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“The COBECOS project in the context of the Common Fisheries Policy” Stamatis Varsamos European Commission Directorate-General Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Unit C4: Research and Scientific data management. DG MARE (Rue Joseph II 79). European Commission SG. European Council.
“The COBECOS project in the context of the Common Fisheries Policy” Stamatis Varsamos European Commission Directorate-General Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Unit C4: Research and Scientific data management
DG MARE (Rue Joseph II 79) European Commission SG European Council DG MARE in Brussels
MARE C4 • DCR • Studies in support to the DCR • FP6 (SSP: COBECOS…) & definition of WPs in FP7 DG FISH has become DG MARE (DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) 6 Directorates (A-F) 23 units
Fishing news on DG MARE website http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/index_en.htm
The present system of CFP control is based on the Control Regulation of 1993. In 1998, incorporation of the control of the fishing effort No substantial changes have been made to the control framework with the 2002 reform which introduced the use of long-term management plans and effort management as a key conservation tool (roles COM & MS, CFCA) Shortcomings of the current system: * control regime itself (CoA assessment on control, inspection and sanction system): inadequate regulatory framework and insufficient procedures. Community control system limited to quotas’ uptake & technical measures BUT neglecting other aspects of the CFP * structural: overcapacity creating incentives for non-compliance CFP and Control
The reform of the Community control system for ensuring compliance with the CFP • Towards a modernized system for inspection, monitoring, control, surveillance and enforcement of CFP rules throughout the market chain, from catch to the retailer. • Key features: Simplification, standardisation, cost-efficiency, low admin burden • Harmonised inspection procedures for all catches at all stages of the chain and higher standards would ensure uniform implementation of control policy at national level, while taking account of the diversity and specific characteristics of different fleets. • Promote a culture of compliance throughout the sector, including simplification of the regulatory framework and the introduction of harmonised deterrent sanctions. • The capacity of the Commission to intervene to ensure that the rules of the CFP are being effectively implemented and enforced by the Member States will be strengthened.
Challenges at EU level for fisheries research • Increase the knowledge base for developing EU aquaculture and address a wider range of issues through a pluridisciplinary approach • Anticipate and ensure solid scientific support to policies • Tackle the fragmentation of the RTD community and the duplication of efforts • Ensure transparency and stakeholders’ involvement in RTD programming • Stimulate articulation between regional, national and EU RTD programmes • Coordination and reinforcement of research infrastructures • Critical mass for research: attractive carrier opportunities • Reinforce international cooperation
Breakdown of EU support for fisheries & aquaculture research in FP6 COBECOS
Gaps: a consistent theory and empirically tested model to help managers set the optimal level of enforcement for a given fishery and a given mix of enforcement tools. Main objective of COBECOS: to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of control schemes for management strategies relevant for the CFP and, based on this analysis, infer the potential economic benefits from proper enforcement of the management measures. 3D approach: theory of fisheries enforcement intensive case studies and estimation of theoretical relationships, computer modelling of fisheries enforcement (based on the previous) Questions to be answered: What are the costs and benefits of increased enforcement effort in particular fisheries? If compliance alters (exogenously) in certain fisheries what are the costs and benefits? What are the impacts of increased penalties for violations of fisheries rules? How do different control schemes compare when the cost of enforcement is taken into account? Objectives of the COBECOS project
The COBECOS project in the context of the new reform of the Community Control system of the CFP • Objectives of the reform: • Develop a harmonised approach as regards to inspection and control from capture to the consumer • Develop a culture of compliance • Increase the overall cost-efficiency of the control policy Actions proposed with relevance to the COBECOS project: • Systematic risk analysis as a basis for fisheries control • Strategic programming, tactical targeting and sampling strategy • Use of modern technologies and comprehensive data validation systems • Standardised and coordinated inspection activities and procedures at sea and on land (including transport and market) • Introduction of a comprehensive traceability system • Specific control measures for multiannual plans, discards, marine protected areas and real-time closure of fisheries • Measures for the control of recreational fishing
Expectations from the COBECOS project in the context of the new reform of the Community Control system (1) • Gather enough information, (recent) data, and conduct analysis of enforcement and management costs in EU fisheries and in the selected case studies. • Perform analysis of how the different control schemes and management systems compare when costs of enforcement are taken into account in the applied cases pertaining to EU fisheries. In particular, this applied economic analysis should take into account the elements of the new Reform of the Control Policy. It is expected to obtain cost-benefit analyses based on representative indicators of cost-efficiency and cost-effectiveness for the elements of Reform of the EU Control Policy such as the introduction of new technologies, traceability, systematic and automated cross checks of data, inspection based on risk analysis, etc.
Expectations from the COBECOS project in the context of the new reform of the Community Control system (2) • A thorough analysis on key policy questions connected to enforcement and control in fisheries such as: • Expected link between the evolution of the management systems in the country and the evolution of compliance. Looking forward obtaining some profound understanding of how the different management systems interlink with enforcement costs and enforcement efficiency. • Efficiency of the system, in particular with respect to compliance as a function of the perceived probability of being apprehended and the economic dissuasive effect of sanctions and their intensity. • Expected link between the evolution of management systems and 'effective' fishing pressure (i.e. whether the move towards increased regulations will affect fishing pressure or not, and if so, by how much) • Expected link between the different enforcement systems or options and overcapacity, profitability, optimal exploitation of a stock and the resource rent • Expected effects of innovative penalty systems such as quota deductions or fishing rights reductions for the infractor
The way forward Closer interaction between the consortium and interested Commission services: DG MARE A3 M. Angel Calvo Santos M. Christian Tritten DG MARE C4 Stamatis Varsamos DG RTD E4 Jacques Fuchs
One FP beyond http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7/index_en.cfm
Other Sources (projects, literature, conferences...) e.g. REPROFISH & AQUABREEDING WORKSHOP and deliverables Be one of those that make things happen! Advisory Group Programme Committee Experts WGroups EC Political context Draft Workprogramme Technology Platform (i.e. Food For Life, FABRE, EATP) Commission services
FP 7 and new setup for fisheries and aquaculture research in the European Commission (as from 01/01/2009) DG RTD Directorate E - Biotechnologies, Agriculture, FoodDirector: Timothy Hall (acting) E.1: Horizontal aspects and coordinationHead of Unit: Line Matthiessen-Guyader E.2: BiotechnologiesHead of Unit: Alfredo Aguilar E.3: Food – Health – Well-beingHead of Unit: Antonio di Giulio E.4: Agriculture, Forests, Fisheries, AquacultureHead of Unit: Timothy Hall E.5: Administration and financeHead of Unit: Patrice Lemaitre DG MARE RTD component of unit C4 (8 persons)
Sources of Information FP7: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/home_en.html DG MARE: http://europa.eu.int/comm/fisheries/ DG RTD: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/ Contacts RTD E4: jacques.fuchs@ec.europa.eu RTD E4: christos.maravelias@ec.europa.eu MARE C4: stamatios.varsamos@ec.europa.eu