Review of the HELCOM process for development of the new Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP)p - work started in March 2006- BSAP will be adopted by Baltic Min of Env on 14-15 Nov 2007, Krakow, Poland- high ambitions so far (clear goals, actions, time-tables, financing) - creating a new env strategy for Baltic Sea - final Stakeholder conf, 6 March 2007- meeting with Baltic Min of Agriculture & Environment, 19-20 April 2007, Stockholm
Key issues of the BSAP plan* Eutrophication-Nutrient quota system per sub-basin and country- Nutrient quota tradig system (NEFCO study)* Hazardous substances* Maritime activities* Biodiversity & Nature conservation
CCB concerns on BSAP- Eutrophication and Agri – Denmark and Poland resistance- National nutrient quota system (Poland – nutrient quota per capita)- Nutrient trading system (compare Cheasapeak Bay, US)
CCB contribution to BSAP – so far- Highlighted future CAP-subsidies, Ind farms, small- and medium-sized municipalities & ban on P in detergents- Proposals – Baltic Salmon management- Proposals – Baltic harbour porpoises management- Haz subst – remove dioxins via fish-waste- Maritime – shipping & alien species