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TECH 3101: Computer Systems Architectecture and Administration. Mohammed A. Saleh http://ifm.ac.tz/staff/msaleh/TECH3101.html. DNS Part 1. Domain Name Service (DNS). TCP/IP facility that lets you use names rather than numbers to refer to host computers.
TECH 3101: Computer Systems Architectecture and Administration Mohammed A. Saleh http://ifm.ac.tz/staff/msaleh/TECH3101.html
Domain Name Service (DNS) • TCP/IP facility that lets you use names rather than numbers to refer to host computers. • Without DNS, you’d buy books from instead of from www.amazon.comand search the Web at instead of at www.google.com. • If you want to review the complete official specifications for DNS, look up RFC 1034 and 1035 at www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1034.txt and www.ietf/rfc/rfc1035.txt.
Understanding Domain Names • Provides a standardized system for providing names to identify TCP/IP hosts and a way to look up the IP address of a host given the host’s DNS name • For example, if you use DNS to look up the name www.ebay.com, you get the IP address of Ebay’s Web host: • Thus, DNS allows you to access Ebay’s Web site using the DNS name www.ebay.com rather than the site’s IP address
Concepts of DNS • To provide a unique DNS name for every host computer on the Internet, DNS uses a time-tested technique: divide and conquer • Uses a hierarchical naming system • It organizes names into domains • Each domain includes all the names that appear directly beneath it in the DNS hierarchy • Figure 1.0: DNS Domain Tree
Cont … • At the very top of the tree is the root domain • Beneath the root domain are four top-level domains, named edu, com, org, and gov (exist more top level domains) • LoweWriter is a personal domain, you have to combine it with the name of its parent domain in order to identify it, hence LoweWriter.com • The parts of the domain name are separated from each other with periods • Beneath the LoweWriter node are four host nodes • The host name with the domain name are combined to get the complete DNS name, server1.LoweWriter.com
Nitty-gritty about DNS Names • DNS names are not case-sensitive • The name of each DNS node can be up to 63 characters long (not including the dot) and can include letters, numbers, and hyphens • A subdomain is a domain that’s beneath an existing domain • DNS is a hierarchical naming system that’s similar to the hierarchical folder system used by Windows. • one crucial difference exists between DNS and the Windows naming convention • DNS names start at the bottom of the tree and work your way up to the root ; doug.LoweWriter.com
Cont … • Windows paths start at the root and work their way down Windows\System32\dns, dns is the lowest node. • The DNS tree can be up to 127 levels deep. Most DNS names have just three levels (not counting the root)
Fully Qualified Domain Names • If a domain name ends with a trailing dot, that trailing dot represents the root domain, and the domain name is said to be a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) • FQDN is also called an absolute name • DNS names that don’t end with a trailing dot are called relative names • relative and FQDN are interchangeable, because the software that interprets them always interprets relative names in the context of the root domain • you can type www.wiley.com — without the trailing dot — rather than www.wiley.com. to go to Wiley’s home page in a Web browser
Top Level Domain • Appears immediately beneath the root domain • come in two categories: generic domains and geographic domains Generic Domains • Popular top-level domains that you see most often on the Internet • Table 2.0: Summarizes the original seven generic top-level domains
Cont … (source: www.isc.org) • Due to an almost unmanageable size in the late 1990s, the Internet authorities approved seven new top-level domains in an effort to take some of the heat off of the com domain
Cont … • They are not very popular.
Cont … Geographic Domains • They correspond to international country designations • About 150 geographic top-level domains exist • Some them are tz (Tanzania), us (United states), za (South Africa), jp (Japan) and many more The Hosts Files • Long ago, network administrators could keep track of it all in a simple text file, called hosts files • Simply listed the name and IP address of every host on the network • The key was to keep the hosts files up to date whenever a new host is added
Cont … • With the growth of the Internet, it became daunting handling the host files and a better solution was needed. • DNS was invented to solve this problem • Why is it important to understand the host files • Hosts files are still used for small networks, can coexist with DNS • It is the precursor to DNS • The exact location of the hosts file depends on the client operating system
DNS Servers and Zones • A DNS server is a computer that runs DNS server software, helps to maintain the DNS database, and responds to DNS name resolution requests. • Most popular DNS servers are Bind (UNIX-based) and the Windows DNS service (Windows) • DNS database — that is, the list of all the domains, sub-domains, and host mappings — is a massively distributed database • No single DNS server contains the entire DNS database • The database is delegated to different servers throughout the Internet • What happens if someone requests the IP address of coyote.acme.com from LoweWrite.com DNS server?
