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Control of Microbial Growth

Control of Microbial Growth. A few terms. Bacterio static : inhibits bacterial growth Bacteri cidal : something capable of killing bacteria Antiseptic: an agent that is used to inhibit/kill bacterial growth on skin and mucus membranes

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Control of Microbial Growth

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  1. Control of Microbial Growth

  2. A few terms • Bacteriostatic: inhibits bacterial growth • Bactericidal: something capable of killing bacteria • Antiseptic: an agent that is used to inhibit/kill bacterial growth on skin and mucus membranes • Disinfectant: an agent that is used to inhibit/kill bacterial growth on inanimate objects

  3. History behind microbial control • Joseph Lister was the first to introduce the use of carbolic acid to reduce bacterial infections in hospitals (1860s) • Ignatz Semmelweis regarded as the “Father of Infection Control”, physicians used chlorinated lime to cleanse hands (1850s)

  4. What factors influence the success of microbial control? • What type of organism are you targeting? • What type of environment are you treating?

  5. Are all microbes equally sensitive?

  6. What parts of a bacterial cell are sensitive to physical treatments and chemicals? • Plasma membrane • DNA and proteins

  7. Physical Methods

  8. Physical Methods • Heat • Dry: kills by oxidation, ex: incineration • Moist: promotes coagulation of proteins • Boiling (100oC) • Autoclave(121oC, 15lbs/sq inch) • Pasteurization • Classic-63oC for 30 minutes • HTST-72oC for 15 seconds • UHT-140oC for 3 seconds

  9. Autoclave

  10. Autoclaves work due to steam under pressure

  11. Indicators used in autoclaving

  12. What if the substance is heat sensitive? • Filtration is the best choice • Pore sizes can be either .45um or .22um

  13. Physical Methods • Low temperature: freezing does not kill bacteria, most cultures are stored at -80oC • Dessication: remove the water and bacteria can remain viable

  14. Physical Methods • Radiation • Ionizing radiation (gamma rays, x-rays) • Non-ionizing radiation (uv rays) • Microwaves

  15. Electromagnetic Spectrum

  16. Chemical Methods • Most are only able to reduce the numbers of organisms, not achieve sterility • Types of chemicals • Phenol and phenolics • Halogens • Alcohols • Heavy metals • Soaps • Quaternary Ammonium compounds • Biguanides

  17. Evaluation of chemicals: disc diffusion method

  18. Chemical structure of phenols/phenolics

  19. Chemical control • Halogens • Iodine • Tincture • iodophore -Are all organisms killed by iodine??? -Chlorine

  20. Chemical Control • Alcohols • Mechanism of action is protein denaturation, can also dissolve lipids • Most common are ethanol and isopropanol

  21. Chemical control • Heavy metals exert oligodynamic action • Silver, copper and mercury

  22. Chemical control • Surfactants (soaps) • Little value as an antiseptic • Acid-anionic surface-active sanitizers are important in cleaning of dairy equipment and utensils

  23. Which antiseptic works the best?

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