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Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night!. 201 9-2020. I am so glad you are here!. On each table there are index cards. During our presentation, if you have any questions we ask that you please write them down on the index cards.
Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night! 2019-2020
I am so glad you are here! • On each table there are index cards. • During our presentation, if you have any questions we ask that you please write them down on the index cards. • Please include your name, child’s name, teacher and email address. • I will work on answering your questions through my website. • This presentation will be available on my webpages
Our Day at a Glance! 8:00- 9:40 Integrated Language Arts 9:45-10:30 Lamps (Schedule in binder) 10:30-11:30 Intervention 11:44-12:09 Lunch (Join us after 9/2)12:10-12:30 Recess 12:30-2:00 Math 2:00-2:45 Science/SS 2:45-3:00 Dismissal
We try to have outside recess every day. We must stay inside when temperatures exceed 95 degrees or are below 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Please be sure your child wears appropriate clothes to school.
Lunch Money • *We will collect lunch money in the morning. Please send your child’s lunch money in a ziploc bag or envelope with their name written or attached and also lunch # • *We encourage all students to bring lunch money for the week on Monday • *However, lunch money will be accepted Monday through Friday. • If you are paying for charges, please indicate it on the envelope/bag
Binders and Folders Binder will be used to keep us organized. Orange folder - Homework and Work in progress folder Yellow folder - Comes home every Tuesday. Please sign and return.
Attendance *School starts at 8:00 A.M. Tardiness interrupts our classroom. Please be on time. *Attendance every day is important! *If you are absent you miss out on important instruction. *If you are absent please send in a note to excuse your absence. **All graded assignments must be completed in class.
Excuse Notes • Absence excused notes • must be emailed directly to • the Attendance Secretary • You can send two separate messages: • one to Mrs. Lott • for the absence and one to the • classroom teacher • requesting missed assignments.
Math • Place Value • Measurements • Addition/subtraction • Multiplication/Division • Time • Fractions • Beginning Algebra • Geometry • Problem Solving
Multiplication Facts This year the students will be asked to take multiplication quizzes.It is important that students memorize their facts during the first semester.
Language Arts • Tennessee Standards: • Literature: Reading Complex Text • Writing: Writing to Text • Language • Foundational Skills • Speaking and Listening • Novel studies
Science • The Universe • Matter • Energy • Weather • Forces in Nature • Living and Nonliving things
Social Studies • Economics • Map Skills • Human Geography • Government/Civics • History
Navigating School and Teacher Websites http://ees.bartlettschools.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=435274&type=u Parent Portal Online Curriculum Guides http://bartlettschools.weebly.com/elementary-curriculum-resources.html
Bear Clubs/Intervention • Time in the day that provides intervention for Reading and Math • All 3rd graders will work with all 3rd grade teachers along with Ms. Maharrey and Mr. Parrish • Students can move between teachers and tiers throughout the year.
L.A.M.P.S Teachers Mrs. First - Library Mrs. Galbraith- Art Ms. Robinson- Music Mr. McKinney- P.E
Homework *Primary goal is to develop responsibility and accountability *Secondary goal is to provide extra practice on skills taught in class *Bonus goal is that parents can get a nightly glimpse of what is happening in class *May be assigned every school night except Friday. *Homework is checked for understanding and not accuracy.
Communication Binder Graded Paper Folder Email Phone Calls Teacher Webpages Power School SeeSaw coming soon!
Honor Roll Criteria SPIKE’s Radiant Bears: made Radiant Bears Honor Roll (All A’s; NO N or U) SPIKE’s Sparkling Bears: made Sparkling Bears Honor Roll (3 A’s and 1 B; NO N or U) SPIKE’s Splendid Citizen Bear: had E’s in conduct in all subjects (including LAMPS)
Grading Scale • A 90-100 • B 80-89 • C 70-79 • D 65-69 • F Below 65
If you haven’t already, please remember to join the PTO. Ellendale has a wonderful PTO that sponsors many great activities throughout the year.
