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OUT-OF-HOME MEDIA (INDIA)PVT LTD India ’ largest digital OOH TV Media Company

OUT-OF-HOME MEDIA (INDIA)PVT LTD India ’ largest digital OOH TV Media Company. November 16, 2014. www.oohindia.com. India’ largest digital OOH TV Media Co. WHAT ABOUT OOH MEDIA ?. Established in Nov 2007. Multi-Platform audio visual advertising medium. Reaching out to Decision makers

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OUT-OF-HOME MEDIA (INDIA)PVT LTD India ’ largest digital OOH TV Media Company

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  1. OUT-OF-HOME MEDIA (INDIA)PVT LTD India’ largest digital OOH TV Media Company November 16, 2014 www.oohindia.com

  2. India’ largest digital OOH TV Media Co WHAT ABOUT OOH MEDIA ? Established in Nov 2007 Multi-Platform audio visual advertising medium • Reaching out to • Decision makers • Influential consumers • Wealth creators • High Net worth Individuals WHY OOH MEDIA ? We provide a captive audience in a receptive frame of mind targeting SEC A, A+ consumers Broadcasts ads & Content on the screens and engage consumers while they are out-of-home High definition LCD/Plasma screens Strategically placed at various customer connect locations

  3. OUR COVERAGE MORE THAN 5000 TOUCH POINTS ACROSS 22 CITIES Presence in 22 Cities across India More than 3976 live screens across India More than 300 clients Reach of over 50 million people monthly

  4. Being a newly developed advertising medium, Media LCD Network • High Audience Acceptance • Like it (50% + ), Dislike it ( - 5%) • Similar Performance to TV a • Ads are credible, could stimulate purchase intention and influence brand choice • May have strong impact on audience exposed to TV more than 5 days a week • audience recalled more LCD (2.9-3.4 ads) ads than TV ads (1.9-3.0 ads) • Repetitive Contact • Lets Count lift lobby for eg. : • Waiting time : about 2 minutes • Passively exposed to LCD panel : 4-6 times per day • Actively pay attention to LCD panel : 3-4 times per day

  5. Middle Above Income Group Consumers, away from Traditional Media Covered by New Media Traditional media such as newspaper , TV show obvious weakness to reach this demographic group. Busy life and media clutter make people less attentive to the outdoor billboards on the road. Too busy to have time for reading According to their life style, they frequently visit to some particular locations. They frequently visit office building, shopping mall, premium restaurant and KTV. Get home too late to watch TV

  6. A day in the life of a SEC A Consumer – the OOH TV way November 16, 2014 8:15~8:30 AM Leave home, drive or take a taxi to go to work 13:00~14:00 PM Have lunch with client 10:00~12:00 AM Meeting with client at office 9:00~9:30 AM Reach Office 14:00~17:00 PM Out-of-office for client visits 18:00~23:00 PM Dinner with client, coffee with colleague, visit the super mkt Saturday, Sunday, visit shopping mall or see a movie with family 12:00 AM Sleep www.oohindia.com

  7. Monitor Areas Escalator Food and Beverage Skin care/Cosmetics Frozen food Alcohol Cleaning products

  8. November 16, 2014 OOH WORK NETWORK Displays are located in High traffic areas such as elevator lobbies, canteens, food courts, basement parking etc. www.oohindia.com

  9. November 16, 2014 OOH SHOP NETWORK Displays are located in wait-oriented spots such as cash counters, checkout zones www.oohindia.com

  10. November 16, 2014 OOHPLAY NETWORK Displays are located at eye-level spots where consumers can easily view the screens www.oohindia.com

  11. Money Billboards turn sexy! According to the Magna Global Advertising Forecast Report, outdoor advertising in India is set to grow by 17% between 2010 and 2015.

  12. Money “ Nothing else can reach customers as affordably. Evaluating on the basis of cost per thousand (CPT) exposures, outdoor advertising is still the big winner over the other media. Outdoor advertising is sexy With new forms of digital media like LCD & LED, ambient advertising is applauded as very creative. For the first time in its history, those old clunker billboards are strutting their stuff with the best of them. “ Mandeep Malhotra Senior vice-president, Primesite, Mudra Group

  13. Money “ In 2010, think big and put out a killer campaign Asset owners (and agencies) need to demonstrate the power of the medium to advertisers. There is a need to showcase large OOH-led campaigns and prove the returns from the same, by getting the right creative people to harness the immense potential that OOH lends to creativity. The new street furniture contracts and modern transient media options provide a great opportunity to assist with the transition of the sector’s image.” Ashish Pherwani Segment champion OOH, Ernst & Young’s media & Entertnmt practice

  14. Money “ The OOH medium adds dynamism to advertisers' existing media plan, and offers reach amongst dark and fragmented media users. We at OOH Media believe in Flexicasting. That’s the new media planning tool innovated by OOH Media. Flexicasting helps advertisers to communicate differently to the different target audience, depending on their product offering. ” Ishan Raina CEO, OOH Media

  15. “We have been very impressed by the reach, coverage and mileage OOH Media has achieved for us.” Mr. P.K.Jha (Deputy General Manager) Oriental Insurance “This medium helps us communicate with our TG when they are on the move.” Mr. Ranajit Ghosh (Manager–Media) ITC Ltd.

  16. “OOH Media has been an exciting Medium for us to work with.We would like to grow with OOH Media.” Mr. Shekhar Ramamurthy (Deputy President)UB Group Ltd.

