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Theory of Computer Science Instruction set for machine W. Von Neumann’s architecture John von Neumann together with John W. Mauchly and John Presper Eckert. 1 2 3. Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W. Von Neumann’s architecture – 3 bus connection.
Von Neumann’s architecture John von Neumann together with John W. Mauchly and John Presper Eckert. 1 2 3 Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
Von Neumann’s architecture – 3 bus connection Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
Von Neumann’s architecture CPU (ALU and CU) + Memory (storing data and program) + I/O system Between CPU end memory there is only one data bus Computer of this architecture, store the program in memory Instructions are processed in sequence in CPU Architecture that have finished, and functionally fully, list of instructions. Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The format and the list of instructions for the machine W Symbol code content DOD 001 (AK) + ((AD)) → AK ODE 010 (AK) - ((AD)) → AK ŁAD 011 (AK) → (AD) POB 100 ((AD)) → AK SOB 101 (AD) → L SOM 110 (AD) → L, if (AK) < 0 STP 111 stop – the end of program Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
Basic elements ● The computer program –ordered set of elementary instructions ● The list of instructions – the gathering of all accessible instructions, for the given computer ● The instruction – ordered set of steering signals – microinstructions ● The instruction is divided into cycles – it’s impossible to do everything during one cycle Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The order cycle - the foundation ● At the beginning there is delivery and decoding the instruction (czyt, wys, wei – from memory to instruction register) and increment of the value of the counter register (il) ● At the end there is the preparation to the realization of the next instruction (wyl, wea) (so we have address of next instruction in address register) Format of the instruction: 3 bits of code +5 bits of address (argument of instruction) code - 3 bits address - 5 bits Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The additioninstruction DOD (AK) + ((AD)) → AK ((A)) → S czyt (S) → I wys wei (L) + 1 → L il (AD) → A wyad wea ((A)) → S czyt (AK) + (S) → AK wys weja dod weak (L) → A wyl wea Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The additioninstruction DOD (AK) + ((AD)) → AK DOD a a: RST 4 czyt wys wei il It is important to not use wei, except this first cycle of instruction. We need to keep the code of instruction in reg. I, in this way processor know what instruction is processed wyad wea We are taking the address of argument to reg. A and then we reed this argument czyt wys weja dod weak wyl wea At the end of instruction, it is important to prepare address of next instruction 3 cycles of processor Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
3 cycles of processor Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The additioninstruction DOD (AK) + ((AD)) → AK ((A)) → S czyt (S) → I wys wei (L) + 1 → L il (AD) → A wyad wea ((A)) → S czyt (AK) + (S) → AK wys weja dod weak (L) → A wyl wea Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The instruction DOD czyt = (F1+F3)∙DOD wys = (F1+F3)∙DOD wei = f1∙DOD il = f1∙DOD wyad = F2∙DOD wea = (f2+f3)∙DOD weja = F3∙DOD dod = F3∙DOD weak = f3∙DOD wyl = F3∙DOD Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The instruction ODE (AK) - ((AD)) → AK ((A)) → S czyt (S) → I wys wei (L) + 1 → L il (AD) → A wyad wea ((A)) → S czyt (AK) - (S) → AK wys weja odeweak (L) → A wyl wea Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The instruction ODE czyt = (F1+F3)∙ODE wys = (F1+F3)∙ODE wei = f1∙ODE il = f1∙ODE wyad = F2∙ODE wea = (f2+f3)∙ODE weja = F3∙ODE ode = F3∙ODE weak = f3∙ODE wyl = F3∙ODE Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The instruction POB ((AD)) → AK ((A)) → S czyt (S) → I wys wei (L) + 1 → L il (AD) → A wyad wea ((A)) → S czyt (S) → AK wys weja przepweak (L) → A wyl wea Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The instruction POB czyt = (F1+F3)∙POB wys = (F1+F3)∙POB wei = f1∙POB il = f1∙POB wyad = F2∙POB wea = (f2+f3)∙POB weja = F3∙POB przep = F3∙POB weak = f3∙POB wyl = F3∙POB Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The instruction LAD (AK) → (AD) ((A)) → S czyt (S) → I wys wei (L) + 1 → L il (AD) → A wyad wea (AK) → S wyak wes (S) → (A) pisz (L) → A wyl wea Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The instruction LAD czyt = F1∙ŁAD wys = F1∙ŁAD wei = f1∙ŁAD il = f1∙ŁAD wyad = F2∙ŁAD wea = (f2+f3)∙ŁAD wyak = F2∙ŁAD wes = F3∙ŁAD pisz = f3∙ŁAD wyl = F3∙ŁAD Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The instruction SOB – jump to the address (AD) → L ((A)) → S czyt (S) → I wys wei (L) + 1 → L il (AD) → A wyad wea (AD) → L wyad wel Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The instruction SOB – jump to the address czyt = F1∙SOB wys = F1∙SOB wei = f1∙SOB il = f1∙SOB wyad = F2∙SOB wea = f2∙SOB wel = f2∙SOB Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
The instruction SOM – jump to the address only if value in accumulator is negative (L) + 1 → L ((A)) → S czyt (S) → I wys wei (L) + 1 → L il If z=0 (L) → A wyl wea Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W ((A)) → S czyt (S) → I wys wei (L) + 1 → L il If z=1 (AD) → L wyad wel (AD) → A wyad wea
The instruction SOM – jump to the address only if value in accumulator is negative czyt = F1∙SOM∙Z wys = F1∙SOM∙Z wei = f1∙SOB+SOM∙Z il = f1∙SOM∙Z wyl = F2∙SOM∙Z wea = f2∙SOM∙Z If z=0 Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
Jump inside instruction: ..... z @0;jump to @0 if AK < 0 .... @0; .... Instruction is executed from beginning to end, with optional jump, and optional sign of exclamation mark '!' ,which stopped execution of instruction ..... The opposite condition, with the word ‘nie’: nie z @0; jump to @0 ifAK >= 0 .... @0; .... Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
L wel wyl wea wyad Bus A I Memory wes Bus S wei wys weak weja ALU Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
L wel wyl wea wyad Bus A I Memory wes Bus S wei Data Processing Path wys weak weja ALU Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
L wel wyl wea wyad Bus A I Memory wes Bus S wei wys Instruction Processing Path weak weja ALU Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
L wel wyl wea wyad Bus A I Memory wes Bus S wei Data Processing Path wys Instruction Processing Path weak weja ALU Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W
W ABS |((Ad))|->AK PGM if (Ak)<((Ad)) then (L)+2 ->L else (L)+1->L MIN min( (Ak),((Ad)) )->Ak SNZ if (Ak) <>0 to (Ad)->L else (L)+1->L W+ DDP (Ak)+(((Ad)))->Ak ZAM ((Ad))<->((L)+1) DIS (Ak)-1->Ak and next: if (Ak)<0 then (Ad)->L else (L)+1->L SAW (L)+(Ad)->L Theory of Computer Science - Instruction set for machine W