Expectations for ALL 3rd Graders • *Follow class/school rules • *Become more independent • *Participation in class activities • Maintenance of a DAILY Agenda Book • *Make-up of missed assignments • *Work is neat and organized • *Work is original and complete
Third Grade’s Secret • Recipe for Learning • Just Add: • A smidge of curiosity • A pinch of knowledge • A dash of enthusiasm • A cup of cooperation • A heap of understanding • You will need: • Students • Teachers • Parents • Principals • Teachers Assistants • Superintendents • Custodians • Secretaries • **Sprinklewitha bushelof love. • Seasonwithhumorandletsimmerfor180days!!**
Topics or concerns addressed through the School Counseling programs include: • Academics/Grades • Goal-Setting • Bullying • Behavior • Attendance • Loss/Grief • Family Changes • Peer Conflict • Study Skills • Emotions • Friendship • Attention Span • Self-Esteem • Health Impairment Contact Mrs. Rees: (901) 373-2636 Ext. 3703 srees@bartlettschools.org
Music – Ms. Robinson • What happens in the music room? • I In each class period, students will engage in any combination of singing, • playing instruments, moving expressively, creating, reading music, and learning • about important musicians. • Do I need to provide anything for my child? • No. All the instruments and other materials we will be using I have • in the music room.
Library- Mrs. First • The goal is for students to appreciate literature and become lifelong readers. • Things to Know • Weekly Checkout: Students in grades K-1 check out one book per week. Kindergarten will begin checking out the 2nd nine week period. Students in grades 2-5 check out two books per week. Mrs. Mashour’s class will go to the library 2 times each week – Tuesday and Thursday. • Open Checkout: Monday through Friday from 7:45-8:00...all students can return and check out books during this time. • Due Date: Books are to be returned in one week. • Library Programs: Enchanted Forest Book Fair; Dr. Seuss Celebration; Annual Book Swap; and more. • Webpage: Visit the library’s webpage for additional information. • Email Questions or Concerns:sfirst@bartlettschools.org
Physical Education(PE) – Mr. Marlin McKinney The 2019-2020 school year is upon us, and we have all sorts of fun activities planned. The goal of physical education is to encourage students to develop a fondness for physical activity and to help them understand that exercise is a critical part of a healthy lifestyle. At Ellendale, we teach/develop a wide variety of skills, activities, games, individual sports, and team sports. We also make an effort to integrate other subject areas, such as math, social studies, science, and language arts into our P.E. lessons. Students must wear tennis shoes to participate in P.E. class. If your child is ill or has an injury, please send a brief excuse note and I will find an alternate assignment for them. I look forward to a great year! PE Goals 1) Wear Tennis Shoes 2) Enter and Exit Quietly 3) Whistle Means freeze 4) Respect Others 5) Have Fun and Get Fit Email: mmckinney@bartlettschools.org
Visual Art- Mrs. Amanda Galbraith • What do students do in Art class? Students will not only get to work with art materials and processes such as drawing, painting, building, and discussing art, but they will also learn strategies for envisioning, working through challenges, and reflecting on their work. • How often will students bring home artwork? Students only get to come to art once per week for 45 minutes. It takes about 3 hours to complete most of the projects we do from start to finish. Therefore, we complete about one project per month. After projects are completed, I will display them in the hall or sometimes keep them for community art shows before they come home.
How are grades assigned in Art class? Students receive a conduct grade and an academic grade on an EGSNU scale. S represents satisfying the expectations for their grade level, G represents working through the entire process of envisioning, creating, and reflecting with minimal prompting, and E represents working at an advanced level. N and U represent that improvement is needed to meet expectations. • What should students wear to Art Class? Students should wear clothes that can handle studio-quality art materials because not everything we use will wash out easily. • Where can I find more information? Contact Mrs. Galbraith though her Ellendale webpage: http://ees.bartlettschools.org
English as a Second Language (ESL) -Mrs. Lucy Chapman As an ESL teacher, I work with students in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing to improve their English language skills. These students speak another language at home or have English as their second language. They are tested to see if they qualify for ESL. Once in the program, an ESL student takes the WIDA test at the end of the year that measures their progress. They transition from the program when they meet the exiting criteria on the test.
RTI Teacher--Elise Maharrey What is RTI? - RTI is a multi-tiered system that uses testing data to identify specific student needs and match appropriate instructional strategies. Benchmark Assessments - Three times a year, each Ellendale Elementary student is given the AIMSweb universal screening assessment to determine his or her reading and math abilities. Based on the scores he or she will be placed into a Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 intervention group. Intervention groups - Each grade level has a daily 1-hour block to work on targeted interventions with each student. If you have any additional questions, you may contact me by email: emaharrey@bartlettschools.org
School Counselor- Mrs. Sharon Rees I provide: • Individual Counseling • Group Counseling • Classroom Guidance Lessons • 504 Case Management • Behavior Plan Coordination • Parent and Teacher Workshops • Parent and Teacher Resources • School- Wide Programs • Parent Conferences