Zones • Simplify the management of the DNS database • The entire DNS namespace is divided into zones • Responsibility for each zone is delegated to a particular DNS server • Zones correspond directly to domains • Example, the LoweWriter.com domain will have LoweWriter.com zone responsible for the whole domain • The sub-domains that make up a domain can be parceled out to separate zones
Cont … • Figure 3.0 show how zones can be separated • A domain named LoweWriter.com has been divided into two zones • One zone, us.LoweWriter.com • The other zone, LoweWriter.com, is responsible for the entire LoweWriter.com domain except the us.LoweWriter.com sub-domain • Why would you do that? The main reason is to delegate authority for the zone to separate servers
Types of zones • Primary zone • Master copy of a zone • Data is stored in the local database of the DNS server • Only one DNS server can host a particular primary zone • Secondary zone • Read-only copy of a zone • It obtains its copy of the zone from the zone’s primary server by using a process called zone transfer • must periodically check primary servers for updates
Servers • Primary servers • The DNS server hosts a primary zone. • Every zone must have one primary server • Secondary servers • The DNS server obtains the data for a secondary zone from a primary server TIP: A secondary server should be on a different subnet than the zone’s primary server.
Cont … • Root servers • The core of DNS • Authoritative for the entire Internet • The main function of the root servers is to provide the address of the DNS servers that are responsible for each of the top-level domains • A total of13 root servers are located throughout the world • DNS servers learn how to reach the root servers
Caching • An intelligent way of handling the same user requests • A user visits www.wiley.com today, he’ll probably do it again tomorrow. As a result, name servers keep a cache of query results • Cached data can quickly become obsolete • DNS data is given a relatively short expiration time • The expiration value for DNS data is called the TTL, which stands for time to live
DNS Queries • When a DNS client needs to resolve a DNS name to an IP address, it uses a library routine called a resolver to handle the query. • DNS client can make two basic types of queries: recursive and iterative ✦Recursive queries: the server must reply with either the IP address of the requested host name or an error message indicating that the host name doesn’t exist. ✦Iterative queries: it returns the IP address of the requested host name if it knows the address. If it doesn’t know the address, it returns a referral; the address of a DNS server that should know
DNS (Domain Name System) • Associate human-friendly names with machine-friendly IP addresses • Resolution of a given hostname to an IP address • Domain Names, as opposed to IP addresses have the top-most element on the right • Each element can be up to 63 characters long, the full name can be no more than 255 characters • Letters, numbers or dashes can be used in a name element
DNS • Allows machines to be grouped logically, by domain name • Right-most element is called the (TLD) Top Level Domain • The full name is referred to as the (FQDN) Fully Qualified Domain Name • lugh.student.comp.dit.ie or lugh • Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) controls the top-level domains • Host names map to IP addresses in a one-to-many relationship, each machine may have many IP addresses, and each IP address may be associated with many machines
Example: Mail Routing using DNS • Hosts that are designed to perform email routing, mail exchangers, have special-purpose records in DNS, MX records • A domain should have multiple mail exchangers. • Mail that cannot sent to one mail exchanger, can instead be delivered to an alternative server, providing a failsafe redundancy.
Before DNS • Before DNS, name resolution was accomplished solely by text file databases residing on each host (“hosts” files) • The method is not scalable, and it requires centralised management of the text files Internet DNS Hierarchy • Root Name Servers • Provide references to the appropriate zone authoritative name servers for the top-level domains • Zone-Authoritative name servers • Master and slave servers for zones
Root Name Servers • There are 13 root-name servers • Each has an associated letter name (a to m) • No more names can be used because of protocol limitations • UDP packet can only carry 512 bytes reliably • C, F, I, J, K and M servers now exist in multiple locations on different continents
A simplified domain-map (Root) .ie .com .org dit Posedion Taranaki McCool Aisling mccool.dit.ie
Domains • Dividing domains into sub-domains is important in several regards • Division of a namespace into sub-domains in an hierarchical manner • Removes the requirement that the names of individual hosts be unique (FQDNs) must still be unique • It allows for the decentralised management of the entire namespace • Up to 127 levels deep!
