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Anthem Rhetorical Devices Project

Anthem Rhetorical Devices Project. By: Alyssa Molina. Similes. "We blew out the candle. Darkness swallowed us. There was nothing left around us, save night and a thin thread of flame in it, as a crack in the wall of a prison" (64). They are comparing the darkness to a prison. Genre.

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Anthem Rhetorical Devices Project

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  1. Anthem Rhetorical Devices Project By: Alyssa Molina

  2. Similes "We blew out the candle. Darkness swallowed us. There was nothing left around us, save night and a thin thread of flame in it, as a crack in the wall of a prison" (64). They are comparing the darkness to a prison

  3. Genre • Romantic – “ we looked into each other’s eyes and we knew that the breath of a miracle had touched us, and fled, and left us groping vainly” (87). • Science Fiction -“ Our names is Equality 7-2521, as it is written on the iron bracelet which all men wear on their left wrists with their names on it “ (18). He falls in love with the golden one. And it is science fiction I think because of how they are named and it is timed in the future.

  4. Tone • records his thoughts and actions in a straightforward speak, with no trace of irony • “ We are six feet tall, and this is a burden, for there are not many mean who are six feet tall . Ever have the teachers and the leaders pointed to us frowned and said : “ there is evil in your bones, Equality 7-2521, for your body id beyond the body of your brothers””(18). The tone of the book and they way he talked was very straight forward

  5. Imagery • “ It is dark here in the forest. The leaves rustle over our heads, black against the last gold of the sky, the moss is soft and warm” (68). Leaving to to imagine how the forest will look

  6. stereotype • “All men are good and wise”(20). Saying something that might not be true

  7. Point of view • First person point of view – “ It was when I read the first of the books I found in my house that I saw the word “I””(98). Was using the word I a lot

  8. Asyndeton • “I wept ,I who had never known tears. I wept in deliverance and in pity for all mankind”(98) Leaving out the word and and using I

  9. symbolism • Anthem –”We are nothing. Mankind is all. By the grace of our brothers are we allowed our lives. We exist through, by and for our brothers what are the state. Amen.”(21) What the boys are saying represents the anthem

  10. Anaphora • “We are one…alone…and only…and we love you who are one…alone…and only”(87) repetition of the words are one, alone , and only

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