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“LIBERTÉ, ÉGALITÉ, FRATERNITÉ”. THE SHIFTS AND TURNS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION 1789 – 1795 . The English Civil War (1642-49) led to greater democracy…. HOW DID EVENTS ABROAD INFLUENCE THE OUTBREAK OF REVOLUTION IN FRANCE IN 1789?. What caused the English Civil War? .

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  2. The English Civil War (1642-49) led to greater democracy… HOW DID EVENTS ABROAD INFLUENCE THE OUTBREAK OF REVOLUTION IN FRANCE IN 1789?

  3. What caused the English Civil War? History of limits on the King’s power: Magna Carta (1215) Parliament (1295)

  4. What other factors led to civil war in England in 1642? Religious Conflict between Catholics and Protestants Disagreements over the power of the King James I (1603 – 1625) Charles I (1625 – 1649) Petition of Right (1628) Civil War (1642 – 49) Cavaliers v Roundheads Oliver Cromwell (1649 – 58) Charles II (1659 – 85) Restoration Habeas Corpus (1679) James II (1685 – 1688) The Glorious Revolution (1688) William and Mary James I Charles I Charles II Oliver Cromwell

  5. The English Civil War finally ended… The English Civil War resulted in the Glorious Revolution. William and Mary took the throne of England after agreeing to sign the English Bill of Rights in 1689. The English Bill of Rights guaranteed basic rights to the people of England, and established Parliament, as a legislature. How would passing the English Bill of Rights in 1689 help to pave the way for Revolution in France 100 years later? English Bill of Rights William & Mary

  6. The English Bill of Rights … • Declared that a ruler could not: • Suspend the laws of Parliament • Levy (impose) taxes without the consent of Parliament • Interfere with freedom of speech in Parliament • Penalize a citizen for complaining about the King • The Bill also led to the creation of a Cabinet (today headed by the Prime Minister)

  7. The American Revolution also inspired the French to revolt in 1789… • Parliament’s passed the Navigation Acts in the 1660s. • After the French and Indian War (1763), Britain toughened its enforcement of these laws >> angered the colonists • 1765 >> Stamp Act >> tax to the Crown • Boycott >> repeal of the Stamp Act (1766) • 1773 – Boston Tea Party • 1774 – First Continental Congress protested the closing of Boston Harbor • Second Continental Congress • 1775 – Lexington / Concord • July 1776 – Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson • 1781 – Victory!! • 1787 – US Constitution / Bill of Rights

  8. So, how did the English Civil War and the American Revolution pave the way for Revolution in France in 1789? • Answer this question in your notebook.

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