we have: Reminder:

  23. Computing Analytic Gradients This is what we have:

  24. Computing Analytic Gradients This is what we have: This is what we need: for each for each

  25. Computing Analytic Gradients This is what we have: Step 1: Chain Rule of Calculus

  26. Computing Analytic Gradients This is what we have: Step 1: Chain Rule of Calculus Let’s do these first

  27. Computing Analytic Gradients

  28. Computing Analytic Gradients

  29. Computing Analytic Gradients

  30. Computing Analytic Gradients This is what we have: Step 1: Chain Rule of Calculus Now let’s do this one (same for both!)

  31. Computing Analytic Gradients In our cat, dog, bear classification example: i = {0, 1, 2}

  32. Computing Analytic Gradients In our cat, dog, bear classification example: i = {0, 1, 2} Let’s say: label = 1 We need:

  33. Computing Analytic Gradients

  34. Remember this slide? [1 0 0]

  35. Computing Analytic Gradients

  36. Computing Analytic Gradients

  37. Computing Analytic Gradients label = 1 =

  38. Computing Analytic Gradients

  39. Supervised Learning –Softmax Classifier Extract features Run features through classifier Get predictions

  40. Overfitting is a polynomial of degree 9 is linear is cubic is high is low is zero! Overfitting Underfitting High Bias High Variance Credit: C. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Mach. Learning.

  41. More … • Regularization • Momentum updates • Hinge Loss, Least Squares Loss, Logistic Regression Loss

  42. Assignment 2 – Linear Margin-Classifier Training Data targets / labels / ground truth predictions inputs [1 0 0] [4.3 -1.3 1.1] [0 1 0] [0.5 5.6 -4.2] [1 0 0] [3.3 3.5 1.1] . . . [0 0 1] [1.1 -5.3 -9.4]

  43. Supervised Learning – Linear Softmax [1 0 0]

  44. How do we find a good w and b? [1 0 0] We need to find w, and b that minimize the following: Why?

  45. Questions?

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