  17. Being a newly developed advertising medium, Media LCD Network High audience acceptance Like it (50% or above) / dislike it (5% or below) • Similar Performance to TV ad • Ads are credible, could stimulate purchase intention and influence brand choice

  18. Being a newly developed advertising medium, Media LCD Network • May have strong impact on audience • Exposed to TV more than 5 days a week • audience recalled more LCD (2.9-3.4 ads) ads than TV ads (1.9-3.0 ads) Repetitive Contact Lets Count lift lobby for eg. : Waiting time : about 2 minutes Passively exposed to LCD panel : 4-6 times per day Actively pay attention to LCD panel : 3-4 times per day

  19. Advertisers are more ready to embrace new media P&G China PR Manager : “ P&G China notices quite a lot new media appeared in market recently, and is planning to move part of TV budget to try these new media opportunities, including print, internet and other new vehicles, the change is line in with P&G global strategy.”

  20. OOH Media in the past few years have come up with lot of innovative ideas to promote brand like on screen branding, AFP concepts, sun board fabrication etc. taking innovation a step ahead, this time besides regular 4 doors, rooftop, rear, bonnet and internal branding, OOH Media plans to campaign an originality approach by branding through samples, for the passengers to get first hand experience of the product besides the information of the merchandise. OOH Media India Pvt Ltd, has announced an exclusive strategic partnership deal with Mega Cabs, 24 hours A/C Radio taxi service. OOH Media will market advertising inventory for the fleet of 700 plus cabs pan India. About Mega Cabs: Mega Cabs Limited is engaged in the business of operating 24 hours air conditioned Radio Taxi services under the brand name Mega Cabs. Mega Cabs Ltd is one of the Group Companies of 500 Crore GROUP MEGA. Mega Cabs is the first company to introduce computerized communication & dispatch system with GPS (Global Positioning System) based online tracking systems for licensed radio taxis. Mega Cabs has the largest network of first class luxury AC metered taxis in India providing total transport solutions for point-to-point traveling within the cities.

  21. Tied up with leading hospitals in metros – Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Lucknow and Bangalore Installing over 200 screens at the prime locations of the hospitals. OOH media adds Wockhardt, Bombay Hospital, Global Hospital, Batra Hospital, RTIIS, Asian Heart Institute and many more to their profile in the first phase of the healthcare segment expansion approach. Commenting on this expansion, Ishan Raina, CEO, OOH Media, says, “Healthcare & Pharma is one of the fastest growing sector today which is in need of looking for innovative ways of doctor engagement and patient education. The initial response from the pharma industry has been very encouraging”. The screens installed in these hospitals will run both commercial and non-commercial vignettes in terms of content. In addition to this, required health issues will also be addressed providing the visitors with required information on healthcare. The creative for these campaigns will be created by the in-house content team of OOH Media.

  22. OOH MEDIA & RESEARCH We help our clients to measure the effectiveness of their ad running on our screens. This is done by conducting an extensive research in all the locations where the ads are running. We have commissioned Nielsen, world's leading provider of marketing information and audience measurement. The research is targeted as a tool to understand Screen recall Advertising recall Elements of advertising recall Hygiene check on medium Research conducted so far: More than 65 Campaign Evaluation studies OOH Metrics Residential Research CSD Research November 16, 2014 www.oohindia.com

  23. KEY POINTS OF RESEARCH According to the researches there is 87% average visibility for screens across our locations On an average 81% of the respondents are able to recall any advertising that they see on our screens. According to the researches there is 67% average recall for the client specific advertisements November 16, 2014 www.oohindia.com

  24. OOH METRICS India’s first ever large scale digital Out-of-Home TV research OOH Metrics – the only Metrics available in Outdoor Audio Visual space as of now Conducted by OOH Media in association with Nielsen. Conducted on a sample size of 14,574 individuals across 6 cities Mumbai Delhi NCR Bengaluru Chennai Pune Hyderabad OOH Metrics was conducted to understand the Demographic profile of the people and the audience behaviour. November 16, 2014 www.oohindia.com

  25. OOH METRICS - SUMMARY Cumulative Weekly  Traffic Count of OOH Network in Mumbai, Delhi NCR Bengaluru, & Pune is - 54.6 Lakhs 60% plus of  the audience across these 6 cities visiting OOH network are SEC A 70% of people, aged 20-34, are most likely to come across the OOH network. 70% male audience in OOH networks across cities Across surveyed markets, more then 60% audience are graduate + Across all cities, the average MHI of the OOH network audience is INR 20,000+ Over 70% recall OOH screens in all surveyed markets. 90% of the above 70% audience recalled any ad being played on OOH TV screens. November 16, 2014 www.oohindia.com

  26. OUR CLIENTS November 16, 2014 www.oohindia.com

  27. OUR AVERTISERS Finance : www.oohindia.com

  28. OUR AVERTISERS FMCG : www.oohindia.com

  29. OUR AVERTISERS OUR AVERTISERS Media & Entertainment : www.oohindia.com

  30. OUR AVERTISERS OUR AVERTISERS Tele Communication : Auto & Lubes : www.oohindia.com

  31. OUR AVERTISERS OUR AVERTISERS Apparels: Travel & Tourism : www.oohindia.com

  32. OUR AVERTISERS OUR AVERTISERS Consumer Durables : HOME & Real Estate : www.oohindia.com

  33. OUR AVERTISERS OUR AVERTISERS Retail www.oohindia.com

  34. OUR AVERTISERS OUR AVERTISERS IT : Healthcare & Pharma Brand Extensions : www.oohindia.com

  35. OUR AVERTISERS OUR AVERTISERS Others: www.oohindia.com




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