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Stage 29 Vocabulary Words. 1. ali ī… aliī some… others 2. aliquando sometimes 3. amplexus, amplexa, amplexum having embraced 4. audācia, audāciae, f., boldness, audacity 5. carmen, carminis, n., song, poem
Stage 29 Vocabulary Words 1. aliī… aliī some… others 2. aliquando sometimes 3. amplexus, amplexa, amplexum having embraced 4. audācia, audāciae, f., boldness, audacity 5. carmen, carminis, n., song, poem 6. circumveniō, circumvenīre, circumvēnī, circumventus surround 7. corōna, corōnae, f., garland, wreath 8. cursus, cursūs, m., course, flight 9. dēfessus, dēfessa, dēfessum exhausted, tired 10. dolor, dolōris, m., grief, pain
Stage 29 Vocabulary Words 11. ferrum, ferrī, n., iron, sword 12. incēdō, incēdere, incessī, incessus march, stride 13. līberī, līberōrum, m., pl., children 14. lūx, lūcis, f., light 15. mālō, mālle, māluī, ----- prefer 16. obscūrus, obscūra, obscūrum dark, gloomy 17. ōdī I hate 18. perficiō, perficere, perfēcī, perfectus finish 19. populus, populī, m., people 20. prius earlier
Stage 29 Vocabulary Words 21. quiēs, quiētis, f., rest 22. redūcō, redūcere, redūxī, reductus lead back 23. salūs, salūtis, f., safety, health 24. scelus, sceleris, n., crime 25. serviō, servīre, servīvī, servitus serve as a slave 26. sors, sortis, f., lot 27. spernō, spernere, sprēvī, sprētus despise, reject 28. undique on all sides 29. vester, vestra, vestrum your (plural) 30. vīvus, vīva, vīvum alive, living
The Present Passive The First Conjugation portor I am carried, I am being carried portāris you are carried portātur he is carried portāmur we are carried portāminī you all are carried portantur they are carried
The Present Passive The Second Conjugation doceor I am taught, I am being taught docēris you are taught docētur he is taught docēmur we are taught docēminī you all are taught docentur they are taught
The Present Passive The Third Conjugation trahor I am dragged, I am being dragged traheris you are dragged trahitur he is dragged trahimur we are dragged trahiminī you all are dragged trahuntur they are dragged
The Present Passive The Third-iō Conjugation capior I am taken, I am being taken caperis you are taken capitur he is taken capimur we are taken capiminī you all are taken capiuntur they are taken
The Present Passive The Fourth Conjugation audior I am heard, I am being heard audīris you are heard audītur he is heard audīmur we are heard audīminī you all are heard audiuntur they are heard
The Imperfect Passive The First Conjugation portābar I was being carried portābāris you were being carried portābātur he was being carried portābāmur we were being carried portābāminī you all were being carried portābantur they were being carried
The Imperfect Passive The Second Conjugation docēbar I was being taught docēbāris you were being taught docēbātur he was being taught docēbāmur we were being taught docēbāminī you all were being taught docēbantur they were being taught
The Imperfect Passive The Third Conjugation trahēbar I was being dragged trahēbāris you were being dragged trahēbātur he was being dragged trahēbāmur we were being dragged trahēbāminī you all were being dragged trahēbantur they were being dragged
The Imperfect Passive The Third-iō Conjugation capiēbar I was being taken capiēbāris you were being taken capiēbātur he was being taken capiēbāmur we were being taken capiēbāminī you all were being taken capiēbantur they were being taken
The Imperfect Passive The Fourth Conjugation audiēbar I was being heard audiēbāris you were heard audiēbātur he was being heard audiēbāmur we were being heard audiēbāminī you all were being heard audiēbantur they were being heard
Relative Clauses of Purpose I. In Stage 29 we meet purpose clauses used with forms of the relative pronoun quī. fēmina servum mīsit quī cibum emeret.* The woman sent a slave who would buy the food. *This form of purpose clause is found chiefly after mittō and relinquō. II. Adverbial purpose clauses with ubi. locum quaerēbāmus ubi stārēmus. We were looking for a place where we might stand.
nox nox erat. lūna stēllaeque in caelō serēnō fulgēbant. tempus erat quō hominēs quiēscere solent. Rōmae tamen nūlla erat quiēs, nūllum silentium. magnīs in domibus, ubi dīvitēs habitābant, cēnae splendidae cōnsūmēbantur. cibus sūmptuōsus ā servīs offerēbātur; vīnum optimum ab ancillīs fundēbātur; carmina ā citharoedīs perītissimīs cantābantur. in altīs autem īnsulīs, nūllae cēnae splendidae cōnsūmēbantur, nūllī citharoedī audiēbantur. ībi pauperēs, famē paene cōnfectī, vītam miserrimam agēbant. aliī ad patrōnōs epistulās scrībēbant ut auxilium eōrum peterent, aliī scelera ac fūrta committere parābant. prope forum magnus strepitus audiēbātur. nam arcus magnificus in Viā Sacrā exstruēbātur. ingēns polyspaston arcuī imminēbat. fabrī, quī arcum exstruēbant, dīligentissimē labōrābant. *lines 1-14 page 153
nox continued… aliī figūrās in arcū sculpēbant; aliī titulum in fronte arcūs īnscribēbant; aliī marmor ad summum arcum tollēbant. omnēs strēnuē labōrābant ut arcum ante lūcem perficerent. nam Imperātor Domitiānus hunc arcum frātrī Titō postrīdiē dēdicāre volēbat. Titum vīvum ōderat; mortuum tamen eum honōrāre cupiēbat. Domitiānus enim favōrem populī Rōmānī, quī Titum maximē dīlēxerat, nunc sibi conciliāre volēbat. praeerat huic operī Quīntus Haterius Latrōniānus, redēmptor nōtissimus. eā nocte ipse fabrōs furēns incitābat. aderat quoque Gāius Salvius Līberālis, Hateriī patrōnus, quī eum invicem flāgitābat ut opus ante lūcem perficeret. anxius enim erat Salvius quod Imperātōrī persuāserat ut Haterium operī praeficeret. ille igitur fabrīs, quamquam omnīnō dēfessī erant, identidem imperāvit nē labōre dēsisterent. Glitus, magister fabrōrum, Haterium lēnīre temptābat. lines 15-29, page 154
nox continued… “ecce, domine!” inquit. “fabrī iam arcum paene perfēcērunt. ultimae litterae titulī nunc īnscrībuntur; ultimae figūrae scupuntur; ultimae marmoris massae ad summum arcum tolluntur.” paulō ante hōram prīmam, fabrī arcum tandem perfēcērunt; abiērunt omnēs ut quiēscerent. paulīsper urbs silēbat. ūnus faber tamen, domum per forum rediēns, subitō trīstēs fēminārum duārum clāmōrēs audīvit. duae enim captīvae, magnō dolōre affectae, in carcere cantābant: “mī Deus! mī Deus! respice mē! quārē mē dēseruistī?” lines 30-39, page 154