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Presentation by: Karimu A. Mohammed and Alhaji H. A. Ziblim

SfL Cooperation with Teacher Community Assistant Initiative (TCAI) Project under Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA). Presentation by: Karimu A. Mohammed and Alhaji H. A. Ziblim. TCAI Goal.

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Presentation by: Karimu A. Mohammed and Alhaji H. A. Ziblim

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  1. SfL Cooperation with Teacher Community Assistant Initiative (TCAI) Project under Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) Presentation by: Karimu A. Mohammed and Alhaji H. A. Ziblim

  2. TCAI Goal • TCAI’s goal is to accelerate the attainment of Ghana’s educational objectives, namely that every pupil in P1, P2 and P3 achieves proficiency level in reading, writing and arithmetic as outlined in GES’s 2008 Ghana Curriculum.

  3. Objective of TCAI • TCAI’s main objective is to provide remedial education to low performing pupils at the lower primary level. Emphasis will be on pupils saying something, doing something, reading something and writing something at all the remedial levels. (Levels 1 -5 for literacy and levels 1 -6 for numeracy)

  4. Objective of TCAI cont. • In P3 for example, pupils should be able to read and understand stories, write short descriptions, and carry out conversations using present, present continuous, simple past and future tenses.

  5. Cooperation with TCAI Project under IPA in the logistic pilot • SfL has provided technicalsupport to TCAI during the logistic pilot in the following areas: • Development of teaching methodology; • Designing teaching and learning materials; • Development of education and training materials; • Training of Master Trainers and Trainers; • Monitoring of TCA supported schools.

  6. Cooperation with TCAI cont. CD & RC of SfL (Lead Trainer of TCAI) taking trainers through the use of “ball game” at a workshop

  7. Cooperation with TCAI cont. Trial of designed remedial education materials in a school during training sessions.

  8. Components of TCAI TCAI will use the following interventions to achieve its objective of providing remedial education to below average performers in the lower primary classes: • Intervention one: Remedial group pull out during school hours; • Intervention two: Remedial group pull out after school hours;

  9. Components of TCAI cont. • Intervention three: TCA doing random selection of pupils for revision on basic skills; • Intervention four: Supplementary Teacher Training for lower primary teachers.

  10. Who qualifies for remedial education? • Basic one: Pupils who fall within levels 1 and 2 only. • Basic two: Pupils who fall within levels 1, 2 and 3 only • Basic two: Pupils who fall within levels 1, 2 and 3 only.


  12. Maths testing tool Level 1 = beginner or nothing level Level 3 Level 5

  13. Teacher Community Assistants (TCAs) • TCAI will be hiring Secondary school graduates from communities and train them as Teacher Community Assistants (“TCAs” thereafter) to provide remedial education to the low performing pupils within the levels mentioned above. The TCAs will also be provided with a short training and supplementary materials that will help them identify and teach low performing pupils in existing classes.

  14. Roles and responsibilities of the TCA • Provide remedial education to low performing pupils (at the lower primary level at least for four hours per day) • Handle two remedial groups a day for two hours per group. • Handle a maximum of 20 pupils per group at a time. • Teach at the lower primary level using the mother tongue as a medium of instruction. • Design testing tools • Plan with his/her regular classroom teacher.

  15. Roles and responsibilities of the TCA con’t • Determine pupils’ level in class. • Group pupils according to their abilities. • Create a good environment or learning atmosphere for the remedial group. • Assist in bridging the gap between low performing pupils and high achievers at the lower primary level. • Serve as role models for children to emulate. • Assist to mainstream TCAI methodology into the formal school system.

  16. Role of SfL in the National roll out • SfL will continue to lead in training programmes of TCAI, development of teaching and learning materials. • SfL will be solely responsible for the coordination of activities in the Northern Zone. • Overall monitoring of the project.

  17. Conclusion • TCAI roll out will cover 400 schools in 40 districts in Ghana. Out of the 400 schools, SfL will be coordinating 100 schools in 10 districts across Northern Ghana (Upper West, Upper East and Northern region).

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