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Practical PHP. printf ("There are %d items in your basket", 3) ; If you replace the %d with %b, the value 3 would be displayed in binary (11). Using printf. Table 7-1. The printf conversion specifiers Specifier Conversion action on argument arg Example (for an arg of 123)
printf("There are %d items in your basket", 3); • If you replace the %d with %b, the value 3 would be displayed in binary (11). Using printf
Table 7-1. The printf conversion specifiers • Specifier Conversion action on argument arg Example (for an arg of 123) • % Display a % character (no arg is required) % • b Display arg as a binary integer 1111011 • c Display ASCII character for the arg { • d Display arg as a signed decimal integer 123 • e Display arg using scientific notation 1.23000e+2 • f Display arg as floating point 123.000000 • o Display arg as an octal integer 173 • s Display arg as a string 123 • u Display arg as an unsigned decimal 123 • x Display arg in lowercase hexadecimal 7b • X Display arg in uppercase hexadecimal 7B The printf conversion specifiers
You can have as many specifiers as you like in a printf function, as long as you pass a matching number of arguments, and as long as each specifier is prefaced by a % symbol. Therefore the following code is valid, and will output “My name is Simon. I’m 33 years old, which is 21 in hexadecimal”: • printf("My name is %s. I'm %d years old, which is %X in hexadecimal”, 'Simon', 33, 33); The printf conversion specifiers
Example 7-1. Precision setting • <?php • echo "<pre>"; // Enables viewing of the spaces • // Pad to 15 spaces • printf("The result is $%15f\n", 123.42 / 12); • // Pad to 15 spaces, fill with zeros • printf("The result is $%015f\n", 123.42 / 12); • // Pad to 15 spaces, 2 decimal places precision • printf("The result is $%15.2f\n", 123.42 / 12); • // Pad to 15 spaces, 2 decimal places precision, fill with zeros • printf("The result is $%015.2f\n", 123.42 / 12); • // Pad to 15 spaces, 2 decimal places precision, fill with # symbol • printf("The result is $%'#15.2f\n", 123.42 / 12); • ?> Precision Setting
The output from this example looks like this: • The result is $ 10.285000 • The result is $00000010.285000 • The result is $ 10.29 • The result is $000000000010.29 • The result is $##########10.29 Precission Setting
Example 7-2. String padding • <?php • echo "<pre>"; // Enables viewing of the spaces • $h = 'House'; • printf("[%s]\n", $h); // Standard string output • printf("[%10s]\n", $h); // Right justify with spaces • printf("[%-10s]\n", $h); // Left justify with spaces • printf("[%010s]\n", $h); // Zero padding • printf("[%'#10s]\n\n", $h); // Use the custom padding character '#' • $d = 'Doctor House'; • printf("[%10.8s]\n", $d); // Right justify, cutoff of 8 characters • printf("[%-10.6s]\n", $d); // Left justify, cutoff of 6 characters • printf("[%-'@10.6s]\n", $d); // Leftjustify, pad '@', cutoff 6 chars String Padding
[House] • [ House] • [House ] • [00000House] • [#####House] • [ Doctor H] • [Doctor ] • [Doctor@@@@] Padding Value
$hexstring: $hexstring = sprintf("%X%X%X", 65, 127, 245); • Or you may wish to store output ready to display later on: $out = sprintf("The result is: $%.2f", 123.42 / 12); echo $out; Using sprintf
echo time(); • echo time() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; • echo mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2000); • The number of the hour (0–23) • The number of the minute (0–59) • The number of seconds (0–59) • The number of the month (1–12) • The number of the day (1–31) • The year (1970–2038, or 1901–2038 with PHP 5.1.0+ on 32-bit signed systems) Date and Time Functions
MySQL is not the only (or necessarily the best) way to store all data on a web server. Sometimes it can be quicker and more convenient to directly access files on the hard disk File Handling
Example 7-4. Creating a simple text file • <?php // testfile.php • $fh = fopen("testfile.txt", 'w') or die("Failed to create file"); • $text = <<<_END • Line 1 • Line 2 • Line 3 • _END; • fwrite($fh, $text) or die("Could not write to file"); • fclose($fh); • echo "File 'testfile.txt' written successfully"; • ?> Creating a File
XHTML documents can be quickly processed by any program that can handle XML files. As more and more devices such as iPhones and BlackBerries become web-enabled XHTML Versions