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Kenya National Drug Policy Implementation Programme. (KNDIP). Before KNDIP. The MOH was already working with: Health Sector Support Programme (DANIDA) in strengthening the Medical Supplies Co-ordination Unit (MSCU) and drug procurement,
Before KNDIP The MOH was already working with: • Health Sector Support Programme (DANIDA) in strengthening the Medical Supplies Co-ordination Unit (MSCU) and drug procurement, • Financing and Sustainability Project, which assisted in cost sharing and supply (APHIA, MSH/USAID) and GTZ support to the National Drug Quality Control Laboratory for quality control of drugs
KNDIP • Formulated between 1991-93 through a series of national consensus building workshops. • All stakeholders, including the public, private and non-governmental sectors, were represented in these discussions. • The Drug Action Programme (DAP) of WHO provided both technical as well as financial assistance to this process in general, and the formulation of the implementation plan (POO) in particular.
The design: • Endorsement of the NDP at the Cabinet level took place 1994, and this facilitated the development of the POO in 1995. • In July 1995, the Netherlands Government agreed to fund the implementation of specific components of the NDP to be implemented through WHO/DAP, for a total of US$ 2,636,000 over a period of five years. • The implementation of the NDP activities was to be undertaken as part of the overall health sector reforms in the MOH. • Actual implementation work commenced the second half of 1996.
The Goal: • The goal of the Kenya National Drug Policy (KNDP): to ensure the constant availability of safe, efficacious, high quality and cost-effective pharmaceutical products for the purposes of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the Kenyan population.
The Objectives: • ensure constant availability of safe and effective drugs to all segments of the population; • provide drugs through the different sectors at affordable prices; • facilitate rational use of drugs through sound prescribing, dispensing, and usage; • ensure that the quality of drugs manufactured in Kenya and those imported into Kenya meet internationally accepted quality standards; • encourage self sufficiency through local manufacture of drugs for consumption and export; • ensure that the provision of drugs for veterinary services is consistent with the KNDP
Constraints faced: • Long delays in recruitment of staff • Monitoring and evaluation of the Programme was not been routinely undertaken although a technical working group had been established. • Programme management had not been optimal and needed to be strengthened in order to enable the programme to fulfil its co-ordinating role • The rather loose management organisation structure - lack of: contractual arrangements (with MOH) and managerial procedures
Project Assessment: • NPTC operationalised and KEDL and Clinical Guidelines reviewed, and updated. • Training in RDU for Nurses, Clinical Officers, Pharmaceutical Technologists updated. • KNDPIP had facilitated the process of autonomization of MSCU. • KNDPIP had facilitated (further) the process of autonomization of PPB • KNDPIP was instrumental in facilitating involvement of development partners (USAID, DANIDA, and RNE) private sector, NGOs, in planning for improving public drug supply system.