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Indefinite articles, plural of nouns

Indefinite articles, plural of nouns. Noun gender. In English, only living things have gender, non-living things are neutral, we use the word it Ex: The desk is too big, it takes too much space.

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Indefinite articles, plural of nouns

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  1. Indefinite articles, plural of nouns

  2. Noun gender • In English, only living things have gender, non-living things are neutral, we use the word it Ex: The desk is too big, it takes too much space. • However, in French (and Spanish and Italian) nouns have gender, they are masculine or feminine, and you have to memorize the gender of the noun Ex: une chaise= fem. Un bureau= masc. So: Le bureau est trop grand, ilprend trop de place.

  3. Can you find a rule or pattern for word gender? Un poster une chaise Un garçonunefille Un bureau uneporte Un ordinateurunefenêtre Un livreunetélévision Un lecteurune carte Un tableau une table Un DVD Un CD

  4. Gender cont. Some rules about gender (BUT THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS) • Nouns ending in –ence, -ion, -ie, -ure, -té tend to be feminine. Ex. Unedifférence, uneréaction, unelibrarie, une lecture, uneuniversité • Nouns ending in –eau, -isme, -ment tend to be masc. Ex. Un bureau, un prisme, un monument REMEMBER, THESE ARE ONLY GUIDELINES, THERE ARE MANY EXCEPTIONS

  5. Articles and gender • This means that the articles in front of the noun (un, une, des, le, la, les) have to agree with the gender • Indefinite articles= mean a or an (not specific) • Two words that mean a, an= un, une un= masc. Une= fem. Ex. Un bureau unefenêtre

  6. To make Plurals • In English, you would add an s to the end of the noun. Ex. There are windows in the classroom. There’s no article in front of windows • In French you have to have an article. For plural nouns, either masc. or fem. you use des in front. It’s like “some” in English. Ex. Il y a desfenêtres.

  7. Plurals • For most nouns in French, you add an –s to the end and change the article to des to make it plural Some noun plurals are formed differently: un tableau ….des tableaux un bureau…..des bureaux Eau ending= add x

  8. Plurals • Some, such as un CD, un DVD, and un lecteur de CD/ DVD don’t add anything to the end un DVD…….des DVD Un lecteur de DVD….des lecteurs de DVD Il y a – there is, there are “Il y a un bureau dans la salle de classe” “Il y a des fenêtresdans la salle de classe.” Il n’y a pas – there isn’t, there aren’t If there isn’t any of an item, instead of des, use de “Il n’y a pas de bureau.” “Il n’y a pas defenêtres”

  9. Practice Complete the sentences with un, une, des or de • Il y a télé et ordinateur. • Il y a chaises dans la classe? • Il n’y a pas fenêtresdans la classe? • Il y a fillesmaisiln’y a pas garçons. 5. Est-cequ’il y a lecteur de DVD? 6. Il n’y a pas bureauxdans la classe. 7. Il y a élèvesmaisiln’y a pas professeur.

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