Comp.dit.ie domain-map (Root) .ie domain McCool.student.comp.dit.ie. dit Comp ad Student ict MyLaptop Taranki Poseidon Aisling McCool
Zones, Domains and Delegation • A Domain is a complete sub-tree of the hierarchical namespace • A zone is part of the domain managed by a particular server • Sub domains may be delegated into additional zones • A zone may directly manage some sub domains • A zone represents the scope of administration for which one body is responsible
comp.dit.ie zones (?) (Root) .ie domain dit Comp ad Student ict MyLaptop Taranki Poseidon Aisling McCool McCool.student.comp.dit.ie.
Relationship between domains, zones and DNS Servers • The DNS database is effectively spread across all servers • DNS Servers are delegated to manage particular zones and the links to the rest of the database. • Zone is not necessarily equivalent to domain • A DNS server can manage one or more zones
comp.dit.ie DNS servers (Root) Cara: Poseidon: .ie domain dit Comp cara.comp.dit.ie. ad Student ict MyLaptop Taranki Aisling Poseidon McCool Poseidon.ict.ad.dit.ie.
The DNS Server • Server receives request from client • If the server does not have the answer it will either ask a root server or it forwards the request to another name server • This may happen a number of times until a name server is found that knows the answer • When the server gets a response it will place a copy in its local cache and return a copy to the requesting client
Name Server Hierarchy • Master Name Server • Contains the master copy of data for the zone • Slave Name Server • Provides an automatic backup to the master name server • All slave servers maintain synchronisation with their master name server • Both Master and Slave servers contain authoritative data • Zone may have multiple slaves but only one master • Slave may get its data from another slave
Authoritative ? • If the name server responding to a query is authoritative with respect to the query performed, the data returned is said to be authoritative • Alternatively, responses may come from a name server which has cached the information, in which case the response is said to be non-authoritative • The client may choose not to accept non-authoritative information
Resolver • The DNS client is called the resolver • Resolver capability is built into any program that needs it by way of the resolver library calls • DNS Clients and servers communicate using UDP packets in most cases • UDP is fast, but packets can be no larger than 512 bytes • If query or response is larger than 512bytes, it must be sent by TCP
How did I find out the name servers? mafoley@aisling:~$ nslookup > set type=ns > student.comp.dit.ie Server: Address: student.comp.dit.ie nameserver = cian.student.comp.dit.ie. student.comp.dit.ie nameserver = lugh.student.comp.dit.ie. student.comp.dit.ie nameserver = oisin.comp.dit.ie. student.comp.dit.ie nameserver = cara.comp.dit.ie. >
Nslookup on aisling mafoley@aisling:~$ nslookup wicklow Server: Address: ** server can't find wicklow: SERVFAIL mafoley@aisling:~$ nslookup wicklow.cs.dit.ie Server: Address: Name: wicklow.cs.dit.ie Address:
Nslookup on my laptop mark@bailey:~$ nslookup wicklow Server: Address: ** server can't find wicklow: NXDOMAIN mark@bailey:~$ nslookup wicklow.cs.dit.ie Server: Address: Name: wicklow.cs.dit.ie Address:
Deeper into nslookup mafoley@aisling:~$ nslookup > set type=mx > comp.dit.ie Server: Address: comp.dit.ie mail exchanger = 5 mail.comp.dit.ie. comp.dit.ie mail exchanger = 15 mail.dit.ie. comp.dit.ie mail exchanger = 4 sinead.comp.dit.ie. >
Deeper into nslookup > set type=a > comp.dit.ie Server: Address: Name: comp.dit.ie Address: Name: comp.dit.ie Address: >
How DNS resolves a query • myHostName.myDomain.com wants to look up the address for otherHostName.subDomain.otherDomain.com • myHostName asks its local name server, ns.myDomain.com to figure out the answer • Nothing has been already cached and the local server knows nothing about the address, about otherDomain.com or about com • It does know about servers on the root domain and since it's a iterative server it sends a query about otherHostName.subDomain.otherDomain.com to a root server and gets a referral to the servers for com
Cont … • Local server then queries a com server (always about otherHostName.subDomain.otherDomain.com) and gets back a referral to servers for otherDomain.com • If the server at otherDomain.com does not have the answer cached, it returns a referral to a server at subDomain.otherDomain.com • The server at subDomain.otherDomain.com is authoritative for the requested information and returns otherHostName's address • ns.myDomain.com caches otherHostName's address • Also caches data on servers for com, otherDomain.com and subDomain,otherDomain.com
DNS query process for otherHostName.subDomain.otherDomain.com