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Answers to DCS questions Detector: TRD Marc R. Stockmeier 19.09.2004. PV1 programming/using: one clicking: three PV2 no essentials are missing PV3 fwWienerPowerSupply fwTrendingtool fwISEGPowerSupply(asap) PV4 a usable Editor;-) PV5 I need more experience with PVSS to answer this.
Answers to DCS questionsDetector: TRD Marc R. Stockmeier 19.09.2004 • PV1 programming/using: one clicking: three • PV2 no essentials are missing • PV3 fwWienerPowerSupply fwTrendingtool fwISEGPowerSupply(asap) • PV4 a usable Editor;-) • PV5 I need more experience with PVSS to answer this
Answers to DCS questionsDetector: TRD Marc R. Stockmeier 19.09.2004 • OPC1 I use a Wiener Power supply, ISEG OPCserver 3.0 runs but not yet a connection to PVSS (waiting for fw development) • OPC2 Wiener with PVSS and independently, ISEG only with an OPC explorer…. • OPC3 ISEG claims that the PS OPC server do not run together with the crate OPC server on one PC. (OK or not???)
Answers to DCS questionsDetector: TRD Marc R. Stockmeier 19.09.2004 • FSM1 from the user interface point of view we will have both (Detector oriented and System oriented). From the FSMs this is still not discussed. • FSM2 If there is no LV we have no means to read the data. HV without LV only needed during conditioning. A real interlock is not needed. • FSM3 yes! A single tripped channel (=one chamber) will be “restarted”. Due to our HV distribution system several conditions could be seen as critical and others not… A strategy is not discussed. • FSM4 it’s ok. If we wrote all default settings to the EEPROM I would guess that our default off state corresponds to “configured_off”
Answers to DCS questionsDetector: TRD Marc R. Stockmeier 19.09.2004 • CO1 We will use CERN standards. Linux wherever possible, “Windows” ONLY for OPC stuff… Hardware Platforms: INTEL or AMD based PCs DCS-Board: Linux Red Hat adopted to the DCS Board • CO2 Linux based systems: PVSS, DIM (Worms), ROOT, Mozilla (any browser) “Windows” based PCs: disable Messenger, Internetexplorer and the other security holes… • CO3 we are using ONLY SSH connections to the Linux based PCs. If necessary a remote desktop to the OPC PCs can be used (VNC or the Windows remote desktop) No direct connections from outside should be allowed. • CO4 since no test system is existing no experience could be gathered till now. The test beam in October will give more insights. • CO5 LXPLUS this is enough for the CO3 (is anyway against the rules, isn’t it?) • Exceptions to these rules during startup
Answers to DCS questionsDetector: TRD Marc R. Stockmeier 19.09.2004 • DB1 this is an INCOMPLETE list: 180 currents and voltages (LV), 1080 currents and voltages (HV), 18*6*4 Voltages some temperatures (DCS Board) eventually 65000 temperatures from MCMs The rate is unknown due to deadbands used in the FEEserver, dump of all parameters every 10min (of course NOT synchronised;-)) • DB2 The FERO configuration is based on the Worms DIM-DIM connection the data needed to configure a ReadOut Board is about some kBytes per ReadOut Board
Answers to DCS questionsDetector: TRD Marc R. Stockmeier 19.09.2004 • FE1 since our configuration is based on DCS only, there is no need to stop the run (question whether this is wanted). Configuration is done once (after switching on the PS (LV)). And after • FE2 • FE3 • FE4
Answers to DCS questionsDetector: TRD Marc R. Stockmeier 19.09.2004 • RS1 no
Answers to DCS questionsDetector: TRD Marc R. Stockmeier 19.09.2004 • LV1 This is an ongoing discussion 200A are always good;-). Since the actual needed current is still NOT finalized… • LV2 We need to define once the output voltage according to the current drawn from the system. If this is done there is no need to change the voltage remotely anymore…BUT: if we need to minimize the heat the output voltage has to be adjusted according to the current (trigger rate, conditions…) if the sensing works (Luciano) no need to adjust • LV3 is the specified MTBF too high? Is the magnetic field estimation correct or too pessimistic?
Answers to DCS questionsDetector: TRD Marc R. Stockmeier 19.09.2004 • PL1 T9 October 2004 Test beam TRD. It is planned to use as much DCS as possible • PL2 unknown to me