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WRITING CURRICULUM Erin Dempsey and Josh Barnes

WRITING CURRICULUM Erin Dempsey and Josh Barnes . EALR #1. The student understands and uses the writing process. . EALR #2. The student writes in a variety of forms for different purposes and audiences. . EALR #3. The student writes clearly and effectively. EALR #4.

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WRITING CURRICULUM Erin Dempsey and Josh Barnes

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  1. WRITING CURRICULUMErin Dempsey and Josh Barnes

  2. EALR #1 The student understands and uses the writing process.

  3. EALR #2 • The student writes in a variety of forms for different purposes and audiences.

  4. EALR #3 • The student writes clearly and effectively.

  5. EALR #4 • The student analyzes and evaluates the effective of a written work.

  6. GLE: Grade 7 • “…present legible, cohesive, and interesting writing in a form, format, and style appropriate for the purpose and audience.” • “Claims and opinions are well-researched and supported with sufficient examples or facts to produce a response from the reader.” • “Language is descriptive, incorporating details and imagery to enhance ideas.”

  7. GLE: Grade 7 (con’t.) GLE EALR Students write clearly and effectively Student writes in various forms for different purposes and audiences • “legible,” “cohesive,” “appropriate style,” “well-researched” • “style appropriate for purpose and audience”

  8. GLE: Grade 9/10 • “write independently with confidence and proficiency” • “explore, interpret, and reflect on a wide range of experiences, texts, ideas, and opinions” • “choose the most appropriate form of writing to achieve the desired result for the intended audience”

  9. GLE: Grade 9/10 (con’t.) GLE EALR Student writes clearly and effectively Student analyzes effectiveness of a written work Student writes for a variety of purposes and audiences • “write with confidence and proficiency” • “explore,” “interpret,” “reflect” • “appropriate form,” “intended audience”

  10. National Standards vs. EALRs • National standards are similar, stressing evaluative and analytical reading and writing skills • National standards call for an exposure to a variety of literary forms and writing purposes, same as the EALRs

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