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Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: California’s Water Epicenter

Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: California’s Water Epicenter. Distribution Center for California’s Water Supply. A Threatened Natural Resource. Long-Standing Communities. A Vulnerable & Incomplete System.

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Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: California’s Water Epicenter

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: California’s Water Epicenter

  2. Distribution Center for California’s Water Supply

  3. A Threatened Natural Resource

  4. Long-Standing Communities

  5. A Vulnerable & Incomplete System • Past generations invested in a network of dams, aqueducts and pumps to move water around the state • 100-year-old man-made levee system is old and fragile • Much of the land has subsided below sea level • Future sea level rise and changing weather patterns will put greater pressure on the levees

  6. “California must implementa science-based plan to ensure safe and adequate water supplies while addressing the severe challenges facing the Delta.” -Governor Jerry Brown

  7. Due to political conflicts, forced to rely on a vulnerable systemBay Area, Los Angeles, San Joaquin Valley, Inland Empire, San Diego and Central Coast all depend on this critical lifeline.

  8. How likely is a major earthquake (6.7 magnitude) to hit Northern California?

  9. U.S. Geological Survey predicts Bay Area has a 63% chance of experiencing a major earthquake in the next 30 years

  10. It is not an issue of IF It is an issue of WHEN...

  11. “Should the Delta levees fail, the consequences are likely to be sudden and catastrophic for local residents, landowners, Delta species, and water exporters.” -Public Policy Institute of California

  12. We can act now...

  13. Survival Kit for the Delta: Bay Delta Conservation Plan • Would be one of California’s largest public works and environmental restoration projects • Cooperative effort between federal and state agencies, public water agencies, leading scientists and key environmental groups

  14. Bay Delta Conservation Plan Two Vital Goals

  15. Redesigning the System • Significant habitat restoration • New conveyance facility to protect water supply and environment • Moves portion of freshwater supply under or around the Delta, separating from fragile ecosystem • Engineered to withstand earthquakes, floods and changes in sea level • Operated under nation’s toughest environmental standards

  16. New Water ConveyanceSeveral Options Under Review

  17. A retrofit of the existing system that secures it from risk of flood, earthquake and sea level rise in the Delta is the most sensible approach

  18. Widespread Benefits For People • Water supply protected from earthquakes, floods and sea level rise—restores reliability • Dependable, clean water supply for communities • Improved water quality • Stability for California’s $35B agricultural industry • Security for varied economic sectors

  19. Benefits For The Environment • Protection of endangered fish • Enhancement and preservation of 113,000 acres • Natural floodplains restored • Returns more natural flow patterns to the Delta • Creation and protection of wetlands • Better control of non-native species

  20. Investing In The Seismic Retrofit • Project is prudent, affordable & urgently needed • Cost of the water conveyance project would be covered by public water agencies • ~$10 billion • Project would be financed over many years • No state general fund dollars involved • Broader funding sources, including potentially voter approved bonds, would pay for environmental improvements

  21. An Investment Long Overdue

  22. Tough Times in the Golden State

  23. UC Berkeley study shows the tunnel construction alone would create 130,000 new jobs during 7-year period

  24. “…This is the moment to push forwardwith solutions, apply the best science available, and build a water futurefor California…” -Ken Salazar, U.S. Secretary of the Interior

  25. “…The Bay Delta Conservation Plan has long seemed to me to be the best hope for ‘peace on the river’: water supply reliability and restoration of the ecosystem.” -U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein

  26. Here’s How YOU Can Help • Send a support letter to the Governor and Legislature • Publish an article in your newsletter • Post a banner link to this program on your web site • Submit an opinion editorial or commentary to your local newspapers • Link to this program in your social media outlets • Distribute our brochure and other materials to your membership

  27. For more information: Southern California Water Committee www.socalwater.org State Water Contractors www.swc.org Bay Delta Conservation Plan www.baydeltaconservationplan.com

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