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LRP- WG3 Nuclear structure and dynamics NuPECC Liaisons : Angela Bracco, Maria Borge

LRP- WG3 Nuclear structure and dynamics NuPECC Liaisons : Angela Bracco, Maria Borge Convener : Rauno Julin Navin Alahari Thomas Aumann Yorick Blumenfeld Peter Butler Hans Fynbo Andres Gadea Wolfram Korten Adam Maj Gerda Neyens Thomas Nilsson Robert Roth Patricia Roussel-Chomaz

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LRP- WG3 Nuclear structure and dynamics NuPECC Liaisons : Angela Bracco, Maria Borge

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  1. LRP- WG3 Nuclear structure and dynamics NuPECC Liaisons: Angela Bracco, Maria Borge Convener: Rauno Julin Navin Alahari Thomas Aumann Yorick Blumenfeld Peter Butler Hans Fynbo Andres Gadea Wolfram Korten Adam Maj Gerda Neyens Thomas Nilsson Robert Roth Patricia Roussel-Chomaz Christoph Scheidenberger Andrea Vitturi Dario Vretenar

  2. Activities so far in August –September 2009 – • 7 Telephone meeting of Subgroups • → a selection of topics → text Nuclear Spectroscopy subgroup • Evolution of shell structure (Peter Butler) • Proton-Neutron Symmetric Nuclear Matter and Proton Drip-Line (Andres Gadea) • Collective properties of atomic nuclei (Wolfram Korten) • Collective modes and shapes phase transitions at high temperature (Adam Maj) • Hypernuclei (Take Saito invited) • Superheavy Elements (S. Hofmann invited + Ch. Duellmann, M. Schaedel) Nuclear Reactions and Reaction Dynamics subgroup • Halo nuclei (Patricia Chomaz) • Unbound states and nuclei (Patricia Chomaz) • Transfer reactions and shell structure (Yorick Blumenfeld) • Pairing and two-nucleon transfer reactions (Yorick Blumenfeld) • Deep inelastic transfer reactions (Navin Alahari) • Fusion of light nuclei (Navin Alahari) • Fission (Karl-Heinz Schmidt invited) • Collective excitations (Thomas Aumann) • Quasi-free scattering (Thomas Aumann) Light exotics subgroup • Linking nucleons with nuclei (Hans Fynbo, Thomas Nilsson) Ground-state properties subgroup • Masses (Cristoph Scheidenberger) • Charge and matter radii, EOS (Cristoph Scheidenberger) • Long-term future: e-scattering off radioactive nuclei (Cristoph Scheidenberger) • Charge radii (Gerda Neyens) • Nuclear moments and spins (Gerda Neyens) Isomeric beams (Gerda Neyens) Theory subgroup • Light nuclei- Ab Initio Methods (Robert Roth) • Medium-mass and heavy nuclei -Nuclear Energy Density Functionals–NEDF (Dario Vretenar) + M. Bender • Symmetries-Symmetries in Nuclei and Phase Transitions (Andrea Vitturi) • Some simple considerations on developments in reaction theories (Andrea Vitturi) • + R. Crespo

  3. Key questions WG3 Nuclear structure and dynamics • How can we describe complex nuclei in terms of the underlying fundamental interactions ? • How does the nuclear force depend on varying proton-to-neutron ratios? • What is the nature of the nuclear force that binds protons and neutrons into stable nuclei and rare isotopes? • How are complex nuclei built from their basic constituents • What is the origin of simple patterns in complex nuclei ? • Multipole response of unstable nuclei - new exotic modes of excitation • Are there new forms of structure, symmetry and collective motion at the limits of nuclear existence? • How to explain collective phenomena from individual motion? • How are nuclear properties evolving as a function of spin, temperature and isospin ? • Nuclear structure far-off stability - shell structure, symmetry of nuclear matter, collective behaviour • How does the ordering of quantum states change away from the line of stability? ??Applications??

  4. Key items WG3 • Limits of nuclear existence • Shell structure and isospin degree of freedom • Symmetries and Collectivity • Ground state properties • Dynamics of nuclear reactions • Theory development • Development of radioactive beams towards the neutron and proton drip-lines by In-flight separation and isotope separation online and post-acceleration • Development of high-intensity stable-ion beams • European/international context • Education and training • Critical size of the community

  5. WG3 Activities - plan • Review recent achievements and highlights, especially with respect to the NuPECC –Long Range Plan 2004 • Write short text on selected hot topics concentrating on medium and long term ideas as well as facilities and instruments to be needed • Conduct critical discussion on a draft in the Scoping Meeting • Compile a new draft in accord with the general layout of the FL • Collect additional ideas from European community, especially from key laboratories and the NuPECC liaisons. • Formulate recommendations and suggest an action plan for the future • Give a draft to NuPECC for comments by 15 January • Distribute a new draft to the community for comments and organise a worshop in ?? • Present the FL of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (WG3) in the Town Meeting • Revise the FL for NuPECC

  6. LRP WG3 Content • Introduction • Limits of nuclear existence • Shell Structure and Isospin Degree of Freedom • Symmetries and Collectivity • Ground state properties • Reactions and dynamics • Theoretical aspects • Methods, Instrumentation • Facilities • Priorities and recommendations

  7. Boxes for highlights:

  8. Comments • LRP2004 process had too much emphasis on reviewing the present status. The new one should be more in the "Forward Looks" direction • It is time to give more support to middle size facilities and projects, including theory and training → strengthen the whole NP community • We’ll need more that 1-2 facilities ! • How to advertise the innovative applications from the nuclear structure community (detectors, beam development …. )

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