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Research Methods Using a Structured Model

Research Methods Using a Structured Model. Jon Simon, HUBS ( j.b.simon@hull.ac.uk ) BMAF Subject Centre and University of Hull Small Teaching/Research Grant. What does the Model do?. Helps students: Develop their own research proposal Structure their own research project

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Research Methods Using a Structured Model

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  1. Research Methods Using a Structured Model • Jon Simon, HUBS (j.b.simon@hull.ac.uk) • BMAF Subject Centre and University of Hull Small Teaching/Research Grant

  2. What does the Model do? Helps students: • Develop their own research proposal • Structure their own research project • Summarise empirical research papers/projects • Critically review empirical research papers/projects Helps educators: • Structure a research methods module • Structure an e-Bridge research methods site

  3. Based on Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory Concrete Experience Active Experimentation Reflective Observation Abstract Conceptualization

  4. Why Use Kolb’s Model? • Covered in study skills modules. • One of the best known learning theories in management education. • Based on a series of respected psychological theories/models including Dewey’s pragmatism, Lewin’s social psychology, Piaget’s cognitive-development, Rogers’s client-centred therapy, Maslow’s humanism (Kolb, 1984, p. 15) • Central role of experience. • Effective learning (and research) involves all 4 stages.

  5. Using Gowin’s Vee To Develop Kolb’s Learning Cycle into a Research Methods Model • Any one heard of Gowin’s Vee? • Model for conducting research in the natural sciences. • Consists of a series of components that fit well around Kolb’s Learning Cycle. • Called the Kolb/Gowin Research Methods Model • Assumption = each of Kolb’s 4 stages required in a research project. • See Handout for Model

  6. What is the Kolb/Gowin Model? Objects/Events: What aspects of the business world does the research study investigate? What, Who, Where, When, How Many Concrete Experience

  7. What is the Kolb/Gowin Model? Purpose: What is the purpose of the research? Focus Questions: What are the big questions the research seeks to answer? Reflective Observation Worldview: How might the researchers’ background & belief influence/bias the investigation?

  8. What is the Kolb/Gowin Model? Abstract Conceptualization Theories: What theories are guiding the investigation? Categorises / Constructs: How do experts link / categories these key concepts? Concepts: What are the key concepts experts use when talking about the topic?

  9. What is the Kolb/Gowin Model? Value Claims: What are the limitations, recommendations and implementation issues arising from the results? Results: What are the results of the research? Active Experimentation Data Analysis: How is data analysed? Data Collection: How is data collected? Assumptions: Upon what research philosophies and approaches does the data collection/analysis rest? Hypotheses / Principles: What principles / hypotheses are guiding data collections?

  10. What is the Kolb/Gowin Model? • Word template with text boxes • Three examples of its use: • Student research proposal. • Summarise empirical research paper. • Critically review a research paper.

  11. Who has the Model been used with? • Second year HUBS undergraduate research methods module – assessment is a student research proposal & presentation. • MBA research methods module – assessment is a student research proposal. Model to be used as an entrance to an e-Bridge blended learning site. • PhD student – preparation for Viva.

  12. Assessing Quality/Validity of Students Proposals • Kolb’s Theory of Learning Development • Not so widely known • Three levels: Acquisition Level = Basic knowledge of component. Specialization Level = Component contains appropriate details concerning the project Integration Level = Do all the components fit to tell a clear consistent story. • Validity

  13. Do students like the Model? Quantitative & Qualitative Evaluation Second year undergraduate accounting and finance (103), business (38), economics (13), marketing (27), logistics (6) and management (18) students on a research methods module: Age: Under 22 78.9% 22-24 16.3% Over 24 4.8% Gender: Male 63.5% Female 36.5% Home Country: UK 59.3% Other European 5.9% China /SE Asia 28.9% Other 5.9%

  14. Do students like the Model? Qualitative Evaluation

  15. Do students like the Model? Qualitative Evaluation

  16. Further Developments • Diagnostic questionnaire to identify issues students may find problematic in preparing research projects/proposals, based on Kolb’s Learning Styles Inventory. • Sister Model developed to help students prepare a Critical Thinking piece of work e.g. Cases and argument-based essays. Based on Richard Paul’s critical thinking components. • Being used as the structure for an e-Bridge MBA research methods module.

  17. Conclusions • Model helps business school students: • Develop research projects & proposals and • Understand and be critical of research studies. • All on one side of A4! • Helps educators efficiently review students research proposals as highlights misunderstandings and can see quickly the strengths and weaknesses. • Stresses importance of the logical interconnection between these issues (i.e. Validity). • Facilitates discussion of philosophical issues (induction/deduction, empiricism, rationalism, ...) • Students generally liked the Model. • Business school educators generally like the Model.

  18. Kolb/Gowin Research Methods Model Could you use the Model in your subject? Thanks for listening (if you were listening) Any questions?

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