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Pinuccia Contino. KEYNOTE Head of Unit DGT.S.3, European Commission Multilingualism and translation studies Directorate-General for Translation . MESSAGE:
PinucciaContino KEYNOTE Head of Unit DGT.S.3, European Commission Multilingualism and translation studies Directorate-General for Translation
MESSAGE: PinucciaContino, Head of Unit, Multilingualism and Translation Studies, Directorate-General for Translation, European Commission, for the Translator Day – celebrationhosted by the Association of Asian Translation Industry, RajamangalaUniversity of Technology, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, PhraNakhon Distinguishedguests, colleagues translators, and advocates of translation professions in Asiaand all over the world, PinucciaContino
As the head of unit responsible for multilingualism in the Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission. It is for me a greatpleasure to be able to joinyou in spirit today, during the celebration of the International Translation Day. I wish to thank Prof. ManeeratSawasdiwat for giving me thisopportunity. I wouldlike to welcome all the participants that are followingthiscelebration, beit in person or via internet, radio and satellite broadcasts. PinucciaContino
Europe and Asiaalike are multilingual and multicultural. The European Union isbuilt of 27 member states and 23 languages. The department of translation of the European Commission that I representis the largest public translation service in the world. Wehave a staff of about 2500 and translate from and into all 23 official languages of the European Union. ApartfromEuropeanlanguageswe translate from and intosomeother world languages, notablyChinese, with the biggestnumber of speakers in the world. PinucciaContino
Earlierthisyearweorganised a verysuccessful meeting betweenEuropean and Chinese translation academicsfromleadinguniversities. Wediscussedincreasedstudentmobilitybetween Europe and Asia, an evergrowingdemand for language services, the urgent need for training the trainers in translation on a global scale, and the rolestatistical machine translation isgoing to play in the near future. PinucciaContino
Atthe Directorate-General for Translation wepay a verycareful attention to all the changes thatwesee happening at translation faculties of universities and in languageindustry. WemeetregularlyEuropean translator trainersthat come together for discussions within the EuropeanMaster's in Translation Network. Wedevelopknowledge on the languageindustry via ourdedicatedplatform, LIND-Web, which hosts reports, articles and statistics on this important sector of economy. Feel free to consultand contribute to it: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/translation/programmes/ languageindustry/platform/ index_en.htm PinucciaContino
Whatclearlyemergesfromourreflection and discussions withstakeholdersis a need to pen a new chapter in international relations, alsobetween Europe and Asia. Languageisat the heart of mutualunderstanding. Knowledgeis the core of today'ssocieties. And knowledge sharing cannot do without translation. I trulybelievewe have a lot to learnfrom one another for the sakeof prosperity of the translation professions. PinucciaContino
I amalsoconvincedthatour efforts can help build bridges for the world economicprosperity and even more cultural exchange between Europe and Asia. Dearcolleagues, we all share a concern for the cause of languages and translation, and todaywe are celebratingits importance. I wishyou a verysuccessful meeting and all the best for the future! PinucciaContino, Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Translation, European Commission, Deliveredfor 28 September 2012 PinucciaContino