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Det handler om meget mere end fri hash. ”Det handler om en helt bestemt måde at tænke og se på det enkelte menneske”. Lidt om rød og blå stue. Underkastelse. socialdemokratisme Stats-konservatisme. Praktiseret socialisme. B. C. Kollektiv ejendomsret.
Det handler om meget mere end fri hash ”Det handler om en helt bestemt måde at tænke og se på det enkelte menneske”
Lidt om rød og blå stue Underkastelse socialdemokratisme Stats-konservatisme Praktiseret socialisme B C Kollektiv ejendomsret Individuel ejendomsret A D Social-liberalisme konservatisme liberalisme Utopisk socialisme Frihed
”iftheremust beviolations of someminorrights and inconsiderablerightsinterests, noaccountshouldbeforgotten in the joy of the accomplishedobject” Brev fra Gerrit Smith til Mill 1869 ”Forbrydelser indebærer en krænkelse af menneskets frihed, helbred og ejendomsret. Konsekvenserne af vold, narkotika og kriminalitet indskrænker menneskers magt over deres eget liv. Kriminalitet kan derfor aldrig tolereres og der skal være nultolerance mod ikke-medicinsk brug af narkotika.” Moderaternes parti program 2008 “Next to intemperance in the enjoyment of intoxicating liquors, one of the principal faults of english working-men is sexual licence. But this, too, follows with relentless logic, with inevitable necessity out of the position of a class left to itself, with no means of making fitting use of its freedom. The bourgeoisie has left the working-class only these two pleasures, while imposing upon it a multitude of labours and hardships, and the consequence is that the working-men, in order to get something from life, concentrate their whole energy upon these two enjoyments, carry them to excess, surrender to them in the most unbridled manner. ”The conditions of the workingclass” Engels 1844
”En tyran som enkelt menneske er da så ophøjet, én så fjern at man for ham kan få lov til at leve privat som man vil. Det kan i al evighed ikke falde en kejser ind at bryde sig om mig, hvordan jeg lever, hvad tid jeg står op, hvad jeg læser osv. - ordentligvis ved han slet ikke af, at jeg er til. Men i en folkeregering er jo »ligemanden« det herskende. Ham beskæftiger sligt, om mit skæg er som hans, om jeg tager i Dyrehaven på samme tider som han, om jeg er ganske som ham og de andre." dagbogsnotat, Søren Kirkegaard 1844 ”efter min mening er det eneste, der principielt kan retfærdiggøre, at ét menneske (eller en gruppe mennesker) begrænser et andet menneskes handlefrihed, nødvendigheden af at forsvare egne interesser. Det eneste, der principielt kan retfærdiggøre magtudøvelse fra samfundets side over for borgerne i et civiliseret land, er derfor hensigten om at beskytte andre borgeres interesser. Det er ikke nok at påstå, at det fysisk eller psykisk er til det pågældende menneskes eget bedste” ”Om friheden” John Stuart Mill 1859 “On ethical grounds, do we have the right to use the machinery of government to prevent an individual from becoming an alcoholic or a drug addict? For children, almost everyone would answer at least a qualified yes. But for responsible adults, I, for one, would answer no. Reason with the potential addict, yes. Tell him the consequences, yes. Pray for and with him, yes. But I believe that we have no right to use force, directly or indirectly, to prevent a fellow man from committing suicide, let alone from drinking alcohol or taking drugs.” Milton Friedman 1972
”Why should not what is valid for these poisons [alkohol, morfinogkokain] be valid also for nicotine, caffein, and the like? Why should not the state generally prescribe which foods may be indulged in and which must be avoided because they are injurious? In sports too, many people are prone to carry their indulgence further than their strength will allow. Why should not the state interfere here as well? Few men know how to be temperate in their sexual life, and it seems especially difficult for aging persons to understand that they should cease entirely to indulge in such pleasures or, at least, do so in moderation. Should not the state intervene here too? More harmful still than all these pleasures, many will say, is the reading of evil literature. Should a press pandering to the lowest instincts of man be allowed to corrupt the soul? Should not the exhibition of pornographic pictures, of obscene plays, in short, of all allurements to immorality, be prohibited?” “Liberalismus” Ludwig von Mises (1927)
Hvorfor er vi til? Kilde: Risikofaktorer og folkesundhed i Danmark, Statens Institut for Folkesundhed 2006
"It relaxes you, makes you forget all the bad things that happen to a Negro. It makes you feel wanted, and when you're with another tea smoker, it makes you feel a special kinship.“ Louis Armstrong "What do peopleget out of using drugs? I don't know... but there is all the difference in the world between deciding that you don't want to do something and trying to force other people to live your way.“ Thomas Sowell